#39 B&W Photo Contest ~ Windmill Reflection 🇳🇱 黑白摄影 - 荷兰风车倒影



I shot this photo in the village of Kinderdijk in the southern Netherlands. This place is best known for its 19 iconic 18th-century windmills. I waited till sunset when everything was closed, and almost all tourists were gone. At this moment, the beautiful windmill, the house and the plants were all reflected in the water in complete tranquility.

This is my entry for the Black & White photo contest by @daveks, and it’s my first time participating this challenge, since I just discovered it. I would like to say thank you to these amazing hosts who are building an active photography community on #Steemit.


这张照片是我在荷兰南部的小孩堤坝风车村拍摄的。这个风车村位于鹿特丹东南10公里处,保存着19架建于1740年代的风车,已被列入世界遗产名录。我等到傍晚景点结束营业,游客们陆续离去,整个村子一片安宁静谧。风车和周边的房子,水草都静静地倒映在水中,被夕阳的光辉裹上一层金色的外衣。好吧,从这黑白照片上,你也看不出这金辉 ;) 而那些结构和细节却更加清晰,颜色的对比也更加明显。

If you want to read more detailed photo journals about my travels, here are my recent posts:

#38 Visit the Rotterdam Market Hall with Me 🧀 🥘 🌽 🇳🇱 全球颜值最高的菜市场究竟长什么样?

#37 Cube Houses in Rotterdam 探秘鹿特丹的魔方房

#36 金色布拉格随想 Golden Prague

#35 Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 暮色中的维港和天星小轮

#34 Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装

#33 The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 全球最长的隧道山口

#32 Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

#31 Train Travels in Sri Lanka (1) 斯里兰卡的火车旅行(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#39 B&W Photo Contest ~ Windmill Reflection 🇳🇱 黑白摄影 - 荷兰风车倒影’

#38 Come Visit the Rotterdam Market Hall with Me 🧀 🥘 🌽 🇳🇱 全球颜值最高的菜市场究竟长什么样?| 月旦评


So yesterday we had a look at the curious Cube Houses in central Rotterdam. As I promised, I’m going to show you today the marvelous Market Hall next to it. Let’s start from the horseshoe-like building:


This archy building is about 40 meters tall, and has a glass facade on both sides, which are made up of smaller glass windows. Housing also apartments and an underground garage in the complex, it is a combination of food, leisure, living and parking. The inside of the building is adorned with an 11.000 m2 artwork displaying enlarged fruits, vegetables, fish, flowers and insects. The work was made using digital 3D-animation that was separated in 4000 pieces and then printed on perforated aluminum panels. Some call this large artwork “The Sistine Chapel of Rotterdam”.

Where the Market Hall was built is also an archaeological site. The site used to be a fourteenth-century buried settlement in a polder. The Dutch word “polder” is frequently associated with the Netherlands, since about half of the country’s land was reclaimed from the sea. Dutch engineers have been developing techniques to drain wetlands for agriculture and other development. There’s even an English saying: “God created the world, but the Dutch created the Netherlands”. =) Later during the building of the Market Hall, a tenth-century farm was also found 7 meters under the ground.

这个巨型拱廊高约40米,表面的灰色石块上镶嵌着大量小块玻璃窗。 除了中间的菜市场,两边和顶部建有公寓,地下还有个四层的停车场,可停1200多辆车。建筑内部的装饰画面积达11000平米,布满了放大的水果蔬菜、花鸟虫鱼等图案。这副巨作是由4000块立体动画拼成,然后打印在镂空的铝制板材上,有些人称这块大壁画为“鹿特丹的西斯廷教堂(因为西斯廷教堂的穹顶上有米开朗基罗绘制的巨型壁画《创世纪》和《最后的审判》)”。

这间巨大的菜市场里有近100间食品摊位,蔬果,禽肉,海鲜,香料,奶酪,甜点,干货,鲜花,厨具等一应俱全,还有十几家世界各地风味的餐饮店,食客也可以到上层露台休闲小憩。虽说餐馆的数量跟亚洲常见的美食街肯定是没法比,但在西方也算是吃货福利了。我来了碗越南风味的沙拉,跟在越南本土吃到的味道还挺接近的。市场里还有家中国超市和荷兰的本土超市Albert Heijn, 这间连锁超市售卖很多来自世界各地的新鲜蔬果,尤其是小青菜,香菇之类的亚洲品种,平时很难在一般比利时超市找到。由于Albert Heijn比亚超要普遍得多,所以我住在比利时的时候常常去这家荷兰超市扫货,呵呵,又是沾荷兰的光

建造大市场的地址原是一处圩田,这里在十四世纪时曾是个小村落,在建过程中,又发现地下7米处有个十世纪的农场(可怜的荷兰人,寸土寸金啊,小小的国土到处都要物尽其用)。“圩田”这个词来自荷兰语,这也是勤劳智慧的荷兰人民千百年来填海造田的辛酸血泪史(可能我有点夸张了,说不定他们乐在其中呢 ;p 哈哈)。整个国家大约一半的土地都是朝大海要来的。英语里甚至有个说法:“世界是上帝创造的,荷兰却是荷兰人创造的”。:D



Do you like the name of this butcher shop? Nice to meat~ Haha, isn’t it sweet? Not for vegetarians perhaps. And that national cow with tulips and a flag of the Netherlands. Hmm, this is a genuine Dutch shop… ;)

下面这个肉店的名字是不是挺有创意的?可能素食主义者并没觉得有多nice吧,呵呵,反正我这个肉食动物觉得Nice to Meat的名字起得还不错。名字旁边还有头著名的荷兰乳牛,作为从小喝着这奶粉长大的我,对它真是充满感激。 :D 牛身上还有荷兰的象征郁金香和国旗,真是家充满荷兰风情的小肉店呀。

Talking about Dutch produce, there’s no way to get around these guys in the photo below. ;) Dutch cheese is renowned around the world for its excellent quality and wide varieties. The Netherlands is also the number one cheese exporting nation. Cheese making in this flat region(great for pasture lands) dates back over 1600 years.

Among all the cheeses produced in the Netherlands, Gouda is one that accounts for around half of the total production. As you can see from the first photo in this post, the one wrapped in red package is Baby Gouda. From the city Gouda, this semi-hard cheese is one of the oldest types which is still in production. Some Gouda can be aged for over a year to develop its flavor. I personally prefer the cubes of matured Gouda, which in the Netherlands are often eaten with Dutch mustard as a snack. Young Gouda cheese is commonly seen in use with sandwiches.

Other popular cheeses from the country are: Edam(often eaten as a snacking cheese in combination with fruit), Maasdam(a Swiss-style cheese with distinctive holes, introduced in the 1980s to compete with Swiss Emmental), Leidse(contain cumin seeds), Limburger(similar texture to Greek Feta, pungent smell)…

I’d love to tell you more about cheese in a future post, when I share with you my experience of visiting a cheese factory in Delft. :D



还有几种常见的荷兰奶酪有:大红波奶酪(有红色蜡封,正球形,一般和水果一起当零食吃),马士丹奶酪(有孔的瑞士型奶酪,上世纪80年代为了和瑞士的大孔奶酪一拼高下而推出), 小茴香奶酪(含有小茴香种子), 林堡奶酪(质感类似希腊的菲达羊奶酪,气味强烈)。



Nuts and dried fruits, often said to offer great health benefits:


Opening a coconut for me: (I will write a post about different tools used around the world to open a coconut, will you be interested? :)
等他为我打开椰子:(我会写篇文讲讲世界各地看到的椰子的不同打开方式,希望你们会有兴趣? ;D)

See these horned melons in the photo below? I didn’t try them that day in the market but later in South America, they are pretty common in the Southern Hemisphere, and are called Inca Gold in some places in Peru and Chile. When I was researching online the origin of this fruit, I came across this, lol:

The kiwano may look like a fruit from outer space (and in fact, it featured in an episode of Star Trek), but it’s a very popular snack in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of the U.S.

  • from “What the Heck is a Kiwano Melon and How Do You Eat It?”
    by Lindsay Lowe 



  • 来自林赛•洛维的网文“刺角瓜到底是什么玩意儿,应该怎么吃”


Combo of fresh berries:

Super papaya:

Mickey Mouse fruits coated in chocolate:

Spanish ham and wine, also pinchos(small snacks, oh I should write a post about my trip in northern Spain where there is full of pinchos):

Flower bulbs:

Asian restaurant:

I tried a Vietnamese salad, not bad, almost the same as what I tried in Vietnam:

Ok, that’s it for today’s photo journal of the Market Hall in Rotterdam. Hope you enjoyed it like I did! =) Stay tuned for more! See you next time.


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts below, and follow me for more!

#37 Cube Houses in Rotterdam 探秘鹿特丹的魔方房

#36 金色布拉格随想 Golden Prague

#35 Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 暮色中的维港和天星小轮

#34 Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装

#33 The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 全球最长的隧道山口

#32 Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

#31 Train Travels in Sri Lanka (1) 斯里兰卡的火车旅行(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 51.920066 lat 4.486799 long Market Hall Rotterdam d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#38 Come Visit the Rotterdam Market Hall with Me 🧀 🥘 🌽 🇳🇱 全球颜值最高的菜市场究竟长什么样?| 月旦评’

#37 Want to Stay in a Curious Cube House? 🏠🇳🇱 探秘鹿特丹的立体魔方屋 |月旦评


All texts and images by @ItchyfeetDonica |图文 by Donica

The Cube Houses (“Kubuswoningen” in Dutch) in central Rotterdam have long attracted visitors for their creative design and bright color. This set of unique houses were designed by Dutch architect Piet Blom, who is one of the representatives of the movement Structuralism.

In fact, Blom designed the first Cube Houses in Helmond(northeast of Eindhoven) in the mid-1970s. But these yellow houses built later in the early 1980s in Rotterdam are better known to the world. You can visit Piet Blom Museum in Hengelo, The Netherlands, if you are interested in knowing more about his works.

鹿特丹是荷兰仅次于首都阿姆斯特丹的第二大城市,也是欧洲最大的海港。不同于众多拥有中世纪古风建筑的欧洲城市,鹿特丹以标新立异的现代建筑而闻名。原本是座历史古城,但是二战的炮火几乎将其夷为平地,不同于严谨坚韧的德国人将科隆、德累斯顿等被炸毁的古城悉数复原,富有创意的荷兰人在片片废墟上立起了独特的新作。这里也诞生了不少知名的建筑设计师,比如北京CCTV的新楼“大裤衩” 就是由来自鹿特丹的设计师然·考哈斯(Rem Koolhass)设计的。




Blom’s vision for Cube Houses is to combine functionality and style to achieve livable, affordable, and beautiful homes. All the 38 cubes are attached to each other, which represents a village within a city. As you can see from the photos, these cube houses are tilted 45 degrees and are rested upon a hexagon-shaped pylon. Each house represents a tree, and all the houses together, a forest. The open space under the cubes integrates well with the rest of the city.



As these innovative houses are so popular among curious visitors, the residents here are often disturbed, and one owner decided to open a “show cube” and offer tours to tourists. A real Dutch entrepreneur! ;) Since his living space is so popular, it’s a great idea to make a living out of it, right? I lived in Belgium for years, so I visited the Netherlands pretty often, and was attracted by the ubiquitous adventurous and mercantile spirit, and its cultural liberalism and tolerance.

The houses contain three floors: ground floor entrance, first floor with living room and open kitchen, second floor with two bedrooms and bathroom, top floor which is sometimes used as a small garden. I paid a few euros to get in and found inside just like normal houses, the main differences are the walls and windows are angled at 54.7 degrees, so around a quarter of the 100-square-meter space is unusable. It reminds me of high heels, yes they are pretty, but not so comfortable to wear.

来看这些新颖的立体屋的访客络绎不绝,里面的居民深受其扰。于是,其中有一位屋主干脆开放了自家的房子供游客付费参观。此举真是尽显荷兰的企业家精神啊!由于在荷兰南边的比利时住了几年,常常去荷兰,对这个大航海时代的第二代霸主有了些许了解。荷兰一向以开放包容,勇于冒险的开拓创新精神著称,在其他很多国民眼里都是个很酷的国家,以致于很多次的旅途谈话中,别人不知道比利时在何方的情况下,我就说我住在荷兰南边,也是说荷兰语的地方。得到的答案总是:好酷啊。呵呵,真是沾了人家荷兰不少的光啊。; )






You can book several of the homes online to stay overnight or longer, and do it as early as possible, since they often fill up months in advance. There’s also a hostel at the ground floor called Stayokay. Along with this special living experience, the location at the city center is also convenient to explore Rotterdam, this port city known for bold, modern architecture.

If you visit Cube Houses here, don’t forget to check out the Markthal (Market Hall) close by, another architecture marvel and an awesome indoor food court and fresh market. I’m going to show you this market in my next post. Stay tuned!

So that’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed it! Have you visited Rotterdam? What modern architectures did you see there? Tell me your experiences in the comments below! If you like my content, upvote it and follow me for more! =)

还有几家可供住宿,只要去网上预订,但是要趁早,因为常常是提前几个月就被预订一空。底层还有一家青旅叫StayOkay, 有兴趣也可以去住住。除了体验一下这种独特的立体住宅,处于市中心的位置也为游客提供了方便。



Thank you for reading. =) Check out my recent posts , and follow me for more!

#36 金色布拉格随想 Golden Prague

#35 Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 暮色中的维港和天星小轮

#34 Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装

#33 The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 全球最长的隧道山口

#32 Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

#31 Train Travels in Sri Lanka (1) 斯里兰卡的火车旅行(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 51.924420 lat 4.477733 long Rotterdam d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#37 Want to Stay in a Curious Cube House? 🏠🇳🇱 探秘鹿特丹的立体魔方屋 |月旦评’

#36 金色布拉格随想 🏰 🇨🇿 Golden Prague | 月旦评

I visited Prague (Praha) a few years ago. One afternoon, I started strolling the charming streets full of classical buildings west of the Vltava river, later I walked up some steps to a hilltop. What unrolled in front of me was this stunning view of Golden Prague at sunset. Seems the best moments happen when they are unplanned. 😃

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All content by @ItchyfeetDonica | 图文 by Donica




辞职去旅行,说走就走,是不是很狗血?有没有很励志?当然,那些类似走遍世界的说法其实都是鬼话,世界这么大,怎么可能走得遍?!; ) 我只是说”游历“欧洲列国,只有比利时和周边几国是深度游,其他只是蜻蜓点水,走马观花。比如下面这个要提到的地方,就只是待了几天而已。=) 一直觉得如果没有在一个地方长期住过,是很难深切体会到当地文化的,所以今天也就结合照片浅聊一下自己的旅行经历。




还记得《鼹鼠的故事》吗?这童年时期的捷克动画让我第一次知道了这个国家。是的,就是这只机灵可爱的小鼹鼠,而不是布拉格城堡,不是查理大桥,不是皮尔森啤酒,不是古典音乐,也不是爱因斯坦和卡夫卡。: )

Krteček The Mole - childhood memories:


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还有一个找路人甲拍照的缺点就是没有多大创作空间,只能直视镜头,僵硬地摆拍。试想一下,你对路人甲说:请等一下,盯着镜头微笑有点傻,容我拗个特别的诗意造型,这时他/她除了迷惑不解一脸懵还能怎么样? 有一次在南欧的某桥上请过路人帮忙拍照,我想,这么美的景色,留个背影该多妙呀。于是把相机给可爱的路人甲,背转身去作深情凝望远方状, 5秒钟后,再次转过身来时,问他:拍完了?却只见路人甲终于端起相机开使拍照, 脸上带着“你终于转身过来我好拍照了” 的善意表情······

于是,只好默默转向自拍。自拍时相机又需要借助各种外力,放垃圾桶上,挂树上,捆在栏杆上,身边有什么就用什么······ 可怜我那小佳能,忠心耿耿跟了我近十载,受尽各种委屈······

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虽然这种散漫的旅行风格和极度路痴的禀性让我错过了不少各国的著名景点,却常常有如神助地获得意外惊喜。有句话说得好:最好的事情总在没有计划的情况下发生,当然,最坏的可能也是这样。我没有用引号,是因为写着写着,我就感觉类似的原话经我的大脑一番搅和后已经被篡改,哈哈哈 ;)。其实,回想起来,旅行中很多难忘的经历通常不是在著名景点前留影,而往往发生在寻常巷陌,在土产市场,在搭便车的路途中,在当地人的厨房里······

回到这座山头,你看,这传说中的金色布拉格 — 夕阳西下,绿顶黄墙红瓦,古堡街巷,缓缓流淌的母亲河伏尔塔瓦,通通被镀上一层金色的外衣。除了这美景,还有那美女,以及拍美景和美女的我们 — 四个素不相识却都端着相机拍照的人。 👇 看出来是四个了吗?;D

A photoshoot and 4 photographers:

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在学校时跟这位捷克小哥是邻居,所以跟他和另外一名捷克女生常常一起下厨聚餐,总是相谈甚欢,结下深厚的友谊,; ) 到现在我还保留着一面他俩送我的捷克小国旗。记得当时印象最深的就是聊到捷克和波兰在二战中对德军侵略的态度,捷克人选择了不抵抗,布拉格老城因此得以完整保存,免受战火荼毒;而波兰人则殊死抵抗,华沙也成为二战中遭受破坏最为严重的城市之一。后来跟布拉格的沙发主聊起这段历史,他也是感慨不已。这让我想起老子的老师临终前留给他的诫训: 舌存以柔,齿亡以刚。似乎当年的捷克人也深谙此道。柔软的布拉格就像舌头,却得以长存;刚烈的华沙硬如牙齿,却在炮火中化为一片废墟。

还是来点轻松的,继续插播美女的话题 ;), 根据我游历欧洲列国的浅薄而又主观的判断,出产帅哥美女较多的国家地区有瑞典,波兰(主要是美女),克罗地亚, 葡萄牙中北部,意大利北部,西班牙的加泰罗尼亚,立陶宛,拉脱维亚,捷克和斯洛伐克。以上纯属个人意见,仅供参考,不构成撩妹/汉建议。也欢迎你留言告诉我你眼中盛产美人的地方,呵呵。说了是篇随想,所以插播了不少。🙂

The Dancing House at the riverfront, designed by the Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Milunić and Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, inspired by the iconic dance partners Fred and Ginger, completed in 1996:





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Have you been to Prague or Czech Republic? What did you do there?

Krteček The Mole is the first thing I got to know about this amazing country, when I was a little girl watching the cartoon series ;) Surprisingly, for me it’s not the beers, the castles, the classical music, or the ubiquitous Franz Kafka. What about you? What is your first known symbol of Prague or Czech Republic?

Please tell me your thoughts and experience in the comments below! Until next time! =)

👋 Thank you for reading. 😃 Check out my recent posts 👇, and follow me for more! ☝️

Cube Houses in Rotterdam 探秘鹿特丹的立体魔方屋

Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 🛥🌅暮色中的维港和天星小轮

Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon 👗🇵🇪 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装

The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 🛤 🇨🇭 全球最长的隧道山口

Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 🗿🇨🇱 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe 🌏 !

!steemitworldmap 50.075538 lat 14.437800 long Prague d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#36 金色布拉格随想 🏰 🇨🇿 Golden Prague | 月旦评’

#35 Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 🛥🌅暮色中的维港和天星小轮




I took all the shots here with my phone at Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong. The first two pictures were clicked when riding the well-known Star Ferry across the harbour.

Operated since 19th century, Star Ferry has been an inexpensive mode of harbour crossing for local commuters between Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, as well as a popular attraction for tourists.


I took the Star Ferry before in Hong Kong, so I knew I shouldn’t miss the golden hour at the Victoria Harbour. I chose to come to the pier of Tsim Sha Tsui right before sunset, then I could capture the spectacular view when crossing to Hong Kong Island. And it worked! 😃

Here is the view from Wan Chai Ferry Pier after landing:





Have you been to Hong Kong? Did you take the famous Star Ferry? Tell me your experience in the comments below! 👇




Thank you for reading. =) Check out my recent posts below, and follow me for more!

Cube Houses in Rotterdam 探秘鹿特丹的魔方房

金色布拉格随想 Golden Prague

Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装长什么样?

The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 行驶在全球最长的隧道山口

Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 22.297038 lat 114.166489 long Victoria Habour Hong Kong d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#35 Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 🛥🌅暮色中的维港和天星小轮’

#34 Traditional Clothing in Peru's Colca Canyon 👗🇵🇪 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装长什么样?


All content by @itchyfeetDonica

The Colca Canyon in southern Peru, is claimed to be the deepest canyon in the world, almost twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the US. This region is located at north of Arequipa and south of Cusco. Chivay is the biggest town in the region. Deep in the mountains, the Inca traditions here are little altered. The locals still cultivate the pre-Inca stepped terraces built into the slopes.

The natural scenery of this area is simply breathtaking (literally as well ;) - each time when you hike for any beautiful view, it takes your breath away due to the high elevation) - imagine the majestic high mountains shrouded in mist, the crystal clear creek flowing at the bottom of the deep canyons, and the condors soaring above your heads. When the sky is clear, you can also see the snow-capped volcanoes 🌋 in distance…

I will show you the landscape photos in another post in future, today I’d like to share with you first the unique traditional clothing of the locals in Cabanaconde, a small village in Colca Canyon which I stayed a few days as a base to explore the surrounds. In Chivay, this bigger town, people’s clothes are more varied in style as a result of the mixed population. I will write about the market in Chivay in the coming days, where you would see people are wearing wider varieties of clothes. : )

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👆I clicked this photo with my phone in a local bus from Peru’s second most populous city Arequipa to Cabanaconde. The lady in the photo got in the full bus somewhere on the way, and stood in front of my seat for the rest of her trip. In fact, the whole corridor of the bus was full of local passengers, some standing, others sitting on the floor. And even more people managed to get in: eager vendors who tried to sell all kinds of stuff - snacks, watches, herbs…; a passionate propagator who preached for hours without any break… It’s getting crowded, while it’s interesting to see all this drama unrolling in front of me. It felt like a real-life stage for a mix of magical shows - this is also the charm of South America. =)

Ok, let me come back to the lady standing next to me: this is my first impression of the traditional clothing of the Colca Canyon people. The Canyon extends over a large area, so the clothing style is slightly different in different villages. As you can see, her vest is intricately embroidered, and her colorful hat has distinctive patterns on it.



Later when I arrived at Cabanaconde(it’s a looooong hard journey delayed due to the flooded road - this sheer adventure deserves another post), aha, I found almost all elderly women wearing their traditional clothing - a pretty hat decorated with detailed embellishments, matched by the similarly patterned vest, with or without a piece of solid-colored fabric at the upper part, and a long, layered dress mostly in bright blue or red, with embroidered fringe. Gorgeous, isn’t it?

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At first, I thought their hats were soft and easy to fold up, until I tried one out in a small eatery in Cabanaconde. The owner family was also making the traditional hats, and the friendly owner let curious me try one hat on. The hat was actually pretty hard with a fixed shape, and it’s not so light as I imagined. In this high elevation area, the wide rim in front must have worked well in blocking some high UV rays.

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It’s interesting that it’s the man in this family who was making these traditional layered dresses. Like what I happened to see on a street in the village:

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I noticed younger women in the village don’t usually wear the traditional vest or dress, but the hat was still a common sight:

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That’s it for today’s post about the traditional clothing in Cabanaconde. Hope you like it! Have you ever been to this beautiful region in Peru? What kind of traditional clothing impressed you in your travels? Feel free to comment below. Until next time! 😁

Thank you for reading. =) Check out my recent posts below, and follow me for more!

Cube Houses in Rotterdam 探秘鹿特丹的魔方房

金色布拉格随想 Golden Prague

Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 暮色中的维多利亚港和天星小轮

The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 行驶在全球最长的隧道山口

Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe!

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