#80 Colombian Coffee Triangle's Fun Vehicle - Willys Jeep 哥伦比亚咖啡区的交通工具 -- 威利斯吉普

Hey fellow Steemians! Today I’m showing you a popular transportation tool in the Colombian coffee zone - Willys jeep!


@aaronli的城事影像活动这一周的主题是“交通”,所以今天我就来聊聊哥伦比亚咖啡产区盛行的一种交通工具。我当时从哥伦比亚的毒枭老巢 – 春城麦德林坐了近10小时大巴来到中部这块咖啡产区,一路上风景优美、青山起伏,但也是因为这山峦叠嶂,道路就没有那么平坦宽阔,尤其是当地常见的雨天(比如我在的那几天),山路很是泥泞崎岖,那么这块农业产区靠什么行驶在坎坷的山路间来运送货物和人呢?答案就是 ~

Willys parked at Salento’s main square 👆👉

第二次世界大战刚结束时,美国富余的大量军用吉普车被一股脑儿地倾销到哥伦比亚。看上去倒是个双赢的典范:美国得以摆脱这些过时的破旧吉普;而对于哥伦比亚咖啡产区的农民来说,这些吉普车却帮了大忙,一直沿用至今。这些结实耐用的吉普不仅在山路上跑,还承载着大批货物。是有多大批呢?想象一下,机智的农民们把海量咖啡豆、香蕉、大蕉、木瓜、南瓜、西瓜、锅碗瓢盆、柴米油盐、鸡鸭猫狗、家庭成员、电视机、耶稣像等等都统统装上吉普车,只有你想不到,没有他们载不了,以致于产生了个专门的量词叫’yipao’,用来指代一吉普车的货物,是不是有点意思?(如果你难以想象这一盛况,请看文章最后的几张照片…… ;D)

Willys found near a coffee plantation 👆👉


最后来张我坐着威利斯吉普车去采摘咖啡豆的路上拍下的可爱司机。不好意思各位看官,这篇的照片都是手机随拍,天气不好山路又颠簸,拍得有点烂,:p 你们就将就着看吧:

Some travellers and my lovely driver 👆👉


I took all the photos above with my phone in Salento and surrounds. And here are some pictures of the loaded Willys (“yipao”) from this page:

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques 波多黎各蚊子岛上的废弃小船

Vietnamese Street Food - Mini-Pancakes 越南街头美味的迷你煎饼

Flowers 花

Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋

10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 4.638461 lat -75.569811 long Salento, Colombia d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#80 Colombian Coffee Triangle’’s Fun Vehicle - Willys Jeep 哥伦比亚咖啡区的交通工具 – 威利斯吉普’

#79 An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques 🇵🇷 🛶 波多黎各蚊子岛上的废弃小船

What’s up fellow Steemians! Here is an abandoned boat on the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, and the zoomed out photos of the landscape. It’s my entry for @customnature’s Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest. The current week’s theme is “Water”. Later I will post more travel tips for this amazing island best known for the bioluminescent natural wonder.



zoom out 👇 远景


zoooom out 👇 更远景


It’s a pity that I just can’t find my pictures of an awesome abandoned ship at the port of Talcahuano in Chile. That’s a very cool ship. If any of you is interested, search for its images online.

Feel free to share your comments below! Until next time. =)


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Vietnamese Street Food - Mini-Pancakes 越南街头美味的迷你煎饼

Flowers 花

Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋

10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 18.142844 lat -65.461728 long Vieques, Puerto Rico d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#79 An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques 🇵🇷 🛶 波多黎各蚊子岛上的废弃小船’

#78 Vietnamese Street Food - Mini-Pancakes ~ MySmartphonePhotography 🥞🇻🇳 越南街头美味的迷你煎饼


When I just noticed the theme for this Saturday’s Smartphonephotography by @juliank, I felt so exhilarated. Yes, it is - STREET FOOD! I believe all foodies understand this enthusiastic joy. Food is a big reason I travel, and speaking of food in a nation, street food is always where the heart and soul is. Well, I might be biased as an Asian spoiled by all the fantastic street food widely available in Asia, but why don’t you give it a try? :)

I see some people’s point when they frown upon street food for the fear of food poisoning. But there are still so many hygienic choices out there. Isn’t it exciting and fun to look at the whole process when the food is prepared right in front of your eyes like magic - quick, cheap and tasty! So come try some real food with me. This time it’s about the Vietnamese Street Food - Mini-Pancakes (Bánh Căn / Bánh Khọt)! 😋


I took the 2 pictures above in Saigon(Ho Chi Minh City), and the following 3 are from a side street in Da Lat. You can see they are a bit different in the batter and toppings. This savory treat is said to be a specialty from southern Vietnam. It is made by heating batter in a griddle which looks like a cupcake or takoyaki pan, with different choices of toppings such as the ones I tried: shrimp, squid, eggs, minced pork and beef.

After the bite sized half-sphere pancake is scooped out, it’s usually served with diced up chives/green onions, fresh herbs and vegetables, and spicy or sweet sauce for dipping. The batter used can vary at different street stands, like in the first picture here, it has egg in the batter, while in the second stand, it is mostly made of rice flour. Some batter is also mixed with leftover rice, turmeric and coconut milk. Whatever mix, it just turned out to be delicious! :D

So what do you think of this little light meal from Vietnam? Tell me the street food you enjoy in the comments! =)







Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Flowers 花

Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋

10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 11.935580 lat 108.441276 long Da Lat, Vietnam d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#78 Vietnamese Street Food - Mini-Pancakes ~ MySmartphonePhotography 🥞🇻🇳 越南街头美味的迷你煎饼’

#77 Flowers 🌻 花 | 摄影月旦评

Flower Offerings at a Buddhist Temple, Sri Lanka



A Lotus Flower from China




This photo in color is to match the beautiful ancient Chinese poem that describes the colors, shape, scent and atmosphere.



Lily of the Nile in Denmark

These are my 3 entries to the B&W Photo Contest hosted by @daveks. Check out his page and join the fun! The lotus picture was taken by iphone 7, the other two by Canon Kiss X3.

So which picture is your favorite? Tell me what you think in the comments! Until next time. :D


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋

10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 6.867823 lat 81.050265 long Ella, Sri Lanka d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#77 Flowers 🌻 花 | 摄影月旦评’

#76 Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 🎨 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋


The past long weekend was the Easter Holiday in Australia and many other countries with a Christian tradition. The celebrations vary in different places. I didn’t join any fun activities this time, but only had some chocolates in a bunny shape and watched all those decorations and food in either a bunny or an egg shape in shops and supermarkets… =)

The fertile bunny is a symbol of new life. Likewise, the Easter egg represents Jesus Christ’s resurrection. It’s said that to symbolize Jesus Christ’s shed blood on the cross, some people dye the eggs red. While in some regions in China, boiled eggs are dyed red as gifts for newlyweds or newborns, which also comes from the fertility and life connotation of the egg. During the Easter, some kids play games related to the Easter eggs, like egg rolling and egg hunt. Painting eggs is also a fun thing to do.

Here are some egg candies I painted with my friends’ little nephews. It was during a previous Easter holiday when I visited my friends in Atlanta, USA. We used 3 food coloring markers to draw some random patterns on the egg candies. I guess you can tell which ones were done by the kids. Comparing to the kids’ wild abstract style, my drawing is not that imaginative, but I was definitely influenced by their cuteness… :)

I also heard about the idea of naturally dyed eggs and would like to try someday. That is to make use of natural plants such as turmeric, purple cabbage, onion skins…

So what did you do on your Easter holidays? Feel free to share your comments below! =)

My post is inspired by @killerwhale and @aaronli’s photo contests themed Easter. Check out their pages and join the fun! :D


这个刚过去的周五到周一的长周末是西方的复活节假期。澳大利亚这里也到处都是复活节兔子和彩蛋的装饰。我这里拍的几张照片是前几年环游美国时,应邀拜访亚特兰大一对夫妇朋友时和他们的两个小侄子一起画的彩蛋。当时正赶上复活节,他们双方的父母和兄妹也去那里团圆,我在那里呆了一周,跟他们一起参加了些本地人的庆祝活动,体验了一下美国南方浓厚的基督教氛围。我们用的彩笔颜料和蛋都是可食用的,这种糖蛋的表面不光滑,画起图案来没有我想象的那么容易。估计你们一看就知道哪些图案是那两个小孩画的吧?🙂 相较这种狂野抽象的天真童趣,我画的图案只能是中规中矩了,呵呵。






Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶

Checking Coin Price & Life Is Fantastic 查币心情 & 生活仍旧美好

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#76 Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 🎨 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋’

#75 10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 📮 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶


I clicked this picture with my phone on the way from Canberra to Victoria, somewhere near a forest in New South Wales, Australia. This’ll doo…

题图是我在澳大利亚新南威尔士州一处森林附近的路上用手机拍的。我觉得这一景象很有澳洲荒野的感觉,这个邮筒确实“可以将就……” =)

The theme of @claudiaz’s photo fun contest this week is ‘No. 13’, and the place I live now is no. 11 on the street, so I just went out to the neighbor to take a picture of their mailbox, now I’m serving it freshly out of my camera! =)

And the mailbox reminds me of some other creative mailboxes I encountered in my travels, and 4 trash cans too. Okay, I know they are different, but you throw something to all these containers, and most of them are made of iron, so… ;)

The first 5 images are from my road trips in Australia, and the last 5 are from Patagonia in southern Chile. They are all original photos with little retouching, as I just want to show you these objects in real life…





I have no idea why this mailbox is so full of spider webs, but I think it fits pretty well with the rustic environment around…

What do you think of the number ‘13’ and ‘Black Friday’? I don’t have any superstition about this, and in China, the unlucky number is ‘4’, since its pronunciation sounds like “die” in Mandarin. But still, I don’t believe in that at all. I still remember that when I was in university, the mobile phone service provider offered great discount for phone numbers with ‘4’ in it, so I just subscribed to a number with plenty of ‘4’s, and saved some money for food… I didn’t see anything bad in that, hehe…

Also in China, you can rarely see a car plate number with ‘4’ in it, while some plate numbers with ‘8’ are sold in a high price, as ‘8’ sounds like ‘fortune’. Interesting right? In some buildings in the West, the 13th floor is missing. Likewise in China, you can’t find the 4th floor in some buildings.


The photo below was taken on Raymond Island, Australia, the habitat for koalas I once wrote about:



This very creative plastic mailbox was from a friend who built his own bungalow in a forest in New South Wales, Australia. He placed his mailbox at the entrance of a long rough road leading to his Utopia:



I found this last mailbox from Australia at the Tambourine Mountain in the hinterland of Gold Coast. Seems this cow shape is pretty popular, soon you will see a similar one in another photo from Chile:



I shot the following ones in Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas in the Patagonia region of Chile:



Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Painting Easter Eggs with Kids 和孩子们一起画卡通版复活节彩蛋

Checking Coin Price & Life Is Fantastic 查币心情 & 生活仍旧美好

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -27.930431 lat 153.191494 long Tambourine Mountain, Australia d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#75 10 Creative Mailboxes & Trash Cans from Australia & Chile 📮 旅途中的10个趣味邮箱&垃圾桶’

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