#320 Yaay! | 柏林街头 Peoplephotography by worldcapture Week #35


“Yaay~ we made it!”

It was a hot summer day 6 years ago. I was strolling in Berlin and witnessed the success of this American duo on a square. Just couldn’t help capturing the exciting moment. :)

The background was messy, but the critical moment was fleeting and I wanted to include both of their facial expressions and costumes. How would you shoot the scene? Any tips to share?

It’s my entry for Peoplephotography contest week #35 by @worldcapture. Feel free to join the fun, and have a great weekend everyone! =)


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)


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#319 Colors (1) - Rainbow Stairs | 彩虹梯

The theme of Deranged Photography Contest this week is World of Color. I love it. Black and white photography is excellent in certain situations, but thank god we live in such a colorful world. =)


Here’s my entry for the contest - a rainbow staircase I found in Tivoli Park in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Below are some other colorful photos I shared before, and I will keep on posting shots to this “Colors” series in future. :)

Rainbow Gates | San Juan, Puerto Rico
彩虹门 | 波多黎各 圣胡安



Rainbow Mountains | Peru
彩虹山 | 秘鲁


Colorful Flat Lay | Floor, Home
平铺俯拍 | 家中 地板上 ;)



Colorful City | Olinda, Brazil
多彩小城 | 巴西 奥林达


Colorful Lamps | Istanbul, Turkey
多彩玻璃灯 | 土耳其 伊斯坦布尔

Colorful Caminito | Buenos Aires, Argentina
多彩街区 | 阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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#318 Let's make ceviche! 👩‍🍳😋 | 来做柠汁腌鱼~

makeceviche (1).jpg.jpg)

Hey, everyone! Some weeks ago I posted the ceviche I had in Arequiba, Peru. This delicious dish has become popular across the Americas, and it’s not difficult to find its varieties in other big cities. Its ingredients and cooking methods vary in different parts of the world, and Peruvian style ceviche has been my favourite - usually accompanied by side dishes such as sweet potato, toasted corns, corn on the cob, plantain chips and lettuce. The tangy and slightly hot flavor goes very well with the cured fish. It’s such a great treat for summer days!

And now I’m sharing the recipe of a recent ceviche made at home. Just give it a try! It’s easy, fresh, tasty, healthy and pleasant to look at! What else do you ask for? :)





First, marinate seabass cubes with freshly squeezed lime juice, aji amarillo, red onion and a pinch of salt for a few hours, or you can leave the fish marinated overnight in fridge for the next day:



I used seabass here, and other fish options such as corvina, halibut, rockfish, lingcod, snapper, tuna… are also good to go.

Aji amarillo literally means “yellow chili pepper” in Spanish. You can see this type of pepper and red onion commonly used in the dishes in Peru. Together with garlic, they form “holy trinity” in the Peruvian cuisine. :) I don’t normally finish off all the peppers and onions, but they give a nice taste to the main ingredients.



At the same time, boil sweet potatoes:


makeceviche (4).jpg.jpg)

And fry plantain chips in hot oil:


makeceviche (3).jpg.jpg)


At last, toss the marinated fish with cilantro, and serve with avocado ( I like that type of toasted corn they usually use in Peruvian ceviche, but couldn’t find it in the market here), plantain chips and sweet potatoes. That’s it! Enjoy! =)


makeceviche (7).jpg.jpg)

makeceviche (8).jpg.jpg)

This is my entry for Qurator’s Tasty Tuesday. Do you love food and photography? If yes, feel free to join the fun too! :)

More Foodie Posts:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)


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#317 Full Gallop 🏇🇲🇳 | 策马啸西风~


Trying horse riding in Mongolia is part of the reason I chose to stop there on my Trans-Siberian journey from Russia to China.

The coach was demonstrating how to ride, and I captured this moment from my horseback. It is my entry for @derangedvisions’ Photography Contest - Action Shots.

If someone had shot photos of me riding then, I’m sure it’s nothing cool like this. ;) Soon my horse started to gallop very fast, up and down the slopes, through the woods and across the brooks… and the fear and fun can be described with this photo I once posted:


My favorite horse riding experiences include one on a volcano trip in Iceland, one in the Elqui Valley of Chile, and this one in Mongolia is definitely the cream of the crop.

It felt totally different. The master was not accompanying, so there’s only me and the horse in wild nature. I miss that incredible rush and wonderful sense of freedom. It’s probably the closest to flying I ever got on the ground.

Perhaps (rural) Mongolians are born to be riders. This thought came to my mind when I saw those local teenagers as well as adults running freely on their horsebacks through the steppe and hills. That’s their vast land; that’s their wild world. It’s just such a natural. It’s like… I was born to be able to… hmmm, use chopsticks? Haha, I just can’t find anything that I could do so naturally and skillfully… ;) It’s also amazing to see the locals’ intense bond with their horses. I guess that’s an integral part of their life.

在蒙古的大草原上,抱着马背纵横驰骋饱受惊吓,是我选择西伯利亚之旅途中在那里停留的原因之一。勇猛的蒙古汉子策马狂奔,示范我怎么驾驭骏马, 我就在自己的马背上拍下了这瞬间。

My previous posts about Mongolia:

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple | 蒙古禅修图片之旅

A Mongolian Poppy & Opium & Terelj National Park | 野罂粟 & 鸦片 & 特勒吉国家公园

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)


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#316 Stuffed Mussels | 街头小吃


Stuffed mussel is a snack that you can easily come across in the street corners of Istanbul, Turkey. I shot this close-up photo at a stand there when the vendor was squeezing lemon juice onto the stuffed rice.

The aromatic rice is boiled with black pepper, cinnamon and oil, and it’s a delight to taste when mixing with the mussel and the lemon juice. It’s so delicious that I couldn’t stop eating it, so I bought one portion after another. The vendor was laughing when I ended up with 6 stuffed mussels in my stomach. :) It’s quite cheap too, like most street food.

Have you tried this treat as well? If not, rember to give it a try next time when you visit Istanbul!

It’s my 3rd and last entry to the Close-up(Macrography) Contest by @ntopaz. Do you have macro photos to share as well? Don’t hesitate to join the fun! =)

The definition of Macrography on their page:

Close-up(Macrography) is an image taken at a scale that is visible to the naked eye, as opposed to a micrographic image. It is sometimes defined more precisely as an image at a scale of less than ten times magnification.

Below is the original image before it’s cropped by the site, and another photo I took of the same stand — fresh stuffed mussels piled up on a big tray:



在土耳其伊斯坦布尔的街头,随处可见这样一种小吃 —— 青口裹米饭。(我听过青口、淡菜、海虹、贻贝这些不同的称呼,所以在网上查了下,看到果壳网的这篇文章帮助分辨谁是谁,如果你也有疑惑,可以顺便看看~)

这些大圆盘里堆着很多新鲜的贻贝,咋一看,其貌不扬,没啥特别。等走近细瞧,才发现里面裹有浅棕色的软糯米饭。 请暂时忽略照片里这双毛茸茸的大手,其实我当时心中的重点是打算拍张青口裹米饭的特写,结果那一瞬间,随着摊主手的转动,米饭就突然被无情地挡住了!接下来忙着吃,手黏乎乎的也顾不上再拍照了…… >.<



现在写着又回想起那香浓鲜美的滋味,真是好吃又便宜啊!^^ 你试过这种特别的小吃吗?如果没有,下次去伊斯坦布尔时,记得在街头买来尝尝呦~

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)


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#315 Inspiring Prints (3) 💡🇭🇷 | 文案随拍(三)

Hey, in this post I’m sharing some t-shirt prints that I found pretty interesting in my early travels (when I was basically curious of everything and even took pictures of t-shirts ;p).

I found this t-shirt hanging above a toilet door in a local restaurant in Vilnius, Lithuania:


What Iceland impressed me the most was not only its stunning nature and the sense of emptiness, but also the unique humor of its people:



The one below was taken in Salzburg, the first city I visited in Austria. But years later when I was in Australia, I didn’t see any prints like “No Mozart in Australia”… :D


If you have traveled to Greece, you might have seen lots of donkeys as well. There is even a Casanova donkey here:


I believe I took a few photos of the famous “Same same but different” tees in Thailand or Laos long time ago, but couldn’t find them anymore.

What fun t-shirts prints did you notice in your travels? Feel free to share them in the comments! :)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)


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