数据来源: steemsql.com (Thank you @arcange !)
生成时间: 2017-10-13 11:11:09 (UTC)
报告时间: 2017-10-09 11:11:09 (UTC) - 2017-10-10 11:11:09 (UTC)
2017-10-13 那些优秀可能被错过的文章
Image Credit: pixabay.com
| | 作者 Author| 文章 Post|
| 1 | @sunnyjolly | 十月十五 不见不散 谷歌点名#10 认真 See you soon guys |
| 2 | @acactus1013 | 他们为什么不愿意来Steemit?/Why Are They Unwilling to Use Steemit |
| 3 | @victory622 | 维也纳美泉宫–两个女人的杰作 – Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna with two important women |
| 4 | @travelgirl | Traveling the World #65 (Europe Series) Edinburgh Castle @ Edinburgh, Scotland - 愛丁堡城堡 @ 愛丁堡,蘇格蘭 |
| 5 | @hannahwu | 你即是我的意义 You Are Why I Do What I Do |
| 6 | @hqy | 母亲传略:没有碑刻的碑文 |
| 7 | @mrpointp | There is always someone keeping working out (part 37)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(三十七) |
| 8 | @liflorence | Li’s Voyage# follow me to the romantic city— Venice2⃣️ 我的旅行记之浪漫威尼斯 2⃣️ |
| 9 | @shieha | 2 Corgis and 6 Poodles 可愛狗狗!兩隻柯基,六隻貴賓! |
| 11 | @tvb | 我所居我所爱——大连——我的第二故乡 |
| 12 | @guyverckw | Steemitphotochallenge - Entry 3 Yellow leaves at Osaka Expo Commenoration Park 作品3 - 大阪万博紀念公園的黃葉 (by @guyverckw) |
| 13 | @susanli3769 | Not everybody’s dish- Chicken Feet with diced hot red pepper & garlic 如何制作剁椒凤爪 |
| 14 | @shenchensucc | Tony’s (Daodao) Happy Growing #16 Sport 刀刀开心成长 #16 |
| 15 | @victorier | 認真你就輸了 谷哥點名#10 認真 |
| 17 | @coldhair | 你写一篇Steemit文章需要花费多少时间? |
本列表支持黑名单用于过滤经常发水文的ID,欢迎 report@justyy.com 举报。
2017-10-13 Daily Top Authors in [CN] (Last 7 Days) 每日cn社区之 过去7天潜在收益排行榜
The following is the list of top 30 daily authors in [CN] in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout. See the SQL for more details.
这是根据这篇的SQL - 经少量修改和调整统计出过去7天作者的潜在收益排行。
| 排名 Rank| 作者 Author| 发贴数 Posts| 点赞数 Votes| 潜在收益 Pending Payout| 平均每贴收益 Average Pending Payout Per Post|
| 1| @oflyhigh | 8 | 2576 | 1464.07 |183.01 |
| 2| @deanliu | 7 | 1683 | 1085.06 |155.01 |
| 3| @rivalhw | 8 | 1240 | 1077.84 |134.73 |
| 4| @htliao | 8 | 1605 | 1031.44 |128.93 |
| 5| @sweetsssj | 2 | 2801 | 807.87 |403.93 |
| 6| @tumutanzi | 7 | 1130 | 776.28 |110.90 |
| 7| @someone | 6 | 987 | 758.92 |126.49 |
| 8| @jubi | 12 | 823 | 678.26 |56.52 |
| 9| @linuslee0216 | 6 | 889 | 627.34 |104.56 |
| 10| @joythewanderer | 6 | 902 | 526.70 |87.78 |
| 11| @guyverckw | 11 | 1011 | 508.11 |46.19 |
| 12| @travelgirl | 15 | 842 | 500.11 |33.34 |
| 13| @blackbunny | 6 | 600 | 477.43 |79.57 |
| 14| @aaronli | 6 | 770 | 471.35 |78.56 |
| 15| @twinkledrop | 7 | 404 | 462.31 |66.04 |
| 16| @stacee | 6 | 591 | 439.40 |73.23 |
| 17| @chinadaily | 14 | 757 | 439.15 |31.37 |
| 18| @ace108 | 29 | 1893 | 374.54 |12.92 |
| 19| @rea | 1 | 744 | 368.59 |368.59 |
| 20| @justyy | 18 | 1003 | 361.78 |20.10 |
| 21| @nicolemoker | 3 | 705 | 361.23 |120.41 |
| 22| @wilkinshui | 7 | 629 | 335.46 |47.92 |
| 23| @bxt | 6 | 290 | 313.90 |52.32 |
| 24| @btsabc | 6 | 285 | 301.44 |50.24 |
| 25| @lemooljiang | 9 | 481 | 301.43 |33.49 |
| 26| @mrspointm | 9 | 506 | 299.46 |33.27 |
| 27| @goodboyphilip | 8 | 554 | 296.64 |37.08 |
| 28| @victorier | 6 | 520 | 292.74 |48.79 |
| 29| @lydiachan | 3 | 273 | 273.49 |91.16 |
| 30| @susanli3769 | 8 | 287 | 262.39 |32.80 |
以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。
@dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名
check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout
CN 区优质内容点赞机器人每天会为这30名作者点赞!
CN Good-Content-Body will upvote these authors every day!
近期机器人点赞记录 Recent Quality-Content-Upvote-Bot Upvoting History
时间 Time | 作者 Author | 文章 Post | 权重 Weighting % | VP % |
2017-10-13 02:10:14 | @ace108 | @ace108 | 32.65 | 56.42 |
2017-10-13 02:10:30 | @aaronli | @aaronli | 32.65 | 56.42 |
2017-10-13 02:39:38 | @victorier | @victorier | 24.62 | 56.07 |
2017-10-13 03:08:17 | @bxt | @bxt | 26.52 | 55.90 |
2017-10-13 03:42:20 | @oflyhigh | @oflyhigh | 30.52 | 56.09 |
2017-10-13 04:17:12 | @ace108 | @ace108 | 32.44 | 55.99 |
2017-10-13 05:01:19 | @lemooljiang | @lemooljiang | 26.54 | 55.96 |
2017-10-13 05:27:17 | @hannahwu | @hannahwu | 24.67 | 56.21 |
2017-10-13 05:48:09 | @deanliu | @deanliu | 30.59 | 56.24 |
2017-10-13 07:10:11 | @rivalhw | @rivalhw | 30.60 | 56.26 |
2017-10-13 07:21:18 | @travelgirl | @travelgirl | 37.49 | 56.26 |
2017-10-13 08:43:12 | @goodboyphilip | @goodboyphilip | 23.73 | 53.52 |
2017-10-13 09:43:19 | @jubi | @jubi | 36.61 | 53.12 |
2017-10-13 10:41:17 | @nicolemoker | @nicolemoker | 25.52 | 53.30 |
2017-10-13 10:55:09 | @stacee | @stacee | 31.12 | 53.30 |
这个报告的年龄为: 49天。
欢迎 @justyy 如果您有好的建议或者想看哪些榜单却找不到。
@justyy 是 https://justyy.com 的博主,在大哥 @tumutanzi 的介绍下加入 STEEMIT,写些帖子挣些小钱养家糊口。@justyy 也是CN 区的点赞机器人,对优质内容进行点赞,只要代理给 @justyy 每天收利息(100 SP 每天0.04 SBD)并且能获得一次相应至少2倍的点赞,可以认为是VP 200%+。加入计划最低代理10SP。CN 区的大鱼 @htliao 也加入了计划(代理了 530 SP)。
CN 区低保计划当前37位参于者,感谢!
查询谁都参于了也可以用这个在线工具: Steemit 查看谁委派代理给你Steem Power?。
|Delegator| Steem Power| Vests| DateTime|
|@eduter|660.02|1357975.69|2017-10-12 21:10:21|
|@htliao|530.27|1091019.80|2017-10-03 12:00:48|
|@sunnyjolly|400.48|823973.51|2017-09-20 09:40:21|
|@mrpointp|400.31|823619.84|2017-09-28 14:09:36|
|@herlife|300.37|618006.65|2017-09-19 14:18:12|
|@zsilence|300.31|617872.78|2017-09-23 16:04:45|
|@mrspointm|300.23|617714.93|2017-09-28 14:07:18|
|@victory622|266.34|547985.69|2017-09-18 21:59:57|
|@coldhair|255.03|524713.00|2017-09-19 15:08:36|
|@luneknight|210.16|432399.70|2017-09-28 14:55:39|
|@berlin1997|200.17|411835.88|2017-09-27 08:55:06|
|@kangnajiang|117.03|240787.09|2017-10-08 10:12:12|
|@zhijun|100.54|206853.00|2017-09-19 03:18:57|
|@icedream|100.12|205996.82|2017-09-20 02:08:24|
|@yellowbird|100.12|205996.48|2017-09-20 02:52:51|
|@jessicameng|100.12|205993.57|2017-09-20 09:14:24|
|@fr3eze|100.09|205931.08|2017-09-26 03:17:24|
|@karasui|100.09|205926.99|2017-09-26 12:31:09|
|@jiangchen|100.07|205895.44|2017-09-29 11:36:09|
|@drunkevil|100.07|205885.32|2017-09-30 10:23:51|
|@catwomanteresa|100.07|205883.35|2017-09-30 14:50:03|
|@mumingduozi|60.23|123928.00|2017-09-19 00:25:12|
|@towardsthesun|50.06|102993.29|2017-09-21 00:33:18|
|@liumei|50.05|102983.93|2017-09-22 17:35:12|
|@tvb|50.03|102943.21|2017-09-30 07:54:27|
|@veronicazhu|50.02|102913.15|2017-10-06 00:26:30|
|@syh7758520|30.04|61802.26|2017-09-19 02:37:42|
|@raywang|30.03|61779.27|2017-09-26 03:40:09|
|@feng1925|20.02|41198.84|2017-09-20 07:52:30|
|@liangfengyouren|20.02|41192.83|2017-09-23 01:40:00|
|@mangoanddaddy|20.02|41189.47|2017-09-24 14:37:42|
|@speeding|20.02|41182.20|2017-09-28 00:34:57|
|@susanli3769|20.01|41176.13|2017-09-30 20:51:39|
|@jiba|15.65|32203.21|2017-09-19 01:04:06|
|@wangwenjing|10.01|20598.79|2017-09-20 21:35:18|
|@lixing|10.01|20596.48|2017-09-23 00:14:33|
|@willwangfeng|10.0|20576.13|2017-10-12 04:24:57|
This page is synchronized from the post: Daily #CN Updates CN社区每日榜单【潜在收益排行榜】【优秀被错过的文章】【低保计划参与者】【优质内容点赞记录】(2017-10-13)