#62 A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #17 - The Story of Swan House in Atlanta 亚特兰大天鹅庄园的历史故事


Constructed in 1928, the Swan House you see here in my photos was the home for Edward and Emily Inman in Atlanta, Georgia. Today, the house is part of the Atlanta History Center and is maintained as a historic house museum.

The Inmans was the wealthiest family in Georgia in the post-Civil War “New South” era. They made a fortune from cotton business and by investing on banking, transportation and real estate. Edward Inman also served in several local elected positions.



He and his wife Emily hired an architectural firm to design a house on a land of 28 acres in Buckhead where they could grow old together. The principal architect Philip Schutze drew on classical elements as inspiration for this house and its gardens. He adapted Italian and English classical styles to accommodate the living of that time. This beautiful mansion was completed at the end of the Jazz Age, a period of wealth, freedom and exuberance, and a time when new styles of music and dance emerged. Just a few months later in 1929, the Great Depression started.

And it’s followed by a disaster for the family. In 1931, the husband died at 49. Fairy tale does not really exist, and life has to go on. After that, his wife Emily, a suffragette and society matriarch, lived there with their son and ran the house, the finances and the family until 1965. The following year, the house and grounds were acquired by the Atlanta Historical Society.

20世纪20年代的美国正处于“爵士时代” ,这是一个财富丰盈、自由奔放的时代,这是一个新式舞蹈和音乐不断涌现而出的时代。完工于1928年末的天鹅屋,勉强抓住了这一时期的尾巴。可惜好景不长,几个月后,美国便开始了“经济大萧条”时期。两年后的1931年,厄运也降临到了爱德华和艾米莉的小家庭,丈夫49岁便突然离开人世。这对夫妇原打算在占地28公顷的天鹅庄园里白头偕老,怎奈现实终究不是童话,王子和公主无法再一起幸福终老。然而,生活还是要继续。妻子艾米莉,这位走在时代前列的妇女参政论者,开始独当一面,操持家中一切大小事务,带着儿子和一帮佣人继续在天鹅屋住到了1965年。艾米莉去世后的第二年,亚特兰大历史协会收购了整个天鹅庄园,后来又经过修复,成为历史房屋博物馆向公众展出。


I toured the house and grounds, and discovered the many original furnishings as well as the Schutze arts collection. Except for a wide range of old objects from Europe, there was also a big black screen from East Asia (see the pictures). It’s truly an interesting experience for me to explore the house’s four floors, soaking in all the history.

爱德华夫妇聘请的主要建筑师菲利普· 舒茨将意大利和英国建筑的古典元素加以创新,运用到天鹅屋和花园的设计上。我在整个老房子的四层楼间穿梭,细细观赏这些原汁原味的古旧家具物件和建筑师收集的艺术品,其中除了很多来自旧大陆欧洲的物品,还有来自东方的装饰屏风(如图)。



I met the historical characters in the big house who shared with me their own stories at that time. They were performed by costumed interpreters. Mr. Inman, a man full of character, expressed his opinions about 1920s business and politics. The architect Philip Shutze showed me his decorative arts collection in the basement. Ruby Ross Wood from New York was decorating the whole house for the family. The African American chauffeur drove Mr. Inman and shared a racing seat next to his employer. The maid, Emma Jean told me about her work and her daily life. Pretty cool, right? It felt like a journey to the past in a time machine! :)





At the kitchen door, I discovered lots of tools for cooking, cleaning, dusting, polishing and washing. The maids, gardener, butler, chauffeur and other servants used to enter the house from here. This kind of lifestyle based on servants was characteristic of Atlanta’s elite during the 1920s and 1930s. Like walking around in a movie setting, I took this chance to peek into their daily chores inside and outside the house.

And this old mansion was indeed used to film some scenes, such as the 2013 film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and 2 years later in its sequel, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2. Looks familiar now? :)



So that’s it for today’s story about Swan House. Hope you enjoy this journey through time and space back to the Roaring Twenties of American history. Look forward to your jazzy comments! ;)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica. My post is inspired by @aaronli’s “A City A Story” Photo Contest. Check out his page and show him some love! And show me some love too! Thank you and until next time. :D


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Let’s Cook Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉

The Meaning of Roses 粉玫瑰和白玫瑰

The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

The Star Bridge - Stari Most in Bosnia 波黑的明星老桥

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Zodiac Animals Workshop in Australia 澳洲孩子的生肖灯手工作坊

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 33.840433 lat -84.387563 long Swan House, Atlanta d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#62 A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #17 - The Story of Swan House in Atlanta 亚特兰大天鹅庄园的历史故事’

#61 Cook with Donica - Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 🍲 跟我一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉 😋


Hey fellow Steemians, how’s your weekend? Yesterday I cooked Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake mushrooms. It’s so delicious and I would love to share its recipe with you! So let’s get started:


Except for the pork belly(or chopped ribs), shiitake mushrooms and tofu(the harder type), you will need these in the picture below. And also rice, cooking oil, sugar, and sesame(optional, for the garnish on rice at last).



Flame on!


  • First, sauté sugar in cooking oil over medium heat until it’s turning brown.
  • Put pork into the wok and fry it with the brown sugar to get colored.
  • Add Chinese cooking wine, and stir fry pork with sliced ginger and star anise.
  • Leave the pork being cooked for 10 minutes, meanwhile slice shiitake mushrooms and cube tofu.
  • Add shiitake, tofu, soy sauce and salt into the wok. (🌶I looove chilies, but they are optional of course)
  • Stir fry everything on high heat for 1 minute.
  • Add a bit water and cover the wok with lid, let it braise over low-medium heat for 10 minutes.


  • That’s it! Garnish with sesame and chives.
  • Enjoy this succulent pork dish with jasmine rice! 😋






Behind the scenes:

When I went to the back yard to cut chives, this cow suddenly came close and started mooing… He might be mouth-watering over the divine dish. ;)
After lunch on Sunday, I turned the left rice into porridge, and ate it later with the leftover pork for dinner. Yuuummmm…


左图 —— 我去后院剪小葱时,只见这头奶牛凑将过来,朝我叫唤了几声,估计是被锅中焖着的红烧肉给吸引过来的?😄
右图 —— 星期天中午吃剩的米饭,加水煮成黄瓜粥,就着吃剩的香菇豆腐红烧肉和自制辣椒酱,简直是人间美味啊……

Do you like this Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake? What is your favorite dish? Feel free to share your comments! Until next time. =)

你觉得这红烧肉怎么样?你最常做什么菜呢?欢迎留言分享哦!下次见。 :D

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

The Meaning of Roses 粉玫瑰和白玫瑰

The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

The Star Bridge - Stari Most in Bosnia 波黑的明星老桥

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Zodiac Animals Workshop in Australia 澳洲孩子的生肖灯手工作坊

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#61 Cook with Donica - Braised Pork with Tofu and Shiitake 🍲 跟我一起做香菇豆腐红烧肉 😋’

#60 Rosesopenweekend Entry - The Meaning of Roses 🌹 粉玫瑰和白玫瑰 | 摄影月旦评


The roses you see here are from a flower market in Antwerp, Belgium, but I bought them and took the pictures on different days. There were also roses in yellow, orange, lilac, and a wide varieties of red in different tints and shades.
Different colors are said to carry varied connotations. Pink roses are symbolic of grace, elegance and admiration. White roses are associated with innocence, purity and loyalty. Red roses are a widely known symbol of love, passion and courage. But I constantly heard different versions from the rose sellers. I don’t really care what each color means, all colors are appealing to me ;).

Earliest roses are known to have grown 35 million-years ago, and from ancient Egyptian tombs, petrified rose wreaths have been unearthed.

In Greek mythology, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, is said to have created the rose. According to the poet Anacreon, sea foam dripping from her newborn body turned into white roses; thus symbolizing her innocence and purity. Later, her wounded lover Adonis’ blood was shed onto a white rose, and the red rose represented her desire and passion.

The Romans, with their counterpart Goddess of Love - Venus, also adopted the rose as a symbol of love and beauty. Cupid offered a rose to bribe the God of Silence to hush his mother Venus’s affairs. And when he shot arrows at bees which had stung him, thorns grew from the rose stems where the bees were missed.

There’s even The War of the Roses. In this civil war in England in the 15th century, the House of York adopted a white rose, while the House of Lancaster chose a red rose. At last, the winner - Tudor Henry VII created the Tudor Rose by merging his Lancastrian rose with the red rose of his York bride. This Rose is also known as the Rose of England.

So what do you think of the significance of a rose? Which color is your favorite? Feel free to share your comments!

The head image is my entry for the 4th week of #Rosesopenweekend contest hosted by @adrianobalan. Check out this exclusive contest about Rose if you are interested. =)


从植物学的角度来看,玫瑰(Rosa rugosa)、
月季(Rosa chinensis)和蔷薇(Rosa multiflora)都是蔷薇属(Rosa)的植物。而在英文里都统称Rose,真是为我这种眼盲省去了好多辨别的麻烦。对我来说,最容易区别的就是颜色,而不是什么茎、叶、花瓣之类的细微差别(长吁一口气……)。


你最喜欢哪种颜色的玫瑰/月季/蔷薇?欢迎留言评论,谢谢关注! :D

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

The Star Bridge - Stari Most in Bosnia 波黑的明星老桥

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Zodiac Animals Workshop in Australia 澳洲孩子的生肖灯手工作坊

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 51.217826 lat 4.403494 long Antwerp, Belgium d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#60 Rosesopenweekend Entry - The Meaning of Roses 🌹 粉玫瑰和白玫瑰 | 摄影月旦评’

#59 SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry - The Busker and His Soulmate 🎶 街头知音

The Busker and His Soulmate

This touching story unrolled on a street near the center of Copenhagen in Denmark. The street performer was playing saxophone here almost every day when I passed by.
And one day, a baby seemed to be mesmerized by his performance. He looked at the busker deep into his eyes, listening attentively with great interest. The performer seemed to be moved by his soulmate as well, and was playing hard with even more emotion and enthusiasm.




Here’s another snapshot of buskers and a kid at the New Harbor of Copenhagen. This kid is not acting like a soulmate, but is trying to take the performers’ hard-earned coins out of the hat. Hmmm… sad story.

再来一张哥本哈根的街头随拍,同样是艺人和小孩的故事。只是这孩子并没有前面一个那么贴心,他专心致志地蹲在那里,琢磨着怎么把这些艺人辛苦演奏挣来的收入给抢走。这,是一个让人有点心酸的故事。;) 你觉得呢?

All content by @itchyfeetdonica. I took the photos with my old friend Canon Kiss X3. My post is inspired by @aaronli’s “A City A Story” Photo Contest and the Steemit Photo Challenge by @jamtaylor. Check out their pages and show them some love! And show me some love too - comment, upvote and resteem are all appreciated! Thank you and until next time! :D



Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more!

The Meaning of Roses 粉玫瑰和白玫瑰

Train Cemetery in the Atacama Desert (1) 大漠中的火车墓场(一)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Portrait Photography - Dancing 舞

The Star Bridge - Stari Most in Bosnia 波黑的明星老桥

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

A Tale of Life 丛林求生

The Story of Tulip Mania 郁金香泡沫的故事

Zodiac Animals Workshop in Australia 澳洲孩子的生肖灯手工作坊

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

The Story of Dirty Duck Restaurant 脏鸭馆的美食故事

Explore Easter Island with Me (2) - Best Sunset Spot Ahu Akivi 复活节岛摩托之旅(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 55.679168 lat 12.592193 long New Harbor, Copenhagen d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#59 SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry - The Busker and His Soulmate 🎶 街头知音’

#58 Train Cemetery in the Middle of the Atacama Desert (1) 🚂 茫茫大漠中的火车墓场(一)| 摄影月旦评


In the middle of the arid Atacama Desert in northern Chile, there is a train cemetery at the old Baquedano railway. I visited this abandoned place in my epic Atacama trip, after seeing La Portada near the regional capital of Antofagasta.

At the old Baquedano train station, in the extreme heat and dryness, I walked around the abandoned railway complex with a locomotive arsenal, wagon storage yards, a roundhouse and turntable, warehouses, and other services. The roundhouse here can still accommodate up to 16 locomotives.


Baquedano was a small town founded in 1910 around its railway works, as the converging point of Chile’s North-South railway line and the East-West Antofagasta-Bolivia Railway. The railway started in 1866 mainly to carry minerals from inland of Bolivia to the port of Antofagasta.

Until the late 1970s when the steam locomotives was giving way to diesel engines, the station eventually fell into disuse, but it still remains in fairly good condition today.


My head image in this post is an entry for @customnature’s cool contest of Abandoned Shit themed Black & White. Check out his page if interested! The camera settings are: Canon Kiss X3, 31mm, f/4.5, 1/1600, ISO200. And I will show you more details and photos of this train cemetery in my next post. Stay tuned! =)

Do you like my shots here? Have you ever seen any cool abandoned shit? Tell me what you think in the comments below! Until next time.






Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 自带边框的旅途剪影

Portrait Photography - Dancing 舞

The Star Bridge - Stari Most in Bosnia 波黑的明星老桥

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

A Tale of Life 丛林求生

The Story of Tulip Mania 郁金香泡沫的故事

Zodiac Animals Workshop in Australia 澳洲孩子的生肖灯手工作坊

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

The Story of Dirty Duck Restaurant 脏鸭馆的美食故事

Explore Easter Island with Me (2) - Best Sunset Spot Ahu Akivi 复活节岛摩托之旅(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -23.334373 lat -69.838991 long Baquedano, Chile d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#58 Train Cemetery in the Middle of the Atacama Desert (1) 🚂 茫茫大漠中的火车墓场(一)| 摄影月旦评’

#57 Some “Framed” Photos from My Travels 🖼️ 自带边框的旅途剪影

Hey fellow Steemians, how’s your weekend going? Today I would love to share with you some “framed” photos from my travels, inspired by the photo fun challenge by @claudiaz.


Casa dos Contos - Ouro Preto, Brazil


I took this first photo with my phone in Casa dos Contos (House of Tales), a museum in the charming colonial town Ouro Preto in Brazil. The window framed the beautiful street view outside, making it an interesting shot for me. Casa dos Contos is centrally located in Ouro Preto, by the historic Tiradentes Square filled with fine Baroque colonial architectures.

When I entered it on a gloomy day, the only other visitors were a group of school kids lead by a teacher. But apparently those pupils were not so interested in the exhibition, as they were taking selfies all the time with their phones. ;) I will share this funny scene one day in my future post. According to the pictures displayed inside the museum, this huge historic building used to house the elite, the troops, the prisoners and others in different periods of history. It was restored and turned to a museum in 1983, and it’s free to enter. Now it’s displaying documentary exhibits about the Mint and the Central Bank of Brazil, as well as other cultural presentations such as furniture, documents and books from the 18th and 19th centuries.

I found this beautiful old building a hidden gem, just like the city of Ouro Preto, which was the most populous city in the New World in the 18th century because of the gold rush. Ouro Preto was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980 and is well-known in Brazil, but a bit off the radar and path of foreign tourists. Most visitors here were Brazilians, or Spanish speakers from the same continent who could understand a lot Portuguese. So very few locals speak English or Spanish, and I was struggling to get by with my crappy Spanish, which was a fun experience for me! :D

第一张照片是在巴西小城Ouro Preto市中心的一个博物馆向窗外拍到的街景。我所在的这座殖民风格的老楼有着多姿多彩的过去:在历史上的不同时期曾经是名流聚会之地、军队指挥官指点江山的场所、关押犯人的监狱……1983年的时候被改建成博物馆,名字的意思是“有故事的房子”,展出18到19世纪的家具、书籍、照片、货币等饱经沧桑的历史物件。从我的照片上可以看到,窗外那些建于殖民地时期的巴洛克风格的房子和教堂在阴雨中也是别有一番风味。

Ouro Preto在葡萄牙语里的意思是“黑金城”,因为这里是殖民时期的淘金重镇,18世纪时,就有800多吨黑金被从这里运往宗主国葡萄牙。就像南美很多因采矿而发迹的小城一样,黑金城一度成为18世纪整个新世界人口最多的地方,连彼时的纽约人口也只有它的一半。如今虽然不再有黑色的金子可淘,却因出产色彩斑斓的宝石而著称, 是帝王玉的原产地。

这里的殖民建筑保存得也很完整,1980年成为巴西第一个被列为世界文化遗产的古镇。在巴西国内名气挺大,但是外国游客不是很多,我去博物馆的当天,只在里面见到一个由当地老师带领的小学生团,而那些小学生们显然并没有对展览很感兴趣,而是都在忙着用手机各种自拍,有机会我会发发这些孩子的照片,实在让人忍俊不禁。😄 由于这里的游客大都是巴西人或南美其他国家的西班牙语使用者(他们对听懂看懂同为拉丁语系的葡萄牙语没什么大问题),本地人也就很少说除了母语外的其他语言。这对我来说可是个不小的打击啊,英语自然是用不上,破烂的西班牙语也不足以让我猜测出飞快的葡语的意思。所以,这种原汁原味的旅行真是一种有意思的折磨,痛并快乐着。

Playa de la Concha -
San Sebastián, Spain

Bosphorus Bridge -
Istanbul, Turkey


The views in these 2 pictures are both framed by the fence in front of me. When shooting the first photo, I focused on the white fence to show its intricate flowery pattern. While for the second photo, I focused on the famous bridge behind as the fence is pretty common.


The “framed” picture on the left was taken in San Sebastián, north of Spain. This pretty town is known for its beaches framed by a bayfront promenade where I shot this photo. Through the white fence, you can see the picturesque Bahía de la Concha (literally The Shell Bay due to its shape of a “shell” ) and the Isla de Santa Clara (the island in distance).

The beaches here are incredibly crowded since it’s a popular resort town, but what attracts me the most is its plenty bars and restaurants serving a great varieties of delicious pintxos(bite-size snacks from Basque Country, similar to tapas) and other innovative regional specialties.



The second picture was clicked in Istanbul, Turkey. The bridge framed by the fence is the 15 July Martyrs Bridge or the better known Bosphorus Bridge. This First Bridge is one of the three suspension bridges spanning the Bosphorus strait which connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. Bosphorus strait is a strategic waterway and natural boundary between Asia and Europe. So Bosphorus Bridge is connecting Asian Turkey and European Turkey. One city spans 2 continents, pretty cool right? I experienced this also in Russia which I will talk about in my future post, and I would love to visit Atyrau in Kazakhstan one day, another city spanning Asia and Europe.

右边的照片是在土耳其的伊斯坦布尔拍的。栏杆后的大桥就是有名的博斯普鲁斯大桥,横跨同名海峡,连接土耳其的欧洲和亚洲两部分。这样一座横跨欧亚两洲的城市是不是很酷?曾经在俄罗斯也有经历这样的一城跨两洲,以后会渐渐渐渐地在某一天聊到 ;)。据说哈萨克斯坦的阿特劳市也是这样:欧亚两洲的界河乌拉尔河穿城而过,将其一分为二。希望以后有机会去看看。

So that’s it about some “framed” photos in my travels. There are many more but I can’t make the post too long. =) Hope you like them! Tell me what you think in the comments below. Until next time!


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Portrait Photography - Dancing 舞

The Star Bridge - Stari Most in Bosnia 波黑的明星老桥

Satay Fried Rice Recipe 简单美味的沙爹炒饭

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

A Tale of Life 丛林求生

The Story of Tulip Mania 郁金香泡沫的故事

Zodiac Animals Workshop in Australia 澳洲孩子的生肖灯手工作坊

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

About Chinese New Year + My Greeting Cards 我做的春节贺卡~祝大家狗年大吉

Follow Me to Grey Glacier (2) 格雷冰川初探(二)

The Story of Dirty Duck Restaurant 脏鸭馆的美食故事

Explore Easter Island with Me (2) - Best Sunset Spot Ahu Akivi 复活节岛摩托之旅(二)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -20.385574 lat -43.503578 long Ouro Preto, Brazil d3scr

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