记一次通过手机TeamViewer远程登陆家里服务器再远程登陆VPS敲命令在STEEMIT上发贴的经历 - The experience of using Teamviewer on iPhone SE, connecting to desktop, and SSH to VPS, in order to make a Robot Python script up running.

Abstract: One of the Python scripts stopped working last Friday when I was AWAY_FROM_KEYBOARD. That script is used to automate (via the Linux crontab) the CN Daily Ranking table and relevant information. I used Teamviewer to login to my desktop at home, where I opened the SSH terminal to connect to VPS remotely. I typed in the command manually and re-run the Python script.

However, there are SSH client terminals on both Android or IOS (iPhone) smart phones, so it might be quicker to SSH to remote servers using SSH clients but there is still a risk to enter your account credentials of VPS account on your smart phones.

昨天 在和好基友(前群主) @tumutanzi 电话时,就谈到了我那每日榜单。我说现在已经基本上实现全自动化了:我写了几个PYTHON脚本,每日通过 steemsql 生成统计数据,生成每日前30名榜单,然后每10分钟根据榜单实现自动点赞,记录到日子中,通过 crontab 设置:每日英国正午12点准时发布帖子。

当然,程序并不完美,有时候 使用的PYTHON库会抽风,就是会有异常抛出,为了避免重复发贴,我并没有做相应的异常处理。实际上重复发贴也不太可能,因为:STEEMIT 连续2次发贴必须间隔最少5分钟,并且程序本地做了记录(成功发贴做了相应的标记)

当时,我人在外面,大概2点多的时候我刷了一下手机,发现帖子并没有成功发出,所以我就有点焦虑了。虽然我可以等到晚上回家再补上,但是这明显并不是我的风格。于是我想到了 TeamViewer, 一个可以免费(仅限于个人目的)使用的跨平台远程登陆的软件。

我在手机上装了 Teamviewer, 远程登陆家里的服务器,然后在 iphone se 小屏幕上打开 SSH 终端,远程登陆VPS,并且手动敲入命令。

2017-09-15 14.40.22.png

2017-09-15 14.40.26.png

成功了!刷新一下STEEM 页面,帖子发布了,每日一贴,为大家提供更新,鼓励大家创作(优质机器人 @justyy 根据前30名点赞)从不间断。

其实也可以直接在手机上装 SSH 客户端,然后在手机上SSH直接连接VPS服务器即可,但是当时只想着连接家里的电脑更安全一些(因为不需要直接在手机上输入远程服务器的用户名和密码)。以下是在苹果手机IOS系统上装的一个SSH客户端。

2017-09-17 12.32.14.png

STEEMIT 中文区 RSS 工具和名单:

Chrome 插件:

Steem API:



Chrome Extensions:

Steem API:

Recent Posts:

// Later, it may be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客

Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

This page is synchronized from the post: 记一次通过手机TeamViewer远程登陆家里服务器再远程登陆VPS敲命令在STEEMIT上发贴的经历 - The experience of using Teamviewer on iPhone SE, connecting to desktop, and SSH to VPS, in order to make a Robot Python script up running.

Introduction to Logic Tests Series 逻辑测试系列 - 一种只有4种语句的编程语言 - (1)

Many companies have IQ tests or logics tests as one of the interviewing methods. These questions are not intended to test interviewee candidates for the specific programming knowledge, rather, they are to testing the if the candidates are ‘intelligent enough’. For programming jobs, the candidates are often required to solve problems (puzzles) in analytic manners.

It is a bias to pick any programming languages simply for this purpose. Solving puzzles do not require specific knowledge of any programming languages. And how are we going to test the candidates?

Luckily, here is a programming language that consists of four instructions. The variables hold non-negative integers. You don’t need to explicitly define variables but you have to zero or assign the values before using them, similar as Python.

  • ZERO
    Use ZERO instruction to clear a variable i.e. X=0
  • Assign a variable
    You can’t assign arbitrary values (constants) to a variable, however, you can use ASGN(X, Y) to assign value of Y variable to X, which is equal to X=Y

  • INCR
    X++ is implemented via INCR(X)

  • LOOP
    Use LOOP(X) {} to start a Loop of X times. Inside the loop, you can change the X value however the loop still goes X times.

for (; x > 0; -- x) {


I am going to start a series of using this tiny programming language, and you will see even with four instructions, this language can be very powerful.

First example is to define a ADD procedure that takes two parameters X and Y and it will perform X += Y

ADD(X, Y) {
LOOP(Y) { // Loop Y times
INCR(X) // Increment X

Do you get this?

Image Credit: pixabay.com


所以,你选任何一种语言都是带有偏见的,碰巧,这里有一种语言,只有4条指令,处理所有的都是非负整数。在这种语言里,变量不需要定义,但是使用前需要像 PYTHON 一样赋值(或者清空),这种语言好理解,也能拿来当面试题。

  • 清空
    用 ZERO(X) 来把X变量清空,比如以下 相当于 X=0
  • 赋值
    用 ASGN(X, Y) 把 Y 变量赋值于X,相当于 X=Y 这里需要注意的事,我们并不能把任意一个常数值赋于变量,也就是说 Y 必须是变量而不是常量。

  • 增加1
    用 INCR(X) 把 X 变量增加1,相当于 X++

  • 循环
    用 LOOP(X) {} 来循环 X 次 花括号里的内容,X可以在循环里被改变,不过循环还是执行X次。 相当于:

for (; x > 0; -- x) {



比如,如何定义 ADD(X, Y) 使得 X += Y

ADD(X, Y) {
LOOP(Y) { 循环 Y 次
INCR(X) 每次把X加一


// Later, it may be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客

Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

This page is synchronized from the post: Introduction to Logic Tests Series 逻辑测试系列 - 一种只有4种语句的编程语言 - (1)

Daily #CN Updates - CN社区每日榜单【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】【那些优秀被错过的文章】(2017-09-16)

数据来源: steemsql.com
生成时间: 2017-09-16 11:11:02 (UTC)
报告时间: 2017-09-12 11:11:02 (UTC) to 2017-09-13 11:11:02 (UTC)

2017-09-16 那些优秀可能被错过的文章

Image Credit: pixabay.com
| | 作者 Author| 文章 Post|
| 1 | @shieha | I Finally Got A New Phone Thanks To Steemit! 我終於換了一隻新的手機,謝謝Steemit! |
| 2 | @liflorence | My Southeast Asia trip# a wonderland Inle lake, Myanmar 1⃣️我的东南亚之旅之神奇的缅甸莱茵湖 1⃣️ ?????? |
| 3 | @nationalpark | One Day in Lisbon 里斯本一日 ?? |
| 4 | @travelgirl | YourCityVibez Entry #1 - Urban - Osaka @ Japan YourCityVibez 攝影比賽 #1 - 大阪 @ 日本 |
| 5 | @aafeng | 北京老牛体验馆亲子体验 / A great family day in Laoniu children discovery museum, Bejing |
| 6 | @aafeng | 也来说说我的兴趣:乒乓球 |
| 7 | @fundurian | 分享昨晚参加的如何发布ICO event |
| 8 | @mrpointp | 我的女友“宠物” (Original) 中文社区宠物选美大赛 |
| 9 | @superhardness | 人生的第一次探险 |
| 10 | @bring | Steemit上的小鱼望龙门 Small fish of Steemit watching the Dragon Gate |
符合条件的文章总数: 15

2017-09-16 Daily Top Authors in [CN] (Last 7 Days) 每日cn社区之 过去7天潜在收益排行榜

The following is the list of top 30 daily authors in [CN] in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout. See the SQL for more details.
这是根据这篇的SQL - 经少量修改和调整统计出过去7天作者的潜在收益排行。
| 排名 Rank| 作者 Author| 发贴数 Posts| 点赞数 Votes| 潜在收益 Pending Payout| 平均每贴收益 Average Pending Payout Per Post|
| 1| @oflyhigh | 7 | 2561 | 1664.02 |237.72 |
| 2| @rivalhw | 7 | 1522 | 1271.83 |181.69 |
| 3| @htliao | 7 | 1537 | 1087.98 |155.43 |
| 4| @tumutanzi | 7 | 1275 | 990.15 |141.45 |
| 5| @blackbunny | 7 | 1041 | 911.27 |130.18 |
| 6| @linuslee0216 | 7 | 1171 | 908.43 |129.78 |
| 7| @deanliu | 4 | 1373 | 876.22 |219.05 |
| 8| @jubi | 11 | 1159 | 864.71 |78.61 |
| 9| @nicolemoker | 6 | 1124 | 821.28 |136.88 |
| 10| @guyverckw | 9 | 997 | 784.37 |87.15 |
| 11| @elfkitchen | 7 | 1046 | 779.71 |111.39 |
| 12| @kitcat | 7 | 995 | 773.45 |110.49 |
| 13| @myfirst | 5 | 899 | 771.00 |154.20 |
| 14| @bxt | 7 | 796 | 735.09 |105.01 |
| 15| @joythewanderer | 10 | 1138 | 685.41 |68.54 |
| 16| @stacee | 5 | 869 | 684.30 |136.86 |
| 17| @justyy | 20 | 1948 | 644.63 |32.23 |
| 18| @wilkinshui | 7 | 947 | 638.85 |91.26 |
| 19| @twinkledrop | 5 | 502 | 571.12 |114.22 |
| 20| @ace108 | 26 | 2473 | 564.83 |21.72 |
| 21| @someone | 3 | 688 | 556.74 |185.58 |
| 22| @aaronli | 6 | 783 | 550.02 |91.67 |
| 23| @krischy | 4 | 871 | 543.35 |135.84 |
| 24| @dapeng | 8 | 611 | 517.86 |64.73 |
| 25| @travelgirl | 14 | 1160 | 416.08 |29.72 |
| 26| @birds90 | 5 | 649 | 413.54 |82.71 |
| 27| @susanlo | 2 | 580 | 409.40 |204.70 |
| 28| @lingfei | 6 | 488 | 395.52 |65.92 |
| 29| @lemooljiang | 9 | 800 | 388.05 |43.12 |
| 30| @tvb | 7 | 533 | 379.22 |54.17 |

以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。
@dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名
check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout

CN 区优质内容点赞机器人每天会为这30名作者点赞!
CN Good-Content-Body will upvote these authors every day!

近期机器人点赞记录 Recent Quality-Content-Upvote-Bot Upvoting History

The quality-content-upvoting-bot motivates for more good contents in [CN], however, I will also upvote other authors if good content are produced.

时间 Time 作者 Author 文章 Post 权重 Weighting % VP %
2017-09-15 00:02:10 @guyverckw @guyverckw 15.64 69.51
2017-09-15 00:04:01 @travelgirl @travelgirl 7.28 69.31
2017-09-15 01:24:32 @victorier @victorier 9.12 67.53
2017-09-15 02:00:40 @rivalhw @rivalhw 16.30 67.90
2017-09-15 02:01:07 @bxt @bxt 13.20 67.68
2017-09-15 02:24:25 @ace108 @ace108 9.16 67.82
2017-09-15 03:23:19 @htliao @htliao 16.44 68.50
2017-09-15 06:00:30 @blackbunny @blackbunny 16.91 70.44
2017-09-15 06:24:21 @nicolemoker @nicolemoker 11.64 70.53
2017-09-15 06:46:28 @stacee @stacee 13.78 70.66
2017-09-15 08:46:51 @lingfei @lingfei 9.54 70.68
2017-09-15 09:23:33 @joythewanderer @joythewanderer 13.89 71.24
2017-09-15 10:01:55 @dapeng @dapeng 9.69 71.77
2017-09-15 10:02:26 @krischy @krischy 7.50 71.44
2017-09-15 10:46:22 @deanliu @deanliu 17.26 71.94
2017-09-15 11:24:11 @myfirst @myfirst 16.25 72.21
2017-09-15 11:47:23 @jubi @jubi 11.93 72.28
2017-09-15 12:47:18 @wilkinshui @wilkinshui 11.79 71.48
2017-09-15 13:01:41 @yyyy @yyyy 7.51 71.50
2017-09-15 13:24:15 @someone @someone 11.83 71.70
2017-09-15 14:02:41 @aaronli @aaronli 11.89 72.06
2017-09-15 14:47:01 @linuslee0216 @linuslee0216 15.98 71.04
2017-09-15 14:47:23 @elfkitchen @elfkitchen 13.81 70.81
2017-09-15 15:02:18 @oflyhigh @oflyhigh 17.00 70.82
2017-09-16 00:01:39 @kitcat @kitcat 14.64 75.07
2017-09-16 00:02:53 @travelgirl @travelgirl 7.86 74.86
2017-09-16 00:25:29 @ace108 @ace108 10.13 75.06
2017-09-16 00:46:21 @htliao @htliao 17.33 72.19
2017-09-16 00:46:52 @twinkledrop @twinkledrop 11.90 72.13
2017-09-16 01:46:41 @guyverckw @guyverckw 16.42 72.96
2017-09-16 02:24:28 @bxt @bxt 12.05 73.05
2017-09-16 02:47:42 @wilkinshui @wilkinshui 14.27 73.19
2017-09-16 04:46:12 @jubi @jubi 16.79 74.63
2017-09-16 06:23:08 @blackbunny @blackbunny 18.17 75.71
2017-09-16 08:00:45 @linuslee0216 @linuslee0216 17.27 76.78
2017-09-16 09:23:12 @tumutanzi @tumutanzi 18.64 77.65
2017-09-16 10:23:17 @rivalhw @rivalhw 18.77 78.19
2017-09-16 10:25:17 @lemooljiang @lemooljiang 8.21 78.22

每日’那些优秀被错过的文章’ 排行榜几点说明:

  • 取的是发贴在3 到4天前的 10个较少收益(较少被关注,但同时质量又较不错)的帖子。
  • 生成的结果去掉了 我自己的帖子 @justyy
  • 有可能会微调参数让结果更合理。
  • 查询SQL语句和参数暂时不公开,因为这样会更公平一些。

这个报告的年龄为: 22天。 i.e. 发布的第一天, 发布的第二天
欢迎 @justyy 如果您有好的建议或者想看哪些榜单却找不到。
Tags: #cn

This page is synchronized from the post: Daily #CN Updates - CN社区每日榜单【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】【那些优秀被错过的文章】(2017-09-16)

即使你不打算换工作,你每年也得去面试 Go to an Interview even if you are not changing your job.

Even if you are not changing your job, it is still a good idea to attend at least 1 interview every year. This is to:

Know your current values

Suppose you work at a place for quite a long time, you feel comfortable, which sometimes is not good for you to understand your current values (your advantages and weakness). An interview reviews what you lack and what areas you need to improve on.

Know the latest technology stacks

Technologies evolve quickly, e.g. especially for front-end frameworks that come out every few months. Staying in one place may not give you chances to get hands on these new things. An interview is like a free idea exchange meeting, why not?

Train your interviewing skills

Do you still remember when is your last time to do the IQ puzzles or logics tests? An interview helps you to pick up these, as well as the interviewing/communication skills.

Broaden your horizons

Different companies do different things and do things differently. An interview gives you different ideas, and help broaden your horizons.

Regain your confidence

Feel frustrated at your work? An interview helps you regain your confidence, because you will normally be asked what you currently do in your role and that is the thing you are best familiar with.

2017-09-15 14.32.41.jpg












// Later, it may be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客

Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

This page is synchronized from the post: 即使你不打算换工作,你每年也得去面试 Go to an Interview even if you are not changing your job.

Daily #CN Updates - CN社区每日榜单【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】【那些优秀被错过的文章】(2017-09-15)

数据来源: steemsql.com
生成时间: 2017-09-15 13:01:44 (UTC)
报告时间: 2017-09-11 13:01:44 (UTC) to 2017-09-12 13:01:44 (UTC)

2017-09-15 那些优秀可能被错过的文章

Image Credit: pixabay.com
| | 作者 Author| 文章 Post|
| 1 | @mrpointp | There is always someone keeping working out (part 30)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(三十) |
| 2 | @nationalpark | 魑魅魍魉 ????????☠️?? |
| 3 | @dapeng | 疆班风采录:写给九月出生的同学们的诗(范晓太老师作品) |
| 4 | @mrspointm | Explore Sichuan Normal University #1: A Characteristic Cold Drink Shop (including a quiz for SBD giveaway!!)/寻觅川师 #1 :校园内的一家特色饮品店(内附一道有奖竞猜送SBD) |
| 5 | @sunnyjolly | Google 2017电商峰会 Google 2017 Electronic Commerce Summit |
| 6 | @liflorence | Li’s Voyage—Follow me to the Game of Thrones city# King’s landing Dubrovnik 跟我去权力的游戏的城市 君临之城杜布罗夫尼克 |
| 7 | @travelgirl | Street Photography Contest Week 07 Entry 1 - Child Building a Snowman @ Sapporo, Japan 街頭照相比賽 #1 - 小孩在堆雪人 @ 札幌, 日本 (Theme: Children/Kids) |
| 8 | @superhardness | 一把尺子,丈量理想与现实的距离 |
| 9 | @liflorence | Hiking with me in Switzerland ???? # Valais 跟我一起在瑞士徒步之瓦莱州 ???? |
| 10 | @magicmonk | Anyone can learn Chinese Kung Fu Weapons for fitness 每一個人都可以練中國功夫和兵器來健身 |
符合条件的文章总数: 17

2017-09-15 Daily Top Authors in [CN] (Last 7 Days) 每日cn社区之 过去7天潜在收益排行榜

The following is the list of top 30 daily authors in [CN] in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout. See the SQL for more details.
这是根据这篇的SQL - 经少量修改和调整统计出过去7天作者的潜在收益排行。
| 排名 Rank| 作者 Author| 发贴数 Posts| 点赞数 Votes| 潜在收益 Pending Payout| 平均每贴收益 Average Pending Payout Per Post|
| 1| @oflyhigh | 6 | 2189 | 1492.72 |248.79 |
| 2| @rivalhw | 7 | 1537 | 1367.20 |195.31 |
| 3| @htliao | 7 | 1582 | 1138.62 |162.66 |
| 4| @deanliu | 5 | 1643 | 1121.89 |224.38 |
| 5| @tumutanzi | 7 | 1273 | 1052.51 |150.36 |
| 6| @blackbunny | 7 | 1063 | 947.89 |135.41 |
| 7| @myfirst | 6 | 1080 | 936.40 |156.07 |
| 8| @linuslee0216 | 6 | 1086 | 902.06 |150.34 |
| 9| @kitcat | 7 | 971 | 828.79 |118.40 |
| 10| @nicolemoker | 6 | 1095 | 824.24 |137.37 |
| 11| @joythewanderer | 10 | 1153 | 794.07 |79.41 |
| 12| @bxt | 7 | 803 | 783.74 |111.96 |
| 13| @jubi | 10 | 1057 | 770.76 |77.08 |
| 14| @guyverckw | 9 | 947 | 740.28 |82.25 |
| 15| @elfkitchen | 6 | 917 | 718.63 |119.77 |
| 16| @stacee | 5 | 833 | 692.21 |138.44 |
| 17| @wilkinshui | 7 | 937 | 689.23 |98.46 |
| 18| @justyy | 20 | 1950 | 662.75 |33.14 |
| 19| @dapeng | 9 | 700 | 607.67 |67.52 |
| 20| @ace108 | 28 | 2704 | 602.92 |21.53 |
| 21| @someone | 3 | 681 | 583.77 |194.59 |
| 22| @krischy | 4 | 831 | 580.06 |145.01 |
| 23| @aaronli | 7 | 857 | 554.24 |79.18 |
| 24| @travelgirl | 14 | 1196 | 494.28 |35.31 |
| 25| @lingfei | 7 | 565 | 478.84 |68.41 |
| 26| @sweetsssj | 1 | 1776 | 476.86 |476.86 |
| 27| @yyyy | 4 | 383 | 451.08 |112.77 |
| 28| @victorier | 6 | 726 | 449.48 |74.91 |
| 29| @btsabc | 4 | 402 | 425.32 |106.33 |
| 30| @hannahwu | 8 | 590 | 420.65 |52.58 |

以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。
@dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名
check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout

CN 区优质内容点赞机器人每天会为这30名作者点赞!
CN Good-Content-Body will upvote these authors every day!

近期机器人点赞记录 Recent Quality-Content-Upvote-Bot Upvoting History

The quality-content-upvoting-bot motivates for more good contents in [CN], however, I will also upvote other authors if good content are produced.

时间 Time 作者 Author 文章 Post 权重 Weighting % VP %
2017-09-14 00:01:20 @blackbunny @blackbunny 16.51 68.79
2017-09-14 00:04:27 @guyverckw @guyverckw 15.45 68.68
2017-09-14 00:08:43 @joythewanderer @joythewanderer 13.40 68.74
2017-09-14 00:13:17 @travelgirl @travelgirl 9.29 68.80
2017-09-14 01:00:37 @twinkledrop @twinkledrop 7.12 67.85
2017-09-14 01:00:39 @linuslee0216 @linuslee0216 15.27 67.85
2017-09-14 01:49:19 @ace108 @ace108 11.26 68.21
2017-09-14 03:23:56 @bxt @bxt 9.36 69.36
2017-09-14 04:00:09 @htliao @htliao 16.73 69.72
2017-09-14 06:24:51 @lingfei @lingfei 7.51 71.49
2017-09-14 06:48:10 @stacee @stacee 16.13 71.69
2017-09-14 07:46:21 @rivalhw @rivalhw 17.34 72.26
2017-09-14 08:00:19 @dapeng @dapeng 11.91 72.18
2017-09-14 11:48:05 @jubi @jubi 14.37 73.71
2017-09-14 11:49:54 @wilkinshui @wilkinshui 14.33 73.51
2017-09-14 13:46:29 @myfirst @myfirst 15.55 69.13
2017-09-14 13:47:22 @aaronli @aaronli 9.30 68.92
2017-09-14 14:48:03 @elfkitchen @elfkitchen 15.25 67.77
2017-09-14 14:48:54 @kitcat @kitcat 13.20 67.67
2017-09-14 15:25:18 @birds90 @birds90 6.94 66.06
2017-09-14 15:47:52 @oflyhigh @oflyhigh 15.93 66.36
2017-09-14 22:00:17 @tumutanzi @tumutanzi 16.33 68.06
2017-09-15 00:02:10 @guyverckw @guyverckw 15.64 69.51
2017-09-15 00:04:01 @travelgirl @travelgirl 7.28 69.31
2017-09-15 01:24:32 @victorier @victorier 9.12 67.53
2017-09-15 02:00:40 @rivalhw @rivalhw 16.30 67.90
2017-09-15 02:01:07 @bxt @bxt 13.20 67.68
2017-09-15 02:24:25 @ace108 @ace108 9.16 67.82
2017-09-15 03:23:19 @htliao @htliao 16.44 68.50
2017-09-15 06:00:30 @blackbunny @blackbunny 16.91 70.44
2017-09-15 06:24:21 @nicolemoker @nicolemoker 11.64 70.53
2017-09-15 06:46:28 @stacee @stacee 13.78 70.66
2017-09-15 08:46:51 @lingfei @lingfei 9.54 70.68
2017-09-15 09:23:33 @joythewanderer @joythewanderer 13.89 71.24
2017-09-15 10:01:55 @dapeng @dapeng 9.69 71.77
2017-09-15 10:02:26 @krischy @krischy 7.50 71.44
2017-09-15 10:46:22 @deanliu @deanliu 17.26 71.94
2017-09-15 11:24:11 @myfirst @myfirst 16.25 72.21
2017-09-15 11:47:23 @jubi @jubi 11.93 72.28
2017-09-15 12:47:18 @wilkinshui @wilkinshui 11.79 71.48
2017-09-15 13:01:41 @yyyy @yyyy 7.51 71.50
2017-09-15 13:24:15 @someone @someone 11.83 71.70

每日’那些优秀被错过的文章’ 排行榜几点说明:

  • 取的是发贴在3 到4天前的 10个较少收益(较少被关注,但同时质量又较不错)的帖子。
  • 生成的结果去掉了 我自己的帖子 @justyy
  • 有可能会微调参数让结果更合理。
  • 查询SQL语句和参数暂时不公开,因为这样会更公平一些。

这个报告的年龄为: 21天。 i.e. 发布的第一天, 发布的第二天
欢迎 @justyy 如果您有好的建议或者想看哪些榜单却找不到。
Tags: #cn

This page is synchronized from the post: Daily #CN Updates - CN社区每日榜单【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】【那些优秀被错过的文章】(2017-09-15)

STEEM中文区剪刀石头布大赛 - 第一期 (奖金30 SBD + 帖子SBD收益) - Rock-Paper-Scissors Gaming Contest for SteemIt CN Community

Image Credit: pixabay.com

为了活跃STEEM IT 中文社区,调动大家玩STEEM 的热情,现决定定期举办 【STEEM中文区剪刀石头布大赛】
为了庆祝群主上任,大赦天下 give away


  1. 个人赞助:30 SBD
  2. 本贴收益的SBD 部分 100%
  3. 个人赞助名单:

    Receive 2.800 SBD from @colmanlamkh 贊助 包剪揼比賽 小小意思


  1. 需要审核加入微信群,详见微信群规
  2. 需要在 中文区 STEEM 排行榜上 https://helloacm.com/tools/steemit/wechat/ 加入群后需要 @justyy 报上STEEM ID
  3. 玩家 @justyy 弃权。



  1. 需要关注公众号 justyyuk
  2. 然后向公众号发入以下命令
  • 剪刀 或者 scissors
  • 石头 或者 rock
  • 或者 paper


  • 和服务器出一样的, 得0分
  • 服务器赢,减1分
  • 服务器输,得1分,连嬴服务器的话有额外分数奖励哦!

服务器玩法就是随机,大家不要想多了, 况且这是和其它 玩家一起比赛的游戏,大家都是站在同一起跑线上的!


  • rank 或者 排名 查看当前排行榜
  • score 或者 分数 查看当前得分
  • name 设置 steemit id , 这样才能领奖,比如
name justyy


本贴7天结束 到 2017年9月21日



  • 第一名 奖金池的 45%
  • 第二名 奖金池的 20%
  • 第三名 奖金池的 15%
  • 第四名 奖金池的 10%
  • 第五名 奖金池的 7%
  • 第六名 奖金池的 3%


Good Luck

May the odds be ever in your favor!


Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

This page is synchronized from the post: STEEM中文区剪刀石头布大赛 - 第一期 (奖金30 SBD + 帖子SBD收益) - Rock-Paper-Scissors Gaming Contest for SteemIt CN Community

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