Leetcode Biweekly Contest 30

Leetcode Biweekly Contest 30

I have recently started to attend the online coding contest. Leetcode has held weekly contests on Sunday early mornings - which isn’t ideal for coders living in Europe.

However, they have biweekly contests, which is run the Sat 3:30 to 5:30 (BST) every two weeks.

Today’s contest: https://leetcode.com/contest/biweekly-contest-30

I have managed to solve 3 puzzles in 30 minutes, however, failed to solve the fourth puzzle (difficulty level) in next hour.

The programming language I choose is Python, C++. I have 1 Wrong Answer submission for Problem 3 - which adds total 10 minutes time penalization.


The fourth puzzle is not that difficult - it is a pity that I didn’t get it - and my ranking is expected to drop.

Reformat Date

It is harder to use C++ as in C++ the string split function is not native. Python is good.

Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums

O(N^2) will work - as the input range is (10^3), however beware of the integer overflow.

Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves

Sorting (O(N^LogN)) and then compare four different possibilities.

Stone Game IV

Dynamic Programming, similar to this puzzle

I’ll share the solutions on the blog in more details soon.

Although the contest has ended, you can try to participate on the virtual contest.

Every little helps! I hope this helps!

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