#92 Geometric Shapes - Architectures + Furniture + Sculpture 几何摄影5张 | 月旦评

Hey there my Steemit friends! Today it’s all about geometric shapes. I love things of geometric shapes or with geometric patterns on them - architectures, furniture, clothes, gadgets, paintings… So I’m sharing 5 photos I took in different places, inspired by @daveks’ B&W Photo Contest - Geometric Shapes. Check out his page and join the fun! As required by the contest, here’s the camera and lens I used: Canon EOS Kiss X3 + Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM.

They say that 1 picture is worth 1000 words, so here we go - 5000 words already… :D Enjoy!

The Brazilian National Congress | Brasilia, Brazil


A Corner in the Music Centre | Helsinki, Finland


Sibelius Monument in the Rain | Helsinki, Finland


Lutheran Church | Reykjavik, Iceland

A Student House | Geneva, Switzerland

So let’s finish here for now. More photos of geometric shapes/patterns are coming in future. Feel free to share your comments below. Until next time!

Steemit的朋友们,大家好!我一直很喜欢风格简洁的几何形状的物体,比如建筑物、雕塑、家具等。还有衣服、用品上的几何图案也很吸引我。今天就来分享5张各地拍的几何形体。据说一张图片相当于一千个字,尤其这种原创摄影,每一张都来之不易啊~ 所以现在就请你看看图,并假装已经有五千个字了怎么样?哈哈…… 记得留言分享你的想法哦(需不需要我也说快来点赞,粉我,转发?嗯,你随意……)!下次见~ =)

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#92 Geometric Shapes - Architectures + Furniture + Sculpture 几何摄影5张 | 月旦评’

#91 DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver 🎍DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶 | 月旦评

Hey my Steemit friends, perhaps you also have house plants or flowers, and have you ever had this problem: when you are out traveling for business or leisure, who will water them if there are no other families at home? So today I’m sharing my solution with you: to make a plant saver! It’s not only solving the problem of watering plants, but also an environment-friendly way to upcycle used plastic bottles and to make use of old fabrics. So why not give it a try? Now let’s dive into the steps:



~具体步骤 ~

Step 1. Cut a big plastic bottle as in my pictures below:

👇 1. 先用小刀把洗净的大号塑料瓶(装可乐、雪碧、纯净水之类的那种大瓶,或者更大容量的桶状矿泉水瓶)割开,注意比例(如下图所示)– 上半截较短,以便倒插之后下面还有放水的空间:



Step 2. Make a short cut at each side of the lower-half bottle:

👇 2. 给下半截瓶子的两侧各剪开一道小开口,以便于稍后倒插“花盆”:


Step 3. Cram a long piece of absorbing fabric into the opening of the first-half bottle (can be your worn socks, old cotton clothes that you don’t wear anymore…):

👇 3. 在瓶口塞上吸水性好的布条,比如破袜子、破抹布、不会再穿的旧衣服之类的(又是废物利用的一个好例子哦)…… 瓶内瓶外各留一半布条,以便传递水分:



Step 4. Fill water in the lower-half bottle, and plant the flowers/plants into the first-half bottle with soil. Place the first-half bottle into the lower-half one. There you go - the self-watering plant saver is done! Pretty simple, isn’t it?

👇 4. 在下半截瓶子里装上水,把土壤和绿植栽到上半截瓶子中。这样,一个利用废弃物制作的自动给水花瓶就完成啦!是不是很简单快捷?关键是出门在外几天就不用担心家里的植物喝不到水枯死啦。



So that’s it for the plant saver DIY. What do you think of this idea? How did you get your plants watered when away from home? Feel free to share your comments below!



This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#91 DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver 🎍DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶 | 月旦评’

#90 埃塞机场惊魂记 - 旅游吐槽大会 My Misadventure in Addis Ababa Airport





刚取完钱,只见旁边货币兑换处的两位中国同胞在招呼我,我过去一看,原来他们需要把多余的埃塞俄比亚货币换成美元,但因为语言不通,无法跟窗口工作人员交流,所以我就帮忙给他们交替传译了一把。他们是从中国被劳务派遣到埃塞北部做水电工程, 现在工程结束就要回国了,所以来窗口换钱。作为感谢,他们跟我透露机场这里的二楼有家好吃的中国面馆,哈哈哈,出门在外的人总会知道什么是最暖心的。😄

接着我来到一排窗口前,左边几个是落地签证办理处,右边是已有或不需签证的人士直接盖章进关的通道。想起以前在古巴机场办落地签时,有人拿着本签证票据四处走动询问:“看一看啦瞧一瞧,25美元一张落地签证啦。” 就跟卖菜似的随便拿,一手交钱一手交签,迅速完事儿。而这次可就没这么顺利了……


我走到左边的一个落地签证窗口前,拿出事先准备好的出境机票和酒店订单,打算证明我真没有滞留在埃塞俄比亚的贼心。 可窗口年轻的制服小哥看都没看我递过去的材料,只是边拿过护照边扫了我一眼,憨笑着用带着可爱口音的英语问:“韩国人?日本人?” 我心想中国同胞遍天下,他们应该见过千万中国护照了吧,怎么还看不出封面是哪个国家?我长得就这么日韩吗?

他一边撕下一张签证纸往我护照上贴,一边问我打算呆多久。然后,他说:“签证费50美元,只接受美元现金或Visa信用卡。” 可我刚从巴西过来,身边没有美元现金,只有张Master信用卡和刚取的当地货币。我跟他展示了我的全部值钱家当,问他可不可以用这两样中的一样来支付签证费。


我处变不惊、坐怀不乱地跟制服小哥说:“那我去看看机场有没有取款机或柜台能提取或兑换美元吧?” 他耸耸肩,说好像没有,让我去试试运气。我去大厅转了一圈,确实没有任何地方可以取到或换到美元。各取款机都只出当地钞票Birr,而我前面帮忙翻译过的那个货币兑换处是有美元的,却只换给手持当地货币即将离境的乘客。

我只好转回落地签窗口说明情况,这个时候,周围已经空荡荡一片,没有别的入境乘客了。那善良的制服小哥立刻站起身说道:“跟我来, Madam。” 后来在埃塞俄比亚的日子里,我注意到当地人跟我说话时总是很有礼貌地以“Madam”开头,让我瞬间觉得自己无比尊贵和年长。因为之前在别国一般是被叫“Miss”, “Señorita”, “Memosella”的。致我那逝去的青春年华……


我跟着他走到一间简陋的小办公室请示上级,结果还是不行,铁打的规定 – 只接受美元或Visa卡。可能是飞行了十几个小时处于非常疲累的状态,我竟然没有任何担忧焦急的感觉,来不及去想不给签证不让入境的后果,只是木然地回应:“那好吧。” 倒是那位小哥连忙安慰我说:“别担心,跟我来,Madam。” 于是我又被带回落地签窗口,小哥又跟那里的大妈一阵紧锣密鼓地商谈,在我快要打起瞌睡的时候,突然将我唤醒:“跟我来,Madam。”



于是我这极度疲惫受挫的Madam就拿着证明往外走,只是走到那些过关通道的窗口前时,也并没有工作人员检查我的证明呐!我*&…%¥#@… 这一切折腾到底是为了神马? 然后去行李传送带,只见我那孤零零的行李落寞地站在一边,重逢后,我带着它一路穿过施工现场般充满脚手架的大厅(没错,又是中国的建筑公司在这里建造机场),走到外面。


然而,就在我高举着那张亮闪闪的50美元大钞,欢天喜地直奔落地签窗口之时,突然间,“轰”地一声,整个机场一片漆黑,停电了。*&…%¥#@… 此处略去一千字的暗中摸索 等啊,等啊,几十分钟黑漆漆的等待之后,终于重见光明,我也终于拿回贴上签证的护照,结束了这机场的惊魂两小时。




  • 去埃塞俄比亚办落地签切记携带Visa卡或美元现金。
  • 这个世界还是好人多,比如窗口的制服小哥。
  • 出门在外,乐于助人总没错,比如我就得到哪里有美食的珍贵情报。:D


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Friday Favourites - Photo Games 你眼中的摄影人

Truthseeking Thursday - Photo Games 一起来猜~3真3假游戏

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Colorful Caminito 多彩的文化街区

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 8.980069 lat 38.798932 long Addis Ababa Airport d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#90 埃塞机场惊魂记 - 旅游吐槽大会 My Misadventure in Addis Ababa Airport’

#89 Friday Favourites - Photo Games Season 2, Week 4, Game 4 你眼中的摄影人 | 摄影月旦评

Win points from each @Photogames Star’s post by sharing a few of your favourite things.

The rules are below - but first, a reminder that you still have until Saturday at 6PM EST to play #TruthseekingThursday and Sunday at 6pm EST to submit your ACTION photo for Thematic Tuesday to win big points towards the 110 SBD prize pool!

Show me your favourite photo of a photographer at work



Hey photo gamers, now it’s weekend, let’s play something simple! Since you are here, you might be a photography enthusiast. So have you watched fellow photographers working and taken photos of them? Be it a professional one working in a studio or outdoors, an amateur roaming on the streets looking for a photo opportunity, or just anyone who was taking a selfie or shooting his/her families with a phone?

I love documenting the “decisive moments” and telling a story with that captured scene. Below are some of my own photos of photographers for your inspiration. It doesn’t have to include the whole body of the photographer - the last two examples are more like “photo within a photo” shots.

Now it’s your turn to get creative and show me your favourite photo of a photographer at work. Share the little moment you captured with us, and tell us the story and your experience, and why you like the shot.


  1. Just attach your photo and story as a comment here.
  2. Only 1 entry per person.
  3. For this game you have 2 days to play (till Sunday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC).

My photos of photographers for your inspiration:












  • Each Photo Star will choose to award the following points for 1st through 7th places:
  • 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1
  • (Max points allowed per person for this game is 28)
  • Winners will be added to the Photo Games Leaderboard
  • The total prize pool is 110 SBD and will be awarded to the point leaders at the end of the month, as described here


Visit these blogs to play #FridayFavourites and other games this week!


The Game Plan for the final week of Season 2:

GAME 1 - Music Match Monday - ENDED


Introduction to The Photo Games, Season Two.



This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#89 Friday Favourites - Photo Games Season 2, Week 4, Game 4 你眼中的摄影人 | 摄影月旦评’

#88 Truthseeking Thursday - Photo Games Season 2, Week 4, Game 3 一起来猜~3真3假游戏 | 摄影月旦评

Win points from each @Photogames Star’s post, by correctly identifying the 3 truths and 3 lies!

The rules are below - but first, a reminder that you still have until Sunday at 6pm EST to submit your ACTION photo for Thematic Tuesday to win big points towards the 110 SBD prize pool!

Truthseeking Thursday

This is a photo I took on my trip in Africa. Can you figure out which of the following “facts” are the real ones?

Three of these statements about the photo above are true:


  1. I took this photo in Kenya, close to the Ethiopian border.
  2. I paid these girls for taking the photo.
  3. They invited me to dance with them, and I did.
  4. The focal length was 85mm.
  5. The f-stop was 4.5.
  6. This photo was removed by Instagram right after I posted it. Oh how I love Steemit…


The rules for this game are simple. Look at the list of six “facts” about our photo. Three of those facts are true and the other three are false. Your job is to separate the facts from fiction and tell us which three things are true. Write your guess in the comments below, using this format: “True: 1, 2, 3”

  1. Only one entry per person on each Photo Star’s post
  2. No editing of your guess - you have to commit!
  3. For this game you have 2 days to play (till Saturday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC).


  • The following points will be awarded to the first six successful/closest truthseekers on each Photo Star’s post:
  • 9 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1
  • (Max points allowed per person for this game is 36)
  • Winners will be added to the Photo Games Leaderboard
  • The total prize pool is 110 SBD and will be awarded to the point leaders at the end of the month, as described here


Visit these blogs to play #TruthseekingThursday and other games this week!


The Game Plan for the final week of Season 2:

GAME 1 - Music Match Monday - ENDED


Introduction to The Photo Games, Season Two.



This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#88 Truthseeking Thursday - Photo Games Season 2, Week 4, Game 3 一起来猜~3真3假游戏 | 摄影月旦评’

#87 Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识 | 齐白石杯 月旦评

~ About the Animated Film ~

Inspired by @angelina6688’s drawing contest themed “Animated Film Characters”, I painted a scene from a Chinese animated film: “Where’s Mama?” This narrated short film was produced in Shanghai in 1960. That is a period when plenty of classical animated movies were created in China. I would love to paint more of them in the coming future.

I just love these old traditional movies created from Chinese ink and wash paintings. To me, they were so beautifully done in a time without much fancy technology, and they are timeless with native Chinese aesthetics. It’s the director’s attempt to break away from Western style animation, influenced by the style of the Chinese painting master, Qi Baishi. I am by no means a master in Chinese painting, but I’m attempting to recreate the characters from the film: the little tadpoles and their frog mama.

“Where’s Mama?” is a story about a group of little tadpoles in search of their mother. After some adventures and misadventures of encountering water creatures like shrimp, gold fish, crab, turtle, catfish… they finally find their mother frog.


~ 关于《小蝌蚪找妈妈》~


其中1960年的《小蝌蚪找妈妈》是中国乃至世界第一部水墨动画片,斩获多项国际大奖,堪称动画中的精品。什么?我这是暴露年龄了吗?好吧,你也可以说因为小蝌蚪们只是一堆墨点,所以是最简单易画的角色。😄 但是,上海美术电影制片厂的大师们却利用这些墨点的游动,在短短15分钟内,出神入化地将中国山水画的韵味和栩栩如生的角色描摹相结合,带给我们充满意趣的光影艺术享受。在那个电影技术不发达的年代,这种突破西方动画制作手法,表现中国古典美学的尝试真是难能可贵啊!(这句式叫我想起小学作文结尾常用的感叹……)



What I Use: 👆

##### Oriental Brushes, Raw Rice Paper, Chinese Ink, Chinese Pigments, Palette/Saucers, Brush Washer(Water Container)
The rest 3 are optional: Paperweights, Mat, Brush Holder

So in the following content I’m going to include also the introduction of “Four Treasures of the Chinese Study”, namely brushes, ink, paper and ink stone. These are the basic necessities required in a scholar’s study in ancient China, to create a calligraphy or painting work.


~ About Brushes ~

Here I have 2 round brushes with a sharp tip (I’d like to use more but I only found these 2 varieties in a shop):

The one on the left is supposed to be made from stiff hair such as wolf or ox… The hair retains a bounce when wet and regains its sharp tip when you decrease the pressure on it, so you can vary the width of a brushstroke when writing or painting with ink.

The one on the right is supposed to be made from soft hair such as goat or rabbit… The hair becomes floppy and flexible when wet, so it’s generally used to paint great surfaces and for gradations of colours.

There is another kind of brush with mixed hairs. Its external crown is made of flexible goat/rabbit hairs, with an interior end of hard wolf/ox hairs. So it combines the quality of the two above-mentioned brushes.



~ 关于毛笔 ~



Step 1: Use the stiff-hair brush to outline the shape of a lotus.


~ Freehand Style VS Gongbi Style ~

Here I apply the freehand style, also known as ink and wash painting in China. Another type of Chinese painting is called Gongbi, literally “meticulous”, different from the freehand style that focuses on the general conception and rhythm, Gongbi usually depicts figurative or narrative subjects in highly detailed brushstrokes.

In ancient China, Gongbi is often practiced by artists who works for the royal court or in independent workshops. While the ink and wash painting was one of the “Four Arts” of the Chinese scholars and officials.

~ 写意 VS 工笔 ~

这里我用的是类似《小蝌蚪找妈妈》水墨动画中的写意画法,不求形同,只求神似😁。还有一种国画种类就是众所周知的工笔,在古代一般是宫廷画师或独立画匠赖以生存的饭碗。而水墨画则主要是古代的学者官员们“琴棋书画”这些雅兴中的一种,通俗点说就是吃饱了撑着没事干时用来画着玩玩的~ 还请原谅我看破红尘的粗鲁。


Step 2: Use the soft-hair brush to paint the lotus leaf, water and the base of plants.


~ About the Paper ~

You can see that the raw rice paper is absorptive, which is good for ink or pigments to make ranges and to show textures. This kind of Shengxuan paper is widely used for Chinese calligraphy and ink paintings. Actually I feel the paper I used is like a semi-raw one, as it’s not that absorptive and gets dry quickly.

Another type is called Shuxuan or Fanxuan paper, literally means alum paper. It is the raw absorbing paper coating with an alum solution. So it is not absorbing the ink or pigments, which is used for the precise layout of Chinese paintings, like the Gongbi type I talked about earlier.

A particular Chinese silk called Juan is also used by painters. This glossy fabric boasts a lustre for expressing textures in some Gongbi paintings, but silk deteriorates much faster than the 2 kinds of rice paper.

Rice paper is known as “long-lasting paper of a thousand years”, with a history of over 1500 years. Most of the paintings and calligraphy works from ancient China done on rice paper are still in a great condition. It is because the paper is made of straw from the rice plant(thus rice paper) and unique Qingtan tree(Wingceltis) barks (pictured below), which contribute to the resilient texture. I once visited a paper-making factory, and I was amazed by the process of creating this wonderful medium for Chinese painting and calligraphy.



photos by @itchyfeetdonica in the Rice Paper Cutural Museum and Workshop in Anhui Province, China


~ 关于宣纸和熟绢 ~


我曾去宣纸厂参观过造纸过程,宣纸主要以青檀树皮和沙田稻草为原料(见上图),檀皮决定纸的韧性和拉力,稻草决定纸的洁白度与柔软度。当地独特的水质和青檀皮使制造出来的宣纸韧性强、耐老化、少虫蛀,寿命长,被称为“千年寿纸”,造纸工艺迄今已有1500多年历史。薄、轻、软、韧、细、白的纸张有助于书画创作时达到“墨韵万变”的效果。 根据檀皮与稻草的不同配比,宣纸又可细分为棉料、净皮、特种净皮三大类,还可按大小规格、纸面纹理分类,但今天就不扯那么多了,留待下次吧。


Step 3,4,5,6…: Draw the frog, the tadpoles and the grass with the hard-hair brush. Color the lotus flower and the frog. Use the soft-hair brush to dot the soil and to add more layers to the water and plants.


~ About the Pigments & Ink Stone ~

As I was so involved in painting, I forgot to take pictures for each step. I only realized it when I almost finished the whole thing, haha… Sorry for that. When I was painting, I found the pigments contain more particles than the genuine Chinese paint. It’s more like the Western gouache paint, so I decided to draw the frog in a more “gouache” way. That’s why you don’t see the Chinese-painting style frog here which resembles a dark fluffy mud fish to me.

Chinese pigments contain more glue than Western gouache paint and watercolours, making the pigment bind better to rice paper and silk. Outside of some basic traditional pigments made from natural plants and minerals without glue, other colours are made from synthetic chemicals. For example, the 5 tubes I used are synthetic versions that already contain glue.

Traditionally, to get the ink for painting, Chinese painters use a solid ink stick to rub on a stone with water. When they control the time of rubbing, various densities of ink could be obtained. The ink stone can come with many forms and sizes, which is considered as art itself. Today, most of us just buy ink in small bottles or cans, like what you see in my photo.

~ 关于颜料 & 墨砚 ~


国画颜料主要是矿物和植物提取物制作的,除了十几种自然基础色外,其他颜色多为化学合成物。和水彩、水粉画颜料一样都可用水稀释,但国画颜料的水性胶含量大过水彩颜料, 而颗粒较水粉画颜料更细。国画颜料相比油画更柔和,不像油画颜料那么容易覆盖,适合小面积的涂染。 油画颜料则是矿物和化学合成物制作的,用的是松节油等植物提取油,不含水性胶。

关于墨汁,传统的做法自然是用墨条在砚台上磨,还记得古装戏里温柔磨墨的妃子或书童吗?还好我没生在古代…… 这事儿还真考验耐心~ 不禁暗暗感激发明瓶装墨汁的人。根据磨墨的时间和力道不同,墨自会产生深浅浓淡的差别,再加上水的调和作用,墨分五色,变幻无穷。砚台本身也是造型多样、材质各异,很多都是具有收藏价值的艺术珍品。古代文人墨客对砚十分重视,不仅常相随,死后还用来殉葬。米芾就对一方山形砚台爱不释手,苏东坡也爱称砚台为“石君”、“石友”。


~ About the 4 Basic Techniques ~

So I’ve talked about the “Four Treasures of the Chinese Study” - brushes, ink, paper and ink stone, plus the two styles of Chinese painting and differences between Chinese pigments and the western ones. Now I’d like to move on to the 4 basic brush techniques of Chinese painting: gou (outlining/contouring), cun + ca (wrinkling/texturing + rubbing), dian (dotting) and ran (coloring/dyeing). Gou is to draw lines of the basic shapes; Cun + ca is for the textures and shades of rocks, mountains, trees and plants…; Dian is to dot the moss, grass and spots on rocks; Ran is to dye the landscape to make layers. There are still so many more tips and techniques but I won’t ramble on today in this post - it’s already long enough. I’m more than happy if you have read along till here.

~ 关于基本技法 ~

刚才讲到笔墨纸砚这文房四宝和颜料(敲黑板……),现在继续简要聊聊中国画用笔的技法,虽然我这次画的并不是纯正的国画,只是对动画角色的再创造而已。根据古典法则,四个基本技法是“勾、皴、点、染”。“勾法”指用各异的线条表现不同形态和质感;“皴法”用来表现山石树木的质地、脉络、凹凸、阴阳、向背;“点法”是说点出山石上的苔藓、斑点等;“染法”指用淡墨或色彩将景物染出立体感。至于具体的步骤,限于篇幅就不再介绍,而且我这种疏于练习、随意放飞自我的业余水平就不瞎班门弄斧、贻害众生了。况且国画的气韵也不是一点技法就可以表现出来的,需要长期的观察、体验、修养和练习。感兴趣的童鞋可以跟Steemit上的@helene, @dancingapple等国画好手潜心学习~ 🙂

So that’s it for today’s content about Chinese painting. Hope you like it and my painting! Tell me what you think in the comments! Until next time. =)


All content by @itchyfeetdonica.

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