#27 World’s Oceans Tuesday - Irminger Sea Between Iceland and Greenland 🇮🇸 冰岛海域掠影

This is Irminger Sea between Iceland and Greenland. It is a marginal sea of the North Atlantic Ocean, named after Danish vice-admiral Carl Ludvig Christian Irminger (1802–1888).

照片中的伊尔明厄海是位于北大西洋的一片边缘海(沿岸海域),在冰岛西南面,格陵兰东南面。是根据丹麦的舰队副司令卡尔 · 路德维希 · 克里斯汀 · 伊尔明厄的名字而命名的。

I took this picture on a ship during a whale watching tour starting from the Icelandic capital Reykjavik. I only spotted a couple of whales 🐳 at last, and lots of dolphins 🐬 . But this stunning sea view was already worth the trip.

我当时从冰岛首都雷克雅未克乘船出发去观鲸🐳 ,后来鲸鱼只看到几只,倒是海豚🐬看到不少, 😄 当然看到的还有这片靠近极地的海域。

Different from the tropical sea, this vast dark ocean looks so surreal at sunset. The cold waves are dancing and shimmering. A seagull flies over, outlining a beautiful silhouette.



!steemitworldmap 63.509375 lat -28.652344 long d3scr

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#26 Koalas in the Wild! 🐨 🇦🇺 跟我来看野生考拉

I spotted these cute guys on Raymond Island in Victoria, Australia (where else in the wild can it be? ;p)



If you want to reach Raymond Island, first go to Paynesville, the town where you can catch a ferry ⛴ over to the island.

The ferry operates on a daily basis from 6:40am till after 11pm. You can take the ferry by foot or bicycle for free, or by car for $12. We parked our station wagon at Paynesville terminal (located on The Esplanade near Victoria Street), and caught the ferry by foot. It only took a few minutes to reach Raymond Island.

Remember to bring some drinking water with you as there are no shops on Raymond Island. We didn’t know that and were almost dying from thirst strolling the hot and dry island. ;p


上岛前记得带足饮用水,或者需要野餐的吃喝,因为岛上是没有小店的,我们当时忘记带水,结果在又热又干的岛上走了一圈,差点没渴死,最后奄奄一息地挪向码头,等到开过来的渡轮,那感觉,仿佛荒岛余生的人盼到了营救的船只 - 终于有了水源的希望!


On the island, there is a clearly marked 1.3km route of Koala Walk, but we soon strayed from it being distracted by the colorful birds, pretty residential houses surrounded by flowers, and 2 echidnas!

Since koalas only eat Eucalyptus leaves, chances are big you spot them in a gum tree. It is a great experience to see them in their own habitat looking so natural and cozy. I also spotted a baby koala(joey) on his mother’s back high up in the tree, but I didn’t have a telephoto lens with me to get the close-up picture.

The koalas were first introduced to this island in the 1950’s, and recently their overpopulation and lack of food have caused some deaths. So some koalas are being relocated, and there are volunteers working with the Koala and Wildlife center on the Island.





Koalas sleep for around 18 hours a day, so this is a common sight:



!steemitworldmap -37.922399 lat 147.728691 long Raymond Island d3scr

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#25 Stunning Sunset at Whisky Bay 威士忌海湾观日落

File Jan 15, 15 02 28.jpeg

☝️by @itchyfeetDonica Samsung Galaxy S7 \ 图文 by Donica

Whisky Bay is a peaceful stretch of sheltered beach inside Wilsons Promontory National Park in Victoria, Australia. This park is the most southern national park in the country, 157 kilometres southeast of Melbourne.


After the free entrance of Wilsons Promontory National Park and stops at a few lookouts, we drove to Whisky Bay car park in the heavy rain, then walked through a moist gully along Whisky Creek, and passed over sand dunes to this beautiful secluded beach. Luckily it’s turning sunny at this moment. There we saw huge orangeish rocks at one end, and green rolling hills at the other. Swayed by the chilly wind, white waves of the blue sea were gently tapping the sandy shore. Later, the sun started setting. The hills, the beach and the rocks were all kissed by the warm glow, tinged with a stunning golden shade.


Like most breathtaking views, words can’t do them justice. So I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.


File Jan 15, 13 39 01.jpeg

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#24 Enchanting Water Temples in Bali 🇮🇩 探秘巴厘岛水神庙

☝️All the photos in this post were shot by me with iPhone 7. | 文章配图都是我本人手机拍摄

Hey everyone! Today I’d love to share with you my visit to Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, this mythical water temple complex near Bedugul, in Bali,Indonesia. Its ethereal beauty has long attracted the gaze of admirers from around the globe.



Pura Bratan is built in 1633, located on the shores of beautiful Lake Bratan (Lake of Holy Mountain), a main source of irrigation in central Bali. This temple complex is used for offerings ceremony to the Balinese water, lake and river goddess Dewi Danu. You can see how important this temple complex is for Indonesian people, since it’s even featured in 50,000-rupiah (second to 100,000-rupiah) banknote of Indonesia.

水神庙建于1633年,坐落于美丽的圣山湖(布拉坦湖)岸。圣山湖是巴厘岛中部灌溉用水的主要源头。当地人在这些庙宇里祭祀巴厘岛水湖河女神Dewi Danu。庙宇群的身影还被印在印尼钞票五万卢比的背面(仅次于十万卢比的面额),可见它在印尼人民心目中的神圣地位。


Part of this temple complex, the 11-storey temple in the photos is dedicated to Shiva and his consort Parvathi. Buddha’s statue is also enshrined in this temple.



Located 1200 m above sea level, this lake area is considerably colder than the lower regions on the island, which is a real bless when travellors get enough or too much heat in most other places. I felt so refreshed when I reached the lake in the late afternoon, from the sweltering South. The clouds and the colour of the sky were changing rapidly, and the breeze turned into a heavy blow in a few minutes, making ripples on the water. Shrouded in light mist and surrounded by lush greens, the temples looked truly enchanting at the water edge.


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#23 Gorgeous Smile of Ethiopian Kids 🇪🇹 微笑是最美的语言


I took this photo in a village near Turmi, south of Ethiopia. I was strolling the streets of the village when these cute kids came to me to say hello. They were quite curious about me, this strange outsider, just as I was curious about their community and culture.

They tried to talk to me in loads of funny gestures they just improvised, and they were wearing the big smile on their face through the whole conversation(though it’s more like a communication by body languages ;p). I don’t think we understood everything from each other, but no worries there, all people smile in the same language.

I love their beautiful contagious smile. 😄 A smile costs nothing, but gives much. Their lovely smile brightens my day. Pretty often we underestimate the power of a smile, the gorgeous curve that sets everything straight. So smile more, it lights up yourself as well as the others around. 😃




哈哈 我这是一不小心成了鸡汤诗人了吗?

!steemitworldmap 4.966798 lat 36.488514 long near Turmi Ethiopia d3scr

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#22 ColorChallenge Macro Green - 2 Plants and Their Uses 🇲🇾 🇮🇩 闲谈2种绿植

☝️Tropical Spice Garden, Penang, Malaysia | 摄于马来西亚槟城热带香料园 🇲🇾
👉by @itchyfeetDonica iPhone7

Sweet Prayer Plant | 甜味祈祷草

It is native to western part of Africa, and is now also commonly seen in tropical Asia. I saw this plant in the wild and in some gardens in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia… Its large papery green leaves are popular for decoration purpose.

这种植物原产于西非,现在在亚洲的热带地区也很常见。我在马来西亚、新加坡、印尼等国的野外和花园里都见过它们的芳踪 =)。它绿油油的大叶片赏心悦目,在家里庭院里都是很美的装点。

And the leaves are used for wrapping and boiling foods, like banana leaves. Local people also use them as weaving materials, building materials, and for roofing.


Plus it’s a natural source of thaumatin, a low-calorie sweetener and flavor modifier protein.


Its leaf sap can also be used as sedative and as antidote against venoms, stings, and bites.


Have you ever seen this sweet magical plant? Where did you see it? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment below.


☝️Ubud, Bali, Indonesia | 摄于印尼巴厘岛乌布 🇮🇩
👉by @itchyfeetDonica iPhone7

Rice Plant | 水稻

Rice is nice. As a cereal grain, rice is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world’s population, especially in Asia.


There are so many ways of cooking and eating rice, and they are easy and tasty, such as steamed plain rice, with coconut milk, with saffron, with spinach juice or whatever vegetable sap; boiled into congee/porridge; fried rice with whatever vegetables and meat in your fridge (titled as Fried Rice Queen by my coworkers, I have lots of recipes to share with you in future ;p); stuffed in vine leaves for Greek Dolmades; rolled in sushi; crispy rice crust; rice cracker… the list goes on.


I eat rice almost every day, and miss it a lot if there’s only bread available. 😋

作为一枚生活在西方世界被各式面包围攻的亚洲吃货,米饭这一底线却从未被突破。; )

What about you? Do you love rice? How do you normally cook it? Please tell me in the comments below. =)


!steemitworldmap 5.464199 lat 100.229653 long Tropical Spice Garden Penang d3scr

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