I have waited more than 3 days and decided to replay the blockchain. It is not a pleasant decision but I have observed that the program has repeatedly been throwing exceptions on a few blocks again and again (basically no progress, CPU taking 200% usage and memory around 45%)
I wanted ./run.sh restart to work, but it failed:
I don’t want to go back to v20.0.10 yet - which may be the last resort. So, I did a ./run.sh replay and it seems the MIRA has speed-up a little bit at the begining - those MIRA indices migrating which took hours did help a little bit?
I am still around. Please continue supporting me… It is frustrating that replay requires hours, and that sometimes it just dies with unknown reasons. But I am trying my best to bring it alive - just have a little faith on it!
If you believe what I am doing, please consider a spare vote voting me here, thank you very much indeed.
@justyy - the author of https://SteemYY.com and I have been a Steem Witness for more than a year now.
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