Thank you @arcange for creating STEEMSQL!
STEEM SQL Tutorial Series:
- SteemSQL Tutorial: How to Get Historic Posts of Today on SteemIt?
- SteemSQL Tutorial: How to Get Authors Order By Potential Payout in Last 7 days?
Have you wondered that the your earnings on STEEMIT can really make a difference? Have you thought about making a living by full time blogging on steemit? The easiest way is to look at your historic earning data monthly so you get a rough idea via the following SQL
1 | select |
We know that 75% are author rewards, so if we group the data by months, sum the author rewards, that will be the minimal level of payout. Suppose you get all other 25% curation rewards e.g. always upvotes at 30 min, that is the maximum (in theory) you earn.
In my case, here is my earning data per calendar month, I have no idea why the Sept (this month) is zero earnings (maybe data is not synchronized into steemSQL from the blockchain yet?)
It would be great if you could share yours in the comments (the data is public anyway). In 7 days, I will give 1 SBD to whoever has the lowest and highest payout respectively (in August 2017).
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感谢 @arcange 创造了 STEEMSQL!
- STEEM SQL 系列之 历史上的今天怎么实现的?
STEEM SQL 系列之 如何获取最近7天 CN 区用户发贴量,点赞数和估计收益值
@jubi 大哥一直说要靠 STEEMIT 来买别墅,这梦想很好,却遥不可及。对我来说,STEEMIT的收入能让我改善一下生活,但是远远到不了能养家糊口的主业。
使用 LINQPAD + STEEMSQL,我们可以跑一下下面的SQL,来看看我每个月在STEEMIT上的收入情况:
1 | select |
75%是作者奖励,25%是点赞奖励,所以最少拿到75%,25%理论最大值(但远到不了)。奇怪的是9月份(这个月)数据为0,也许是数据还没从区块链同步到 steemsql 上。
欢迎把你们的收入在评论中晒一晒,反正这些数据都是公开的。7天后,我会给评论中2017年8月份最低和最高收入的各送1 SBD。
// Later, it may be reposted to my blogs:, and 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客。
- SteemSQL Tutorial: What is Your Monthly Income on Steemit?
- SteemSQL Tutorial: How to Get Authors Order By Potential Payout in Last 7 days?
- SteemSQL Tutorial: How to Get Historic Posts of Today on SteemIt?
- STEEM SQL 系列之 每个月到底能挣多少?
- STEEM SQL 系列之 如何获取最近7天 CN 区用户发贴量,点赞数和估计收益值?
- STEEM SQL 系列之 历史上的今天怎么实现的?
Originally published at Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.
原文首发于 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。
@justyy 是CN 区的点赞机器人,对优质内容进行点赞,只要代理给 @justyy 每天收利息(100 SP 每天0.04 SBD)并且能获得一次相应至少2倍的点赞,可以认为是VP 200%+ ,详细请看:
欢迎你发表你的见解和看法,特别有意思的评论我可能会奖励你1 SBD哦。
Interesting Comments might be rewarded with 1 SBD.
This page is synchronized from the post: STEEM SQL 系列之 每个月到底能挣多少?SteemSQL Tutorial: What is Your Monthly Income on Steemit?