Sushi is my favorite and I always thought that it is expensive in the restaurant until today, my wife @happyukgo spent around 25 pounds and made a sushi dinner for the family… yummy…
以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。 @dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名 check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout
5000英镑要是真放英国银行,一个月大概也就10几来英镑的利息 (2.5% APR),钱放在STEEMIT上即使不写文章不点赞,这利息也挺可观的。可是当我说到,需要他注册个STEEMIT号,从交易所买些STEEM然后 POWER UP 再代理给 @justyy 他就表示不干了。“我不是信不过你,我是信不过这个STEEM 系统”。
这是风险转移:朋友将钱直接打到我的银行帐户,这是相对没有风险的,但如果需要注册STEEM帐号,把钱换成流动性很差的 STEEM 再 POWER UP 成 STEEM POWER (需要13周才能 POWER DOWN),这是相对风险较高的。在朋友看来,STEEM系统可能哪天就雪崩了,即便我向他解释说 STEEM是建设在区块链上的,就由如比特币一样的坚不摧。区块链网络是建立在世界上(分布式)数以千万计的结点上的,这些结点都是一个公开同步只读的记账本,不停的有新的结点加进来也有些结点下线,但是所有结点同时下线的可能性几乎没有。也不存在被哪个(些)政府管制的可能。
以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。 @dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名 check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout
English Version: Let’s make 6/Oct the SteemIt-Free Day.
Chinese Version: 今天一天STEEMIT网站被DDOS攻击,偶尔时断时续,大部分时间都处于基本不可用的状态。你是不是开着浏览器F5在不停的刷?看到这么多朋友都中毒不浅,我想提议 每年10月6日为SteemIt解毒日,一是纪念一下这次被攻击的事件,另一个主要的目的就是让我们要提醒自己 切莫中毒太深。
In @nationalpark ‘s post, a few whale’s outgoing votes have been analysed. As we know, all the voting data have been recorded in Steem SQL’s TxVotes where it has the following structure:
The input is the Big whale’s ID voter and we can group the results by author, count and sum the weights up, like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
select author, count(1) "Count", sum(weight) "Total Weights", sum(weight)/count(1) "Average Weight" from TxVotes where voter = 'abit' group by author order by sum(weight) desc
The SQL will look for all historic votes made by @abit and here are the first 1000 items.
We can also add the timestamp restraints (in the where statement) for example, for the last 7 days.
and datediff(day, timestamp, GetUTCDate()) between 0 and 7
We can also add select top 10 if you are only interested in the first 10 authors.
We can also sort the results by total number of votes order by count(1) instead of total voting weight.
We can also add having count(1) >= 5 to show the authors that gain at least 5 votes.
select author, count(1) "总次数", sum(weight) "总权重", sum(weight)/count(1) "平均每贴获赞权重" from TxVotes where voter = 'abit' group by author order by sum(weight) desc
这条SQL就会统计 abit 的所有投票记录,并按总权重来排序。
and datediff(day, timestamp, GetUTCDate()) between 0 and 7