#74 FIX IT FRIDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 3 照片游戏3 ~ 编辑我的照片 赢取SBD


2 SBD Prize from each Photo Game Star’s post! - edit my photo!

Rules for today’s Fix It Friday game below.

But first… You still have most of today to play “Where Is It Wednesday”

Use #photogames or go straight to the Blogs of this week’s Photo Stars:
@derekkind @caseygrimley @jarvie @gabyoraa @itchyfeetdonica @derangedvisions @r00sj3

Fix It Friday Game
click to view large


This is a photo I took at Humboldt Penguin National Reserve in a trip to the Pacific Ocean off the northern Chilean coast. (You see how #WhereisitWednesday kills me since I love telling people where I took all my photos!)
I know you guys got kangaroos already on #MusicalMonday, but I just can’t help offering you another cheerful creature. ;) So go get creative - edit this photo as you like, the choice is yours! Look forward to your sparks!

Link to a RAW file and a large JPG


For Fix It Friday we would like you to share an EDIT of our picture

  1. Download the RAW file or the FULL SIZE JPG
  2. Edit the picture
  3. Post your version in the comments
  4. Remember that you’re appealing to the Photo Star who posted the photo
  5. The “Photo Star” will select their favorite edit
    (They may choose even more than one to show off or award, it is up to them)
  6. Deadline is Sunday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC
  7. Only one entry per person, per post
  8. @PhotoGames will do a results post
    (However the Photo Star will usually pick the winners in the comments of their post)

THE PRIZE = 2 SBD from each Photo Game Star’s post



Visit these profiles to play #FixItFriday:



Introduction to The Photo Games Post.



This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#74 FIX IT FRIDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 3 照片游戏3 ~ 编辑我的照片 赢取SBD’

#73 Checking Coin Price & Life Is Fantastic 🙃 查币心情 & 生活仍旧美好

View post on dMania

Photos by @itchyfeetdonica

The first one at Chinatown in Melbourne, Australia
I don’t even need to add his thoughts - it’s on the wall. ;)
It describes pretty well the coin market at this moment, but hey, cheer up, life is still fantastic, isn’t it?


The second picture at Oslo train station, Norway

Eric Idle - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life:


第一张照片拍于澳大利亚墨尔本的唐人街,我连字幕都不用加,后面墙上写着他此刻查币的心情:“我原以为今年不会再比这更惨……” 你有没有觉得形容此刻持币人的心情很贴切?但是,还是要振作,因为请看第二张照片(拍于挪威的奥斯陆火车站): “生活仍旧美好!” 你觉得呢? :)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

WHERE IS IT WEDNESDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 2 照片游戏2 ~ 猜猜这是哪儿 赢取SBD

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

MUSICAL MONDAY - Photo Games Week 9 照片游戏1 ~来给我的照片配上音乐 赢取SBD

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Let’s Cook Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉

The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -37.812245 lat 144.968547 long Chinatown, Melbourne d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#73 Checking Coin Price & Life Is Fantastic 🙃 查币心情 & 生活仍旧美好’

#72 WHERE IS IT WEDNESDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 2 照片游戏2 ~ 猜猜这是哪儿 赢取SBD


Win 1 SBD from each Photo Game Star’s post! - Guess the Location!

Rules for today’s Where is it Wednesday game below.

But first… You still have most of today to play Musical Monday**

For both games check out the #photogames feed or go straight to the blogs of this week’s Photo Stars @derekkind @caseygrimley @jarvie @gabyoraa @itchyfeetdonica @derangedvisions @r00sj3

Where is it Wednesday Photo
click to view large


Like most of my photos, this one hasn’t been posted anywhere before(drum roooooll for this debut…). I hope the pretty flowers, magnificent mountains and the amazing lake can give you some hints, or not? I actually planned to post a random mountain photo from Kosovo at first, but then I realized maybe some friends haven’t even heard of that place, so I changed to this easier one. Where do you think it is? Come tell me your guess and win the HUGE prize - 1SBD (can be even more if you get really close)! =)


For Where is it Wednesday we would like you to Guess the location of the photo

  1. The closest guess will win the prize, be as specific as you can!
  2. Only one guess per person, per post.
  3. No editing your guess - you have to commit!
  4. All metadata has been stripped from the pictures, so don’t bother looking for the EXIF!
  5. We are not required to tell you what kind of camera was used, or what time of day the photo was taken at, or whether filters were involved (this adds to the mystery and the challenge!)
  6. For this game you have 2 days to guess (Friday 6PM EST / 11PM UTC)
  7. If only one person gets the correct (or closest) answer they will win full prize pool
  8. If multiple people guess correctly (tie for 1st): 60% to first person / 40% divided between the next 5 people
  9. If no one comes up with the correct location, the prize will go either to the closest guess, or (if no one is even close) will be rolled over into next week’s pot.


Visit these profiles to play #WhereIsItWednesday:



Introduction to The Photo Games Post


截止时间:纽约东部时区周五6pm 北京时间周六6am

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Checking Coin Price & Life Is Fantastic 查币心情 & 生活仍旧美好

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Let’s Cook Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#72 WHERE IS IT WEDNESDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 2 照片游戏2 ~ 猜猜这是哪儿 赢取SBD’

#71 A City a Story Photo Contest #19 NOLA Night Art Market 🇺🇸 新奥尔良夜市


Hey my Steemit friends, in this post I’m showing you the Frenchmen Art Market in New Orleans, USA. I visited this outdoor night market near the mighty Mississippi River, at the edge of French Quarter, where it’s known for the lively nightlife.

This art market is decorated with lights, and showcases art and crafts created by local artists. Located in the historic district and the cultural center, this market is also surrounded by art galleries, jazz clubs, diverse architecture and fine restaurants. It’s great fun for me walking around in this open-air market for a treasure trove of handmade souvenirs, after devouring some divine Louisiana Creole food and jazz music. As usual, I only bought small knickknacks like Creole recipe magnets, as I didn’t want to add burden to my around-the-US trip.

大家好!Aaronli主持的城市故事照片活动这一期的主题是“夜生活”,说到“夜生活”,可能多数人会想到泡吧、舞厅、美食夜市(也是我的最爱)之类,但今天我想跟大家分享一个美国南方新奥尔良/纽奥良市的艺术夜市。这个市场离宽广的密西西比河不远,处于法国区的边缘,是块夜生活丰富的地区。其实这里的夜市上也有各种让人垂涎的克里奥尔美食,只是我光顾着吃了,没怎么拍照片 ;p。







然而这些打击并没有对乐观奔放的当地人造成多大负面影响,人们还是照旧进行了著名的传统Mardi Gras音乐狂欢节。Mardi Gras意为“肥美星期二”,是两周狂欢的最后一天,接下来的“圣灰星期三”就是西方基督教传统中“大斋节”的开始。由于从圣灰星期三一直到复活节前的40天里,传统意义上的教徒需要斋戒和忏悔,所以这之前人们会进行疯狂无节制的吃喝庆祝。我到那里时狂欢节结束没多久,地上还到处都是彩色的串珠。

In the 2 photos below, you see creative crafts upcyled from glass bottles and tin cans:


  • 废旧玻璃瓶摇身一变成了艺术品
  • 各种饮料易拉罐做成的小鱼装饰



New Orleans boasts a dynamic art scene which has drawn creatives from around the globe. I loved its melting pot style of American, European, African, and Caribbean flavors.

Locals like to call their city NOLA(New Orleans, Louisiana) or Big Easy(in 1970s a columnist compared life in the Big Apple New York City to life in New Orleans - The Big Easy). NOLA is known as the birthplace of Jazz and the fun Mardi Gras. Each year, people all over the world come to join this 2-week wild festive celebration throughout the whole city. I also enjoyed its Creole food a lot. Due to the wide variety of immigrant influences, Louisiana Creole cuisine has a rich and tasty flavor. Shrimp gumbo, Jambalaya, Oysters Rockefeller, Louisiana-style crawfish boil… mouthwatering…


Here are some symbols of NOLA:


So that’s it for today’s story about NOLA night art market. Hope you enjoy this photo journey! Tell me what you think in the comments! All content by @itchyfeetdonica. My post is inspired by @aaronli’s “A City A Story” Photo Contest. Check out his page and show him some love! And show me some love too! Thank you and until next time. :D


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

MUSICAL MONDAY - Photo Games Week 9 照片游戏1 ~来给我的照片配上音乐 赢取SBD

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Let’s Cook Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉

The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 29.962797 lat -90.058701 long New Orleans, USA d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#71 A City a Story Photo Contest #19 NOLA Night Art Market 🇺🇸 新奥尔良夜市’

#70 MUSICAL MONDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 1 照片游戏1 ~来给我的照片配上音乐 赢取SBD

Win 1 SBD from each Photo Game Star’s post! - Share a song to match the photo.

Rules for today’s MUSICAL MONDAY game below.

Musical Monday Photo
click to view large


Honestly I take pretty shitty photos comparing to professional photographers, but I have a shitty excuse: I’ve used all my money in traveling, so I’m still using my old shitty camera (it’s very light for traveling around though) from 9 years ago. But that won’t affect the fact that I can offer endless shitty photos for your music matching talent, like this hoppy one:
I encountered these cute guys on a road trip from Canberra to Victoria. A mob of around 10 kangaroos were hopping around on an open arid field between scattered trees and bushes. To me, this scene is as Australian as it can be.
What do you think? Bring on your music, pleeeeese! :D


For MUSICAL MONDAY we would like you to Share a song that best matches the picture. What does our photo sound like?

It could be lyrical or instrumental, operatic or screamo, but pick something that you think each Photo Star will like.

You can give us the song title or share a link to DTube, Youtube, etc. Links are great, but it’s okay to just write the title and artist if the song is easy to find, like “Hey Jude by The Beatles,” (not “Adagio for Clarinet II, opus 245 by my friend who lives next door”).

  1. Share your music in the comments of a Photo Star’s post.
  2. Only one song per person, per post/photostar.
  3. Remember that you’re appealing to the Photo Star who posted the photo (they will choose the winner).
  4. For this game you have 2 days to play (Wednesday 6PM EST / 11PM UTC).


Visit these profiles to play #MusicalMonday:



Introduction to The Photo Games Post.

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Checking Coin Price & Life Is Fantastic 查币心情 & 生活仍旧美好

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Let’s Cook Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#70 MUSICAL MONDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 1 照片游戏1 ~来给我的照片配上音乐 赢取SBD’

#69 A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 🇲🇳 蒙古禅修图片之旅 | 摄影月旦评


What’s up fellow Steemians! In this post I invite you to follow my photo journey to a Buddhist temple and meditation center in Mongolia. I took a couple of trains that summer from Moscow all the way to Ulaanbaatar. By taking separate legs of train 分段坐火车, I could get out and see the local places in Russia, instead of having to stay in one trans-Siberia train for a week(and no shower for 7 days in that case…aaah…).

The Aryapala/Aryabal Buddhist Center is nestled on a hill among scenic valleys in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park 位于蒙古首都特勒吉国家公园的佛寺和禅修中心, about 2 hours’ drive from Ulaanbaatar. I explored this huge gorgeous park and spent one night in a typical Mongolian ger camp 蒙古包宿营 in the valley.


In the head image here, you see a line of Buddhist prayer wheels 转经筒. These hollow metal cylinders come in different sizes: it can be a hand-held wheel carried by pilgrims (often seen in Tibet and Nepal) 朝圣者, or bigger ones set up in a monastery like these ones in my photo. In Tibetan Buddhism, spinning a prayer wheel is as effective as reciting the sacred texts 诵经, as a wheel usually contains a scroll printed with a mantra 祈祷真言/梵咒. On the outside of the cylinder there are auspicious 吉祥的 Buddhist symbols and inscriptions in Sanskrit 梵文 or Tibetan script.



The Aryapala temple was built in the shape of an elephant’s head, and the 108(a sacred number in several Eastern religions) stairs leading up to the temple symbolizes the elephant’s trunk 象鼻.

To reach the stairs, I first walked along a long path for meditation and reflection 反思. There were 72 signs with 144 Buddhist teachings 教诲 lining the sides of the path. The wise words on the signs remind people to reflect on the spiritual life. After this journey of enlightenment 觉悟, I arrived at the 108 stairs and walked up to the hilltop.



The white-walled temple has intricate carvings on its wooden posts and beams 柱子和横梁. The rocks above the temple and the main hall are decorated with paintings and stories of the Arhats 罗汉. Arhat is a high-rank Buddhist saint who enlightens 开导/启迪/教化 humankind. There is also a small meditation cave aside.



Aryapala Temple belongs to the Gelugpa sect(Yellow Hats) of Buddhism 格鲁派藏传佛教. Gelugpa practices focus on the journey to enlightenment as taught by Buddha. They teach devotees 信徒 to meditate and spark the bodhisattva 菩萨 within. In 1810s, Buddhist monks and artists from Mongolia and Tibet built this temple in order to meditate. Later in 2007, the restoration 修复 was completed and the meditation center was open to the public. The monks from Lamiran temple in Ulaanbaatar also come here regularly for religious service.


Buddhism has been playing a vital role in Mongolia’s history and culture. Most Mongolian cities have developed on the sites of Buddhist monasteries. According to its national census 人口普查, over half of the population identifies as Buddhists. In the 13th and 14th century, the emperors of the Yuan dynasty started the process of conversion to Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. In the ecclesiastical hierarchy 寺院/教会等级, the living Buddha 活佛 of Mongolia was ranked third after the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama 达赖和班禅喇嘛.

Mongolian Buddhism was influenced by Tibetan Buddhist monasticism 隐修制度/禁欲主义/寺院生活, but it has its own distinct features, some of which are based on Mongolia’s shamanistic heritage 萨满教义, such as the ovoo(ceremonial cairn) worship rituals 一种祭拜自然的锥形石堆(类似西藏的玛尼石堆)executed by lama’s. Besides, in Mongolian Buddhism, there are many independent lama’s who can provide consultancy and don’t belong to any monastery.


If you ever come to this amazing Terelj park in Mongolia, besides visiting this interesting meditation temple, you can also hike to the glacial lake 冰川湖, Khagiin Khar Lake and the natural hot springs, ride horses on the steppe, watch the wildlife such as Eastern Buzzard(I saw plenty hovering over my head) 亚洲秃鹰, brown bears(I didn’t get to see any)… If you like rock climbing, try out the many rock formations, like Turtle Rock and the Praying Lama Rock. I also learned cooking lamb from the host family, and watched locals wrestling 摔跤. I had so much fun packed with both natural and cultural experiences, and I’m sure you will too!


So that’s it for the photo journey to the meditation temple. Tell me what you think in the comments! Until next time. :D

All content by @itchyfeetdonica, and the first 2 photos are my entries to @killerwhale’s contest Killerpix. Check it out and join the fun! =)



Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

NOLA Night Art Market 新奥尔良夜市

MUSICAL MONDAY - Photo Games Week 9 照片游戏1 ~来给我的照片配上音乐 赢取SBD

10 Creative Benches Around the World(1) 世界各地的创意长凳来10条(一)

Zombie Walk & Fantastic Lille & My Halloween Look 视觉的狂欢

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Street Art & Sultan Mosque in Singapore 新加坡苏丹回教堂和附近的涂鸦艺术

Let’s Cook Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 47.936229 lat 107.425904 long Aryapala Temple, Mongolia d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#69 A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 🇲🇳 蒙古禅修图片之旅 | 摄影月旦评’

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