#15 Red Train in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc 🇫🇷 阿尔卑斯雪地红火车

Hey fellow Steemians, another image I want to share on Wednesday is the photo I took in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France.


I went to this resort area to learn skiing ⛷ and to enjoy the breathtaking views of snow mountains and glacier fields 🏔. And what a pleasant surprise it is to see this beautiful red train in a white world of snow!


Chamonix is a lovely town at the base of Mont Blanc, the highest summit in the Alps. It is near the junction of France, Italy and Switzerland.
Except for trying #skiing here, you can also take cable cars up to several nearby peaks with panoramic views, including Aiguille du Midi above town, and Pointe Helbronner, across vast glacier fields on the Italian border.

霞慕尼位于阿尔卑斯山最高峰勃朗峰的山脚下,临近法国、意大利、瑞士三国交界。这座可爱的小城以滑雪胜地著称,除了滑雪,你也可以乘坐缆车🚠 上到附近的几座山顶,一睹雪山冰川全景。


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#14 African Wednesday - Hamar Girls at a Local Market 🇪🇹 露天集市上的哈马族姑娘

Hello fellow Steemians, today I’d like to share with you a photo shot in the Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia.

I visited an interesting local market near the village Turmi, and captured the image of these two girls from Hamar/Hamer tribe, a semi-nomadic, pastoral community best known for their distinctive style and bull-leaping ceremony. They have elaborately rolled hair in red ochre and beef tallow, and are wearing beautiful beaded necklaces and metal bracelets. And did you notice the chic bag and purse they are carrying?

大家好!今天我来分享一张在埃塞俄比亚南部Omo山谷地区拍的照片。当时我在Turmi村附近的一个传统露天市集闲逛,看到这两位Hamar部落的年轻姑娘。Hamar是一个有着独特审美风格的半游牧部族, 他们的跳牛仪式远近闻名。姑娘们的传统发型很特别,头发被搓成很多细小的发束,掺和进红土和牛油来染色加固。身上佩戴着颜色鲜艳的串珠项链和金属手镯。还有她们使用的大背包和小钱袋是不是也挺别致的呢?


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#13 Reach Torres del Paine in a Different Way! 🇨🇱 你还打算坐车去百内国家公园?

For many travelers and photographers, Torres del Paine National Park is a dream destination. In most cases, travelers arrive there by land transportation from Puerto Natales in Chile. While I highly recommend another way to reach the stunning park: by boat.

百内国家公园是很多旅行摄影爱好者的梦想目的地。大多数游客都是从智利南部的Puerto Natales这座门户之城坐车由陆路到达的。而我今天要给大家安利一条更棒的路线:水路!

I found this alternative by looking at the map - there’s a water way leading to the park as well. So I searched online, and bingo: a boat tour really exists! The result? I did it and never regretted my choice.


It takes a bit longer than land transportation, and you need to change from a bigger ship to a small boat(which I think is way more exciting), but you get to explore the marvelous glacier park on the way. And after a short hike upon landing through Rio Serrano, this is the amazing view you see:👇😀



Photo by @itchyfeetdonica
ISO 100 42mm f7.1 1/640

Camera: my old friend since 2009 - Canon Kiss X3
Lens: another old friend I travel with - Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM

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#12 图说万州烤鱼 🐟 Szechuan Style Roast Fish Recipe and the Legend Behind It

这些天一路自驾南下,昨天刚开到悉尼来看跨年的烟花。作为一枚吃货, 来到这个澳洲华人人口最多的地方,当然少不了来美食云集的唐人街大快朵颐,于是便有了下面这些烤鱼的照片。也在这里顺祝各位朋友新年快乐,年年有余!🐟🐟




















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#11 Locals in Old Havana 哈瓦那老城区街头记忆

Hey Steemians,

My entry for #streetphotography this Friday is a photo I took on a street of Havana, Cuba.

The street is in La Habana Vieja (Old Havana), a lively and hectic district full of local charm. The doors of local homes are usually wide open, and portrait of Fidel Castro or Che Guevara is a common sight on the wall in many homes. The locals enjoy sitting outside, chatting or playing music.




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#10 Trekking in Rainbow Mountains in Peru 🌈 ⛰ 秘鲁七色山的故事

Hey Steemians,

My entry for #colourfulphotography this Thursday is a photo of colorful mountains in Peru. I shot it when trekking in the region of Willkanuta mountain range (Cordillera Vilcanota) in the Andes, on the boundary between Cusco and Puno.


This amazing area has four major geological features: the Andean uplift, the hanging glaciers and glacial erosional valleys, the limestone forests, and the Permian formation with its singular colors: red, ochre, blue and turquoise. As these mountains are so colorful, many travelers call them “Rainbow Mountains”. 🌈


It’s a pretty tough trek to reach the peak of Vinicunca, also called Montaña de Siete Colores and Montaña de Colores, with a scary altitude of 5,200 meters above sea level. I had to get up at 3am and was picked up by a van in Cusco to drive to the starting point of the trek. After hours of hiking in the thin air (meaning difficult breathing and getting exhausted easily), being greeted by cold wind, scorching sun with crazily high UV, hail and rain (Yes these happened at the same time or alternated), I finally climbed (it’s almot real climbing) to the highest point in the afternoon and captured the view in the photo below. Shouldn’t you upvote for my efforts behind this colorful image? 😉


Let alone the breathtaking view, another interesting part in this trek is the lovely llamas and alpacas, and the indeginous highlanders who herd them. I plan to post a series of photos to show these creatures and the natives (their traditional clothes are more colorful than the mountains), when I have access to my portable drive after this road trip.

除了这些壮美独特的山景,一路上还能看到可爱萌蠢的美洲驼羊驼,和衣着传统鲜艳服饰的印第安牧人。等我结束这次奔波, 会发些移动盘里他们的照片。(没错,我正在路上用手机码字发帖,敬业不?😅)

As one of the few remaining pastoralist societies in the world, these herders use the high mountain trails to trade with agricultural communities at lower elevations. They also provide horseriding service to trekkers who couldn’t make it to the top, which saved lives of many I believe. I witnessed a few trekkers fainting due to the altitude sickness and harsh weather conditions.


Rainbow Mountains


Category Colourfulphotography
SettingsISO 100 46mm f/10 1/200
Camera Canon Kiss X3
LensCanon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Location Vinicunca - Peru

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