上周五拒了甲骨文剑桥 Data Cloud 的 Senior Software Engineer 的 Offer. 原因是给的 Package 较低,不能和我当前在GE的 Package 相比,而且低了不是一点半点,不谈工资 (base salary), 甲骨文一年的带薪假期只有20天(GE的有26天),当然大公司都允许你一年拿工资买一定的额度的。
为啥要申请甲骨文剑桥?因为这家公司是去年刚被甲骨文收购的,做的领域是互联网广告定向算法,能接触到大数据(爬虫每天爬了数十TB的数据), 然后算法得分析页面,建立语言模型,给出最佳匹配的广告。
甲骨文在计算机领域还是相当有名的,虽然名声可能不是特别好,但是至少拥有 Java, MySQL… 不过我媳妇竟然没听过这公司,她还以为是卖古董的(哎……)
甲骨文剑桥的面试相对来说也较其它地区简单,一轮电话面试,然后就是 Hackerrank 离线做题,然后就直接终面了。终面一小时 behavior 一轮 technical, 是比较传统的那种,两个面试官。技术面试让我很意外竟然没有要求做题,相反只是讨论了一些离线做题的细节,还有天南地北的谈技术。听说 中国北京的甲骨文门槛很高:首先要北清复交(北大,清华,复旦 还有上海交通大学)的本科,其次还得有研究生文凭。
三个工作日后,甲骨文 Technical Recruiter 给反馈了,说是只能给一个 Senior SE 的行情价,因为我的大数据方面经验不足,不过他们还是希望我考虑进入甲骨文后的职位发展:
The team would really like you to join and think you’d be a good addition. However, as discussed, they feel that when benchmarked against the existing team, the below package is the best we can offer. The managers feel that you have a terrific amount of potential to grow within the role and improve your core engineering skills as well as develop a deep understanding of Data Analysis and ML. I hope you can see the potential in joining Oracle from a career perspective and can accept this offer.
团队真的希望你加入并认为你是一个很好的补充。 但是,正如所讨论的那样,他们认为在对现有团队进行基准测试时,以下方案是我们能提供的最佳方案。 管理人员认为,您在角色中有很大的发展潜力,可以提高您的核心工程技能,并对数据分析和ML有深入的了解。 我希望您能从职业角度看到加入Oracle的潜力,并且可以接受此优惠。
甲骨文 Technical Recruiter 给了我2天时间考虑,我考虑再三后给婉拒了。虽然大数据很有意思是将来的趋势,但是有老婆孩子有家要养,臣妾做不到啊。
Thank you for the information. I so appreciate you taking the time to consider me. However, after careful consideration, I am afraid probably this isn’t just right for me at the moment.
It was great to meet the team and see the office. I enjoyed learning about the position and the company, and I appreciate this offer.
Although the big data at Oracle is very interesting, I also have to take other factors into consideration (The offer is a lot less than what I expect)
Please express my thanks to XXX, YYY, and ZZZ… It’s been a pleasure getting to know you, and I hope that we cross paths in the future !
Many thanks
Kind Regards
// 转发到博文: https://justyy.com/archives/18930
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