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The Risk Register is a simple method to record the potential risks during a project. The risks need to be assessed from time to time so that potentially they can be mitigated.
I was told to create a simple Risk Register form ant put down potential risks. The Risk Register form at least should contain the following fields:
- Risk Description
- Probability (how likely it occurs)
- Impact to the project
- Mitigation Methods (What are proposed to reduce the probability and impact)
Complex Risk Register Forms could extend fields to:
- Date Raised
- Risk Owner
- Mitigation Costs
- Contingent action
- Progress on actions
etc. I have made a very simple Risk Register Form (template) in Microsoft Excel Format (.xlsx) and I would like to share with you:
@justyy’s Risk Register Template Download:
The probability (or likelihood) is estimated by values (could be float) from 1 to 3 with 1 unlikely and 3 means highly likely. The Impact is also assessed by scores 1 to 3 with 1 means low and 3 means great impact.
If we multiple probability and impact, we get a product which is from 1 to 9, and we can divide into three ranges:
- 1 to 3 - Low
- 4 to 6 - Medium
- 7 to 9 - High
In Excel, the Risk Assessment column is entered as
=IF(F2<=3, "Low", IF(F2<=6, "Medium", "Great"))
Risk Register is very useful in monitor the progress of a project and can control the risks and save the project.
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今天在参加公司一项目进展会议的时候,被欧盟项目审计员说没有风险评估表格。风险评估 (Risk Register) 是项目执行的重要一环节,每次开会跟进项目进度的时候都得把可能的风险评估一遍。
- 什么风险
- 发生的概率
- 对项目的影响
- 减轻风险的方案
- 风险提出的日期
- 谁负责
- 减轻方案的代价(费用等)
- 发生风险后的方案
- 定期跟踪这些方案
花了一点时间,弄了这个表格,于是想和大家分享一下(EXCEL 格式)
@justyy’s Risk Register 下载:
- 1 到 3 - 低风险
- 4 到 6 - 中风险
- 7 到 9 - 高风险
=IF(F2<=3, "低风险", IF(F2<=6, "中风险", "高风险"))
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This page is synchronized from the post: The Simple Risk Register for Project Management - 工程管理中的风险评估表格