#296 Concubine Lane ☔️🇲🇾 | 二奶巷

Have you heard of Concubine Lane? A unique name right? It’s a lane in the old town of Ipoh, Malaysia.

Another 2 lanes nearby are called the Wife Lane and the First Concubine Lane. It’s said that after a fire in Ipoh Old Town in 1892, the mining tycoon Yao Tet Shin gave away the rebuilt houses on these lanes to his 3 wives. That’s how the 3 lanes got their names from the locals. Another legend has it that concubines of some wealthy men lived in these lanes.

I have no idea where the concubines or their offsprings are nowadays, and this lane has been transformed into a lively place full of shops and restaurants. You can find all kinds of local crafts and food specialties on this street. I took this picture with my phone when being caught in a sudden tropical shower.



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#295 Weaving | 织布


When I was in southern Ethiopia, I visited a weaving cooperative where local weavers were producing cotton fabrics with colourful designs. The happy man in my photo was one of them. Seems he’s enjoying his work a lot, and I was given permission to shoot some photos there.

This Dorze village is located high up in the Guge Mountains, northwest of Arba Minch. The Dorze people are a small ethnic group known in Ethiopia for their skilled cotton weaving.

It’s my entry for Qurator Photo Friday competition and People Photography Contest Week #30 by @worldcapture. Thank you! :)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

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#294 Adventure of a Plesiosaurus 🦖| 蛇颈龙历险记

Here is a group of photos I shot about the adventure of a plesiosaurus: 😉










All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#294 Adventure of a Plesiosaurus 🦖| 蛇颈龙历险记’

#293 Stunning Sunset at Whisky Bay (2) | 威士忌海湾观日落(二)


Greetings everyone! I’d love to share with you the stunning sunset at Whisky Bay, a quiet stretch of sheltered beach inside the most southern national park in Australia - Wilsons Promontory National Park in Victoria.

After we drove to the car park in the heavy rain and walked through a moist gully and sand dunes, we arrived to this secluded beach. Luckily, the sun came out then and started to set. It’s a perfect moment to watch the amazing scene, when the clouds in the sky and the huge rocks at the beach were gifted such dramatic colors.

It’s my third entry to the Golden Hour Photography Contest hosted by @ntopaz and @tussar11. My first two entries are respectively of a forest and the mountains. So now I’m entering this seascape in the golden hour. Hope you enjoy the brilliant view like I did. :)

Camera and settings:

Here’s the original photo before it’s cropped by the site:



More information in my first post about this place:

Stunning Sunset at Whisky Bay (1) 威士忌海湾观日落 (一)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

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#292 My Trans-Siberian Journey (3) 🚂 - Ural Summer Portraits 西伯利亚之旅 —— 乌拉尔的夏天

Yekaterinburg of Russia is my second stop during the Trans-Siberian train journey. Here are some portraits I shot in that region. They are my entries for the @portraitcontest Week 90 themed SUMMER.

When I saw this keyword, the image of a happy woman in a flowery dress immediately popped up in my mind, as she was shouting “I love summer!” when I took the photo for her.


This sweet girl in the first photo was my host in Yekaterinburg, and together we visited a forest nearby. Living in a place with a long harsh winter, she was extremely happy getting close to the Ural nature on a warm sunny day. She just couldn’t stop singing and dancing all the time. :)

When I’m going down the memory lane to my Trans-Siberian journey, moments like this started to replay. They are unforgettable because of these lovely people I met on the way.


My Trans-Siberian Journey (1) - By the Moscow River | 西伯利亚之旅 —— 启程 + 河岸黄昏



My Trans-Siberian Journey (2) - Boat Tour on the Moscow River | 西伯利亚之旅 —— 泛舟莫斯科河

boatour (5).JPG.JPG)

boatour (4).JPG.JPG)


她是我西伯利亚之旅第二站 —— 叶卡捷琳堡的当地host,一个乐观自信、活泼开朗、人见人爱、花见花开的妹纸。;)

我们一起去城市附近乌拉尔山区的森林里玩耍。她一路上都在奔跑跳跃,不住地大喊:“夏天真美好啊~ 我爱夏天!” 每年都要熬过西伯利亚式漫长的寒冬,可以想见她对这短暂而温暖的夏天是有多期待和眷念。我也被她的兴奋所感染,给她拍下了很多快乐的瞬间。


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#292 My Trans-Siberian Journey (3) 🚂 - Ural Summer Portraits 西伯利亚之旅 —— 乌拉尔的夏天’

#291 Make Prosciutto e Melone 😋 | 来做火腿蜜瓜


Greetings everyone! I’d like to share my Sunday brunch recipe in this post. I think it’s perfect for the warm weather these days. It’s a common antipasto from Italy - Prosciutto e Melone.

It can’t be more simple, as it only takes two ingredients to make: some Italian cured ham (prosciutto) and a melon or two. :)


Here are the 2 varieties of ham I normally use, both presliced:
这是我用的两种意大利特产火腿 —— 帕尔马和圣丹尼火腿:


Prosciutto is made from the hind leg or thigh of a pig or wild boar. It requires a salting process and a long drying period up to 2 years. Prosciutto di San Daniele is slightly sweeter and darker than Prosciutto di Parma. They are both protected by the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), so their quality is guaranteed.

The salty and buttery ham goes very well with the sweet and juicy melon. Such a refreshing treat for summer days! Have you tried this popular traditional Italian match before?

这两种火腿都受到PDO欧盟原产地认证保护。PDO是英文Protected Designation of Origin的首字母缩写,是指“受保护的原产地名称”。源于法国法定葡萄酒产区(AOC)的保护政策,后来根据欧盟法,被认证对象又延伸到约500种其它农产品,包括橄榄油、火腿、啤酒、奶酪等。PDO保证这些优质产品全部在欧盟成员国原产地生产, 并符合严格的质量标准。



从那以后,我就经常在天热没什么胃口的时候自己做着吃。这也是我热爱旅行的重要原因之一 —— 学习世界各地的美食配方,为我所用。做法很容易:买切片火腿(因为我实在没有勇气买只完整的巨大火腿,对自己切那种薄片的刀工也没有自信 ;p),切密瓜,将火腿片覆盖或包裹在瓜片上。也有些餐厅或家庭会把瓜切成小块,跟火腿片用牙签穿在一起,吃起来更加方便。

做起来快速便捷,吃起来抚慰人心。有空也来试试吧!衷心感谢发明这一吃法的意大利古代人民~ =)


It’s my entry to Qurator’s Tasty Tuesday competition. Don’t hesitate to join the fun if you also love food and photography!

More Foodie Posts:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

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