Hide SteemIt Payout 隐藏收益,专注写作!


Trust me, the payout figure does more harm than good. It makes you unhappy especially if you are one of the minnows. So, why not hide it for a while and focus on good-content writing skills?

The payout figures distract you i.e. you spend a good amount of time writing a lengthy article, but you only have like $10 payout. And you browse the trending page, see some meaningless photographs with three figures payout, you feel jealous and unfair, which makes you unhappy.

You read a good article, but the payout figure is so impressive that you admire the authors. You start to spend time on how to get more payouts like the author, rather than what you should really do: forget the earnings and focus on the content.

Well, I believe this Chrome extension helps you a little bit, by hiding the payout figures for posts and comments. It does not do a perfect job, i.e. you can still see it by clicking the icon ‘Potential payout … in 7 days’. But it does purify the page so that it does not distract you from the start.

You earn $30 today, but your posts get $10 tomorrow, and you are not happy, because of the comparisons. The payout will not catch up with the greed This plugin is here for you. It can help you get back to your normal life instead of refreshing the page and checking the payout figures.

So, just install this, and let me know in a few days.

What the plugin does is actually the following line of Javascript code, which you can test this by bookmark it in the Chrome browser (manually hide the payout figures).

javascript:var e=document.querySelectorAll('span.FormattedAsset');for(var i=0;i<e.length;++i) e[i].innerHTML='XXXX';void(0);

If the plugin does not work, try to click the ‘show payout’ and switch it back to ‘hide payout’, this is a known bug which has been fixed in the version in case of delayed-publish issues


@joythewanderer 在 Would you be more motivated if high payouts of other posts are hidden? 如果不去看别人的高收益,会不会反而更有动力写文章呢? 说到:


很多时候,这个要命的 数字只会让你增添烦恼,你对于别人的收益是无法改变,有时候自己的收益短时间内也很难有突破。你去翻大鱼们的文章,眼球很难不被巨大的收益给吸引了。相信我,这个数字在显示出来利大于弊。


说了这么多,就是想广告一下我写的 CHROME 插件:

官网下载: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hide-steemit-payout/lbpcheminbfokogdnckkipdmaadldhlh




原理很简单,就这么一行JAVASCRIPT,你可以直接 book mark, 不过插件做到了在页面加载完后自动化而已。

javascript:var e=document.querySelectorAll('span.FormattedAsset');for(var i=0;i<e.length;++i) e[i].innerHTML='XXXX';void(0);

该插件支持 steemit.com 和 steemd.com 其实隐藏得也不是那么彻底,不过我相信这已经达到了净化眼球的目的了,至少我启用了插件后,我变得专注于内容写作了,哪怕只有一点点也是极好的。

插件在装完后需要手工的选择 Show Payout 然后再点回 Hide Payout, 这是一个BUG,已经修复。

Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it will be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


Recent Popular Posts

Tags: steemdev steemit cn cn-programming payout

This page is synchronized from the post: Hide SteemIt Payout 隐藏收益,专注写作!

信上帝,有饭吃。Hymns of Life


2017-09-10 12.45.24.jpg


2017-09-10 12.16.12-1.jpg

每人手上都有一本 《生命圣诗》。

2017-09-10 12.15.09.jpg


2017-09-10 12.15.14.jpg


2017-09-10 13.27.02.jpg


Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it will be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


Recent Popular Posts

Tags: cn bible life

This page is synchronized from the post: 信上帝,有饭吃。Hymns of Life

Daily Top 30 Authors in [CN] 每日cn社区之【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【请再给我一次机会】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】 (2017-09-10)

数据来源: steemsql.com
生成时间: 2017-09-10 11:11:05 (UTC)
报告时间: 2017-09-06 11:11:05 (UTC) to 2017-09-07 11:11:05 (UTC)

2017-09-10 每日cn社区之 请再给我一次机会

| | 作者 Author| 文章 Post|
| 1 | @berlin1997 | 《南越蓝》 古情小说连载 第三章 救人性命 |
| 2 | @cornelia | 动漫绘画比赛-简画KRSTOFF |
| 3 | @nationalpark | Coimbra 葡萄牙小城 ?? |
| 4 | @adyjee | 交易所存储多少STEEM? |
| 5 | @bring | 我对Steemit 的感受 My Feeling about Steemit |
| 6 | @superhardness | 写在比特币再创新高之前 |
| 7 | @incrediblesnow | 人生风景 谷哥點名 #6 风景 |
| 8 | @thomaskikansha | 漫遊香港:東平洲 Tung Ping Chau, Hong Kong |
| 9 | @tvb | 使用ps批量处理图片的方法 |
| 10 | @bestmz | Treasure Gallery. 故宫珍宝馆的耀世奇珍 |
符合条件的文章总数: 16

2017-09-10 Daily Authors in [CN] (Last 7 Days) 每日cn社区之 过去7天潜在收益排行榜

The following is the list of top 30 daily authors in [CN] in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout. See the SQL for more details.
这是根据这篇的SQL - 经少量修改和调整统计出过去7天作者的潜在收益排行。
| 排名 Rank| 作者 Author| 发贴数 Posts| 点赞数 Votes| 潜在收益 Pending Payout| 平均每贴收益 Average Pending Payout Per Post|
| 1| @deanliu | 8 | 2246 | 2105.02 |263.13 |
| 2| @oflyhigh | 6 | 2320 | 1877.54 |312.92 |
| 3| @rivalhw | 7 | 1404 | 1606.62 |229.52 |
| 4| @stacee | 7 | 1344 | 1323.30 |189.04 |
| 5| @linuslee0216 | 7 | 1347 | 1310.41 |187.20 |
| 6| @htliao | 7 | 1443 | 1252.56 |178.94 |
| 7| @tumutanzi | 7 | 1234 | 1149.16 |164.17 |
| 8| @sweetsssj | 2 | 2952 | 1144.78 |572.39 |
| 9| @blackbunny | 6 | 896 | 1077.25 |179.54 |
| 10| @myfirst | 5 | 964 | 957.42 |191.48 |
| 11| @twinkledrop | 7 | 804 | 948.41 |135.49 |
| 12| @kitcat | 8 | 991 | 887.49 |110.94 |
| 13| @guyverckw | 7 | 888 | 880.56 |125.79 |
| 14| @jubi | 8 | 975 | 866.09 |108.26 |
| 15| @justyy | 18 | 1784 | 852.59 |47.37 |
| 16| @elfkitchen | 6 | 977 | 835.53 |139.25 |
| 17| @joythewanderer | 7 | 928 | 811.23 |115.89 |
| 18| @btsabc | 6 | 632 | 754.09 |125.68 |
| 19| @birds90 | 6 | 881 | 733.41 |122.24 |
| 20| @ace108 | 32 | 3165 | 724.79 |22.65 |
| 21| @amylee | 5 | 519 | 720.79 |144.16 |
| 22| @wilkinshui | 7 | 886 | 718.03 |102.58 |
| 23| @dapeng | 10 | 752 | 667.29 |66.73 |
| 24| @travelgirl | 13 | 1191 | 628.42 |48.34 |
| 25| @bxt | 4 | 497 | 544.60 |136.15 |
| 26| @aaronli | 6 | 789 | 499.35 |83.23 |
| 27| @victorier | 5 | 585 | 499.13 |99.83 |
| 28| @jademont | 2 | 517 | 486.80 |243.40 |
| 29| @krischy | 3 | 588 | 486.53 |162.18 |
| 30| @ygern | 2 | 507 | 470.26 |235.13 |

以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。
@dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名
check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout

CN 区优质内容点赞机器人每天会为这30名作者点赞!
CN Good-Content-Body will upvote these authors every day!

近期机器人点赞记录 Recent Quality-Content-Upvote-Bot Upvoting History

The quality-content-upvoting-bot motivates for more good contents in [CN], however, I will also upvote other authors if good content are produced.

时间 Time 作者 Author 文章 Post 权重 Weighting % VP %
2017-09-10 10:00:28 @htliao @htliao 47.56 63.41
2017-09-10 10:06:46 @wilkinshui @wilkinshui 28.30 62.89
2017-09-10 11:42:08 @oflyhigh @oflyhigh 50.05 62.56
2017-09-10 11:54:42 @jubi @jubi 40.37 62.10
2017-09-10 11:55:20 @travelgirl @travelgril 27.72 61.60
2017-09-10 12:19:49 @ace108 @ace108 33.87 61.58
2017-09-10 13:12:38 @lingfei @lingfei 21.66 61.88
2017-09-10 13:36:30 @twinkledrop @twinkledrop 40.26 61.94
2017-09-10 13:38:06 @aaronli @aaronli 27.66 61.46
2017-09-10 14:36:34 @elfkitchen @elfkitchen 40.27 61.95
2017-09-10 14:57:43 @birds90 birds90 33.95 61.72

每日’请再给我一次机会’ 排行榜几点说明:

  • 虽然现在是人工查询,但不排除以后使用机器人 或者一半机器人一半人工的方式生成报表。
  • 取的是发贴在3 到4天前的 10个较少收益(较少被关注)的帖子。
  • 为了避嫌,生成的结果去掉了 我自己的帖子 @justyy
  • 为了壮大 cn 社区,只选择 第一个标签为 cn 的文章。
  • 有可能会微调参数让结果更合理。
  • 查询SQL语句和参数暂时不公开,因为这样会更公平一些。
  • 以后可能会在每日榜单里加入一些其它的有意思的排行榜。
  • 这个不是荣誉榜!但希望这能帮到你!

这个报告的年龄为: 16天。 i.e. 发布的第一天, 发布的第二天
欢迎 @justyy 如果您有好的建议或者想看哪些榜单却找不到。
Tags: #cn

This page is synchronized from the post: Daily Top 30 Authors in [CN] 每日cn社区之【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【请再给我一次机会】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】 (2017-09-10)

带孩子参观消防车 Cambridge Fire Station Open Day

Today is the Cambridge Fire Station Open day, and it is a great opportunity to do the fire training to kids. The kids get to see the real fire trucks and they got excited when they sit in the fire trucks.

I didn’t know that you can put so many tools on the sides of the fire trucks. That is awesome!


2017-09-09 13.07.03.jpg


2017-09-09 13.07.22.jpg


2017-09-09 13.08.55.jpg


2017-09-09 13.36.19.jpg

2017-09-09 13.35.27.jpg


2017-09-09 13.35.50.jpg

可惜的是,我们到的时候 一顶2英镑的孩子防火头盔已售罄。不过孩子还是玩得很开心,英国还是相当重视防火的,像公司每周都会有一个火警铃响测试,时不时还会有火警撤离演练。


Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it will be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


Recent Popular Posts

Tags: cn firetrucks life

This page is synchronized from the post: 带孩子参观消防车 Cambridge Fire Station Open Day

点赞机器人每日点赞记录整合到每日报表中! Good-content Upvoting History now Integrated into to Daily Ranking Table

前几天:A Good-Content-Upvote-Bot - CN 区优质内容点赞机器人上线了!, 观察了一两天,觉得还行,于是把部分点赞的记录也公布到每日榜单更新中。

Recording upvote history…

ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")                
msg = "| " + ts
msg += "| @" + author + " | [" + title + "](https://steemit.com/" + url + ") "
msg += "| " + str("{:.2f}".format(score))
msg += "| " + str("{:.2f}".format(vp)) + "|"
if vote(y, account[y], url, score) != False:
content += msg + "\n"

The code saving messages to file:

if len(content) > 1:       
filename = "steem/upvote-hisotry/" + today + ".txt"
text_file = open(filename, "a")
print('Error: ' + filename)

最后面在生成报表的时候只需要读相应的文件记录即可,由于每天UTC 正午12点左右生成报告,所以点赞记录只是当天12小时的记录,所以是部分点赞记录。



Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it will be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


Recent Popular Posts

Tags: cn cn-programming programming python upvote

This page is synchronized from the post: 点赞机器人每日点赞记录整合到每日报表中! Good-content Upvoting History now Integrated into to Daily Ranking Table

Daily Top 30 Authors in [CN] 每日cn社区之【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【请再给我一次机会】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】 (2017-09-09)

数据来源: steemsql.com
生成时间: 2017-09-09 11:11:05 (UTC)
报告时间: 2017-09-05 11:11:05 (UTC) to 2017-09-06 11:11:05 (UTC)

2017-09-09 每日cn社区之 请再给我一次机会

| | 作者 Author| 文章 Post|
| 1 | @berlin1997 | 《南越蓝》 古情小说连载 楔子 |
| 2 | @lemooljiang | 我们吃很多–时代的歌之190 |
| 3 | @chl | Pokemon Go 抓到水君了Suicune caught!!! |
| 4 | @sunnyjolly | listening to Dreaminglu 梦露说 #2 |
| 5 | @saimegh | Love failure ?? / 爱失败?? |
| 7 | @luneknight | one year at steem 萧瑟秋风今又是 |
| 8 | @bring | 中华泰山(四)泰山彩石溪 Mt. Tai of China (4) Taishan Colorful Stone Stream |
| 9 | @michellelee | Travel to Hong Kong #3 - Hong Kong Disneyland musical performance 1 |
| 10 | @hopsken | Steemit 上何时发帖收益最高? |
符合条件的文章总数: 20

2017-09-09 Daily Authors in [CN] (Last 7 Days) 每日cn社区之 过去7天潜在收益排行榜

The following is the list of top 30 daily authors in [CN] in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout. See the SQL for more details.
这是根据这篇的SQL - 经少量修改和调整统计出过去7天作者的潜在收益排行。
| 排名 Rank| 作者 Author| 发贴数 Posts| 点赞数 Votes| 潜在收益 Pending Payout| 平均每贴收益 Average Pending Payout Per Post|
| 1| @deanliu | 8 | 2176 | 1935.22 |241.90 |
| 2| @oflyhigh | 6 | 2425 | 1874.81 |312.47 |
| 3| @rivalhw | 7 | 1464 | 1634.64 |233.52 |
| 4| @sweetsssj | 3 | 3836 | 1569.67 |523.22 |
| 5| @blackbunny | 8 | 1088 | 1373.71 |171.71 |
| 6| @htliao | 7 | 1468 | 1269.96 |181.42 |
| 7| @linuslee0216 | 7 | 1253 | 1243.44 |177.63 |
| 8| @stacee | 6 | 1151 | 1172.95 |195.49 |
| 9| @elfkitchen | 7 | 1255 | 1022.28 |146.04 |
| 10| @tumutanzi | 6 | 1045 | 959.94 |159.99 |
| 11| @justyy | 19 | 1822 | 954.43 |50.23 |
| 12| @myfirst | 5 | 922 | 940.87 |188.17 |
| 13| @twinkledrop | 7 | 785 | 903.97 |129.14 |
| 14| @guyverckw | 7 | 888 | 868.96 |124.14 |
| 15| @birds90 | 7 | 960 | 814.24 |116.32 |
| 16| @joythewanderer | 7 | 943 | 799.91 |114.27 |
| 17| @kitcat | 8 | 945 | 796.86 |99.61 |
| 18| @dapeng | 10 | 803 | 771.57 |77.16 |
| 19| @btsabc | 6 | 631 | 734.99 |122.50 |
| 20| @amylee | 5 | 515 | 719.67 |143.93 |
| 21| @jubi | 7 | 845 | 694.71 |99.24 |
| 22| @wilkinshui | 7 | 858 | 685.95 |97.99 |
| 23| @jademont | 3 | 668 | 667.21 |222.40 |
| 24| @ace108 | 30 | 2905 | 618.13 |20.60 |
| 25| @travelgirl | 13 | 1126 | 595.20 |45.78 |
| 26| @aaronli | 7 | 900 | 548.42 |78.35 |
| 27| @bxt | 4 | 482 | 528.39 |132.10 |
| 28| @victorier | 5 | 578 | 492.88 |98.58 |
| 29| @yyyy | 3 | 295 | 470.37 |156.79 |
| 30| @ygern | 2 | 491 | 466.31 |233.15 |

以上收益包括75%的作者收益(Author Rewards)和25%的点赞收益(Curation Rewards)。
@dailystats 提供过去7天全网潜在收益前30名的排名
check @dailystats for top 30 daily authors in the last 7 days sorted by potential payout

CN 区优质内容点赞机器人每天会为这30名作者点赞!
CN Good-Content-Body will upvote these authors every day!

近期机器人点赞记录 Recent Quality-Content-Upvote-Bot Upvoting History

The quality-content-upvoting-bot motivates for more good contents in [CN], however, I will also upvote other authors if good content are produced.

时间 Time 作者 Author 文章 Post 权重 Weighting % VP %
2017-09-09 00:54:19 @linuslee0216 Anime Character Drawing Challenge 动漫人物画画比赛 —— 中日文化融合的奇迹——邪神Saber 44.13 58.84
2017-09-09 01:48:56 @victorier 风景不似预期 #6风景 20.68 59.08
2017-09-09 02:54:33 @amylee 我们来了之美国游记 Part 25–一号公路上的最后一夜。United States, here we came! part 25– The last night on HWY 1. 26.62 59.15
2017-09-09 05:00:28 @guyverckw Business Trip 商务出差- 办公室随笔 (三) 39.38 60.58
2017-09-09 06:30:24 @deanliu Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 01 |《文化读瘾.一週译报》第1期:南国的草原部落.北国的田园牧歌 49.07 61.34
2017-09-09 07:48:44 @myfirst 一整天什么事敢没干成 40.18 61.81
2017-09-09 08:24:43 @dapeng Steemit CN 好友群豪华升级版:看看你是水浒里的哪位英雄 27.81 61.80
2017-09-09 09:01:54 @twinkledrop Travel with Rainie in Miniland of Legoland Windsor Part 7—The Knight’s Kingdom in Legoland. 畅游温莎的乐高主题公园Part 7—乐高乐园里的乐高城堡。 40.28 61.97
2017-09-09 09:02:21 @aaronli 情与景 心与情 何谓美景 何谓深情 谷哥点名#6 27.66 61.47
2017-09-09 09:30:18 @blackbunny 把别人家的孩子弄丢了(梦) 49.21 61.51
2017-09-09 10:12:35 @jubi 得给自己准备一个Plan B 27.66 61.48
2017-09-09 10:24:40 @wilkinshui 工作午休鬆一鬆 27.58 61.30
2017-09-09 10:48:26 @sweetsssj Travel with me #88 : A visit to Cleopatra’s Antique Pool and the Ancient Theatre! 49.02 61.28
2017-09-09 10:54:28 @htliao OmiseGO的基本背景资料整理 45.56 60.74
2017-09-09 11:48:34 @travelgirl SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #1 - White Husky @ Biei, Japan SteemitPhotoChallenge 照相比赛 #1 - 哈士奇犬 @ 美瑛, 日本 26.87 59.70
2017-09-09 12:00:51 @yyyy 因为爱情: (十四) 出糗 / Because of love 20.84 59.54

每日’请再给我一次机会’ 排行榜几点说明:

  • 虽然现在是人工查询,但不排除以后使用机器人 或者一半机器人一半人工的方式生成报表。
  • 取的是发贴在3 到4天前的 10个较少收益(较少被关注)的帖子。
  • 为了避嫌,生成的结果去掉了 我自己的帖子 @justyy
  • 为了壮大 cn 社区,只选择 第一个标签为 cn 的文章。
  • 有可能会微调参数让结果更合理。
  • 查询SQL语句和参数暂时不公开,因为这样会更公平一些。
  • 以后可能会在每日榜单里加入一些其它的有意思的排行榜。
  • 这个不是荣誉榜!但希望这能帮到你!

这个报告的年龄为: 15天。 i.e. 发布的第一天, 发布的第二天
欢迎 @justyy 如果您有好的建议或者想看哪些榜单却找不到。
Tags: #cn

This page is synchronized from the post: Daily Top 30 Authors in [CN] 每日cn社区之【优质内容机器人点赞记录】【请再给我一次机会】【过去7天潜在收益排行榜】 (2017-09-09)

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