#21 Niemeyer’s Artwork Through My Lens (1) 🇧🇷 内梅耶建筑艺术实拍(一)


I took these photos in the capital city of Brazil 🇧🇷 - Brasília. That’s right, Brazil’s capital is neither sensational Rio de Janeiro nor industrial São Paulo, but this planned city laid out in the shape of an airplane.


It reminds me of Canberra, the capital town of Australia, it’s kind of like: stop fighting with each other, big brothers Sydney and Melbourne! Here’s this new guy taking the capital role. ; )

就像澳大利亚的小首都堪培拉一样,感觉是这个画风:大哥悉尼和墨尔本,你们别抢了,还是我这个新来的当首都吧,免得大伙儿伤了和气,有损国家大业啊。; )


This unique white-domed building is the National Museum of the Republic (also known as Museum Honestino Guimarães), part of the Cultural Complex of the Republic in Brasília.


It is designed by the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer, who is the chief designer of the city’s modern architectures. On December 15 of 2006, this museum was inaugurated as the first building of the cultural complex to celebrate the architect’s 99 year-old birthday.


The large retrofuturistic dome is almost 90 meters in diameter and 28 meters in height, like an ancient mound of earth crossed with a spaceship. This museum hosts art exhibitions and cultural events for Brazilians and foreign visitors alike.



In my following posts, I’d love to share more information about my visit to the exhibitions in this museum and other iconic architectures in this capital city of Brazil. Until next time! 😃


!steemitworldmap -15.796590 lat -47.878933 long Museum Honestino Guimarães d3scr

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#20 Australian Monday - Spectacular View Near Kiama, NSW 🇦🇺 图说澳洲小镇凯马附近景观



I got the view in this shot from a lookout south of Kiama Heights, New South Wales. The coastal towns in this region feature several great surfing beaches and caravan parks. The main tourist attraction in Kiama is the unique Blowhole and the white light house.

这张照片是我前几天在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的Kiama高地附近拍的。这里离悉尼约1.5小时车程,附近的海滨小镇阳光充足,有几处很适合冲浪🏄的海滩和房车营地。Kiama最有名的景点是海边一处壮观的天然喷水洞,当海水从大洋涌进,会形成最高达60米的天然水柱,水柱顶端还不时有彩虹出现🌈。旁边的白色灯塔也小有名气。灯塔建于1887年,至今仍在使用。建塔十年前,这里的人造港口Robertson Basin刚刚形成,用来将凯马产的蓝色碎金属和铺路石运往悉尼。

( 发文当天在野外手机网络不行 - 更多照片没上传成功,以后会另贴增补喷水洞等景观照片,感谢关注!)

!steemitworldmap -34.705493 lat 150.842972 long Mount Pleasant Lookout d3scr

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#19 A Foodie’s Photo Journal of Sydney Fish Market 🐠 带你逛悉尼海鲜市场 🇦🇺 A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #8 MARKET

☝️Seafood platters in Sydney Fish Market


Hello fellow Steemians, how’s your holiday week going? I visited the Fish Market in Sydney a few days ago and can’t wait to share with you the foodie experience through my photos.


The market seen from opposite the street:

As you can see from the photo above, the market offers cooking classes. You can join a short session for a few hours or enroll in a long-term course to hone your cooking skills. I love both seafood and cooking, but too bad that the cooking class was booked up the week when I was available to visit the market. So if you want to learn cooking there, remember to check their website and book in advance!


The market sits on the Blackwattle Bay foreshore, west of the Sydney central business district. It is the world’s third largest fish market, after the Tsukiji Market in Tyoko and La Nueva Viga Market in Mexico City.


The view of the Blackwattle bay and the ANZAC bridge from Fish Market’s entrance:

Apart from the seafood cooking school in the Fish Market, there are a fishing port, a wholesale fish market, a fresh seafood retail market, a delicatessen, a sushi bar, etc.. There are also daily wholesale auctions for Sydney’s seafood retailers. And according to the New South Wales Government, the market would move to a new complex on an adjacent site that is over twice the size of the current one.











Visitors are enjoying the seafood feast at the indoor seatings and the outdoor promenade:



☝️Have you ever tried this spiky urchin? It’s my first time seeing someone eating it in front of me. When I was snorkeling in the Caribbeans, there were a few times I almost stepped into the sea urchins, now it’s interesting to see they are eaten!
I also saw them a couple of times in the markets in the Mediterranean, but I’ve never tried it yet. ;)



We ordered grilled lobster tails, octopus and fish, with sweet potato chips and seafood fried rice:



Not only humans, an ibis and a pelican are also hunting for seafood: 😁






So that’s it for today. Thank you for checking out my photo documentary of the Sydney Fish Market! Hope you liked it. 😄

If you enjoyed my post, remember to upvote, resteem, and follow me for more! 👍 Any comments? Please tell me below!

Until next time! 😋


!steemitworldmap -33.869845 lat 151.193354 long Sydney Fish Market d3scr

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#18 Angkor Wat at Sunrise 🇰🇭 日出吴哥窟

I captured this moment of sunrise at Angkor Wat, Cambodia. As a national symbol of Cambodia, 🇰🇭 Angkor Wat is the country’s prime attraction that draws a large number of visitors all year round.

This temple complex is the largest religious monument in the world, built by a Khmer King as a Hindu temple of god Vishnu in the early 12th century, gradually transforming into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the same century.


☝️ISO 100 1/50 f22 15mm by @itchyfeetDonica

You can visit Angkor Wat as well as other religious sites such as Angkor Thom, Bayon, Preah Khan, Banteay Srei, Pre Rup, Ta Prohm, Terrace of the Elephants…, in an extensive jungle area a bit north of Siem Reap, a base for exploring those amazing ancient temples and surrounds.

7-day pass is a good choice since there’s quite some distance between certain sites, and there’s so much to see at each site. If you are short of time, you can also choose the 3-day pass. Remember to bring sunscreen and cool clothes for the heat, and cover your shoulders and knees as required by the religious culture.

We got up at 4am in Siem Reap that day and arrived at the Angkor Wat site by e-bike (faster and cooler than the tuk tuk) at around 5:10am, when it’s already packed with visitors. After walking through the causeway, the waiting game started by the reflection pond in front of the main temple. There were people waiting in different spots, and I picked this spot with less heads in front.

All the crowds were waiting for that exciting moment in silence. The sun finally appeared over the horizon at 6:10am, shining through the trees and spangling the water surface. The flickering ripples in the pond started to dance with the golden sun rays… then the yellow sphere quickly glided up the trees, in a few minutes, the whole sky was lit up. ☀️

Pretty stunning right? As a night person, I can’t get up early, so I take much more sunset shots than sunrise ones. But I once read that at sunset the sky is full of pollutants and wind-borne particles, while more colors can be perceived at dawn than at dusk. So do you like this photo in dawn colors? What time of the day do you prefer - dawn or dusk? Tell me what you think in the comments please!





四周一片寂静,所有人都在等待那神圣一刻的到来。六点十分的时候,金黄色的圆球开始跃升出地平线,透过树影,点亮水面,池塘潋滟的波纹在柔和的光线下跃动起舞…… ☀️这轮发光体很快滑上树梢,挂在空中。整个过程短短几分钟,接着气温陡然上升,困倦的双眼被这万丈光芒刺得无法睁开,一颗小心却久久不能平静,起个大早经历等待后终于看到了这朝思暮想的一刻。


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#17 Come Discover with Me the Beauty of Groenplaats in Antwerp 🇧🇪 钻石城的绿色广场原来竟是座墓场?

Hey Steemians, happy weekend! 😃 Here’s my entry for #smartphonephotography. I shot this photo 3 years ago with my iPhone4 at Groenplaats (green place) in Antwerp, Belgium, a lovely port city best known for its design and diamonds. (Sometimes ignored by tourists who only go to Brussels and Brugge,) Antwerp, as well as Gent and Leuven, are my favorite places in the Flemish part of Belgium, all with a strong artisanal heritage and cultural legacy.



Groenplaats is a small square in the center of Antwerp’s historic district. It’s neither very green nor a square until 18th century. It was a cemetery next to the Cathedral of Our Lady, and it was converted into a square during the Austrian occupation. Today locals still call the square ‘green cemetery’.


It’s a popular place for tourists as well as locals to relax. On sunny summer days, I love to sit on the bench here reading a book, or to meet friends at the terrace of one of the cozy cafés bordering the square. You can also try the specialty beers and famous Belgian fries 🍺 🍟 (each of them is a national pride of Belgium, as well as the awesome chocolates, though most Belgians don’t have a national identity due to the complicated situation - this deserves another 100 posts at least, ; ) so I won’t ramble on here today).

这个广场四周有不少咖啡馆啤酒吧,又地处有名的天主教大教堂旁边,所以游客和当地人都很喜欢在这里休闲放松。如果你来这里玩,记得去试试比利时特产的啤酒和薯条。啤酒有几千种,薯条也绝对不是French fries(比利时人认为英语里的称呼法国薯条是个误会,其实是他们南部说法语的瓦隆人发明的),就像如果你说瑞士的巧克力是最好的,比利时人肯定跟你急。由于复杂的历史地理政治文化因素,比利时人并没有多少爱国情怀(如果继续展开,我还可以写很多怕打不住,这里就先到此为止),但有那么几样东西他们还是很引以为豪的。


From the picture, behind the twinkling lights, you can see the bronze statue of the famous painter, Pieter Paul Rubens, who lived in Antwerp from 1587 until his death in 1640. Rubens is well-known for his dramatic Baroque paintings displayed all over the world.

扯得有点远了,回到照片中来:那些漂亮的灯饰后面有座鲁本斯的青铜塑像(睁大眼睛仔细看哦 - 老古董手机夜晚拍摄效果不好,只能隐约可见),这位著名画家的巴洛克名作遍布世界各地的教堂、画廊、博物馆,他从1587年开始居住在安特卫普,直到1640年去世。

The background in the picture is the Cathedral of Our Lady, a beautiful Roman Catholic cathedral whose tall bell tower can be seen from many corners of the city.


If it’s a beautiful sunny day, it’s very pleasant to walk around the city, taking in the beauty of art and architecture, getting inspired in plenty of design and fashion shops, savoring the gastronomical delights… But if you happen to visit Antwerp during bad weather, it might be interesting to try the tourist tram starting from Groenplaats. The tram offers a ride along some of Antwerp’s most interesting sights.



!steemitworldmap 51.217973 lat 4.402814 long Groenplaats Antwerp d3scr

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#16 厄瓜多尔火山湖村的原住民 🇪🇨 Kichwa Women in Ecuador

那天去厄瓜多尔中部的Quilotoa火山湖(会有另贴展示这个风景绝美的地方),在旁边的同名小镇上遇到照片中这些Kichwa原住民。我用破烂的西班牙语跟她们打招呼问好,她们腼腆地笑着回应。然后她们几个人聊天的时候,我突然意识到人家是说自己方言而不是西班牙语的。她们的土话叫Kichwa/Quichua, 是南美原住民语系Quechua的一个分支。




可能你会觉得她们衣服的颜色搭配有些神奇,😅 但在南美这片神奇的土地上,这却再平常不过了。等以后稍微安定下来,我会陆续写些神奇的南美故事,敬请关注。


I met these #Kichwa women in the small village of #Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean #Andes, next to a huge volcanic crater lake (I will show you this spectacular caldera in details in another post).

These #indigenous people are descendants of the Incas, the largest of the 13 indigenous communities in #Ecuador. They speak Kichwa/Quichua, which is an Ecuador variety of #Quechuan languages, a native South American language family spoken primarily in the Andean mountainous regions.

From the photo, you can see their traditional clothing: durable felt hats, wool jackets, bright synthetic sweaters, shawls held over the shoulder, vibrant skirts, long stockings and black leather shoes. All these keep them warm high up in the Andes mountains, at an elevation of almost 4000 meters. I wish I also had a hat and a shawl, when I reached the summit by the crater lake, shievering in the cold wind like a leaf. ;)

!steemitworldmap -0.848056 lat -78.911944 long Quilotoa Ecuador d3scr

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