#213 San Juan (1) - Life is a Beach 🇵🇷 | 圣胡安(一)—— 城市海滩

#213 San Juan (1) - Life is a Beach 🇵🇷 | 圣胡安(一)—— 城市海滩


Greetings everyone! How’s the weather in your place? It’s been raining here in Belgium for too many days and there’s even a hailstorm today. So let’s get some vitamin sea and sun from the tropical island - Puerto Rico. I used to live in San Juan and shot these photos. Life is a beach there~

嗨~ 今天分享几张我住在波多黎各首都圣胡安时拍的城市海滩。因为前些天看到@veronicazhu发的圣胡安游记,想起我曾在那里住过,然后这几天比利时阴雨连绵,今天还下起冰雹,实在是渴望阳光,就找出以前在圣胡安这个热带城市的照片,聊以自慰。也来参加 @iguazi123发起的「带我看看,你的城市」。

Carolina Beach - a bit far from the city center, but nice and quiet. Slender palm trees and splendid sunset:
卡罗莱纳海滩 —— 离市中心比较远,安静悠闲,棕榈摇曳,日落超赞:



Condado Laguna and beach - in downtown area, great place for snorkeling and stand up paddle boarding:
康达多泻湖和沙滩 —— 就在市区,经常去那里浮潜和玩水上直立板:



Punta Escambron - a popular place for local families to swim and to relax with picnic and music:
Escambron角 —— 安全的港湾,是处游泳的好地方,很受当地家庭的欢迎。每次去都会看到很多一大家子在那里晒太阳、野餐、伴着震天响的音乐唱歌跳舞 :D:





I used to live by the Ocean Park beach too, but didn’t find any pictures! I guess I was too used to going to that beach every day, so didn’t feel like taking photos. :)

还有其他几处常去的城市海滩,竟然没有找到照片,大概是去太多习以为常了,就没有拍照。毕竟,熟悉的风景总是容易被忽略咯~ =)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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