SteemIt API Tool - Check If Your Followers Have Voted Your Post 撸了一个工具 - 快速检查你的粉丝到底有没有给你点赞!(带 免费API)

In 3 hours, I have managed to develop and test the API and Tool that can be used to check which of your followers have not voted your post.

It is based on this idea:

  1. Based on a or URL for example,    we can extract the ID which is  my wife @happyukgo

  2. Based on the webapi   we can get the list of followers:

  3. Based on  we extract the current followers using regular expression. 

  4.  That is it. Using array_diff in PHP, we know the list of followers that do not vote your post yet.

AND….. this is the online tool with API documentation. 

Bugs reported to   @justyy  

Following are the screenshots,  as you can see, very easy to use, you just need to copy the URL and press Enter (or click the button).


工具试一下好不好用。有问题联系 @justyy   好困啊。。要睡觉去了 zZZZZZZ


API (Application Programming Interface)

The API following has a rate-limit 1 call per second.

It will return JSON-encoded data:


If $_GET parameter s is not specified, this API will use the $_POST variable url instead.

curl -X POST -d “url=

API Servers

You could use the following four servers:

 Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts. 

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。 


  1.  A Quick Tour to British Museum - The British are not returning the china collections to China! 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地

  2.  The best way to travel to London? 怎么样去伦敦游玩更方便省钱?

  3. #Travel with me - Windsor Castle (Photography) 再访温莎城堡

  4. How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? 小白教程 – 如何把 SBD或者STEEM转出到比特币钱包?

  5. Taking Kids to Cinema - My First Cinema Experience 带孩子到电影院看电影 

  6. The FIRST Steem Couple? SteemIt 上第一对公开秀恩爱的夫妻?

 and… I am putting the source code on github  if this post reaches  500 votes! *

  500人点赞我就把代码放到 github 上,虽然没几行 LOL  * 

This page is synchronized from the post: SteemIt API Tool - Check If Your Followers Have Voted Your Post 撸了一个工具 - 快速检查你的粉丝到底有没有给你点赞!(带 免费API)

A Quick Tour to British Museum - The British are not returning the china collections to China! 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地

If you ever come to UK, you have to visit London. If you visit London, the British Museum is the place of interests that you can’t miss. The British Museum opened from 1753 and currently, there are more than 8 billion works. 

It opens daily from 10:00 to 17:30 except 24-26/Dec and Jan 1st. The near-by underground are: Goodge Street, Tottenham Court, Holborn, Russel Square. It takes 10 min walk from the underground.

The Britain was known as “The empire that does not have sunset”.  Many countries in the world were used to be ruled by British. The British took many many works from China when they invaded China. 

However, till today: The British are not returning the china collections that belong to China! 

There are so many collections that you can’t visit them once all, and below are mostly from China section.

来英国一定得去伦敦, 来伦敦一定得去看大英博物馆. 这简直是爱好博物馆的天堂. 大英博物馆是免费可以参观的, 每年除了圣诞节12月份24-26号和元旦1月1号不开门, 其余每天的开门时间是早上10点到下午5点半. 

 大英博物馆可以在这几站地铁口下: Goodge Street, Tottenham Court, Holborn, Russel Square. 相对来说还是比较方便, 下了地铁口走路10分钟就到了. 

 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地: 因为当年日不落帝国从世界各地抢夺了很多财宝, 其中中国就很多被英国据为已有 至到今日都不送还. 大英博物馆很大, 成立于1753年 目前一共收藏800多万件(由于空间限制还有很多很多未被公开展出) 

 我们这次就侧重看了中国展区, 大多是一些瓷器. 不得不说, 当年八国联军英国可没少拿. 今日中英关系还算友好, 放在英国也能让方便海外的华人时不时的去受一下爱国教育, 不要忘记自己是中国人. 


 埃及展区 African 

 埃及展区 African 

 中国展区 – 瓷器 


 碗 和茶壶 


















 媳妇 @happyukgo 馆内留影

不得不说 孩子还太少, 带着孩子并不能完全尽兴, 多数时候只能走马观花的看. 

 孩子太小完全对此不感兴趣 The kids are too young to enjoy the Museum.

孩子这次完全不感兴趣, 那你们能猜猜孩子们在做什么呢? 

 你知道孩子们在干嘛?  What are the kids doing?

Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.  


This page is synchronized from the post: A Quick Tour to British Museum - The British are not returning the china collections to China! 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地

The best way to travel to London? 怎么样去伦敦游玩更方便省钱?

My family recently come to UK for a short visit and travelling to London is a big problem. We have 6 adults and 3 children so here are three ways to travel to London for tourism.

  1. My wife @happyukgo and me drive two cars to London directly… but My wife is afraid of the London traffic (full of bus lanes and traffic cameras), also, the parking fee in London is expensive and it is hard to find parking slots sometimes.

  2. We live in Cambridgeshire, we can drive 20 minutes to Huntingdon and take trains directly (1 hour duration) to London Kings Cross.  It costs roughly 30 pounds per adult including the London zones (1-6). However, if you book in advance, it might be cheaper. It costs 150 pounds for 6 adults and 3 kids, if you book at least 1 week in advance. On weekdays, it is expensive, around 230 pounds.

  3. We decide to drive to Brent Cross Shopping Center, which is the only shopping center that provides free parking (8000+). It takes around 1 and half hour driving and 10 minutes walking from the car park to the nearest Brent Cross underground. It costs around 6 pounds per adult (kids are free, but need accompanied by 1 adult) for London underground. It takes around 30 minutes from Brent Cross (Northern Line) to central of London.

London is expensive, but if you stop at some places not far from London, and travel by train, this might save you a lot!

可能最近看我朋友圈的朋友都知道 我姐(亲姐), 姐夫, 侄子还有爸妈一起来英国旅游. 姐和姐夫只待一周, 所以我和媳妇各请假一周到处游玩. 

 除了温莎城堡, 伦敦是个必去的地方, 6个大人3个小孩(其中侄子7岁) 英国火车票5岁到15岁可以买童票. 我们琢磨了一下, 主要有以下几种方案. 


我开一辆车 我媳妇一辆, 然后直接开车2个半小时进伦敦市区. 但是这种方案最难, 因为伦敦市区很拥堵 而且单行道 Bus Lane 很多. 我媳妇 @happyukgo 是新手司机而且有点惧怕开长途车. 

 另一个问题就是得交进伦敦得交进城费 也就是拥堵费 (Congestion Charge), 一天11.5英镑. 伦敦有数千个交通摄像头 只要你进了城就肯定会被拍到, 然后系统里就能查你是否交了进城费, 你有24个小时时间补交如果没有交就会有罚单寄来. 

 伦敦的市中心停车极为不易, 而且动不动就得十几英镑的停车费, 其实并没有坐地铁来得方便.

开车到 HUNTINGDON 然后坐火车

 离家(剑桥郡) 东边开车20分钟有一个 Huntingdon 火车站, 从那坐火车一个小时到伦敦市中心 Kings Cross 国王火车站. 车票大概是30多英镑一人一天包伦敦地铁. 提前买的话, 周末便宜大概是150英镑6个大人一小孩, 平时周一到周五大概是230英镑. 

 停Huntingdon的车费大概一天6英镑.  通用方式就是 开车到伦敦周围较近的火车站 然后停车 然后坐火车进伦敦. 

开车到伦敦 BRENT CROSS停车场 然后坐地铁

但最后面选择开车1个半小时到伦敦的 Brent Cross 购物中心, 因为Brent Cross 购物中心的停车场是伦敦唯一一个免费的而且有8000多个的大型停车场. 我和媳妇 @happyukgo 开车过去一停, 无后顾之忧, 走10分钟就能到最近的 Brent Cross 地铁口 坐北(黑)线 (North Line) 半个小时就能到市中心. 然后通过自助机器购买伦敦 Oyster 地铁卡, 充个10块钱, 单程2.8英镑, 封顶每天是6英镑左右. 

 而且开车到 Brent Cross 并不用交进城费. 

 伦敦 tottenham 地铁站一景 

 媳妇 @happyukgo 在伦敦

 Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容


  1. A Quick Tour to British Museum - The British are not returning the china collections to China! 大英博物馆的中国展区就是最好的爱国主义教育基地

  2. #Travel with me - Windsor Castle (Photography) 再访温莎城堡

  3. How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? 小白教程 – 如何把 SBD或者STEEM转出到比特币钱包?

  4. Taking Kids to Cinema - My First Cinema Experience 带孩子到电影院看电影 

  5. The FIRST Steem Couple? SteemIt 上第一对公开秀恩爱的夫妻?

This page is synchronized from the post: The best way to travel to London? 怎么样去伦敦游玩更方便省钱?

#Travel with me - Windsor Castle (Photography) 再访温莎城堡

Windsor castle is the biggest castle in the world that still has people living in it. I took a visit recently to Windsor castle, which is located at East South of England. It is the family castle for Windsor Dynasty.

Everytime I visit Windsor castle, I am amazed and impressed by its beauty and power.  It is highly recommended if you ever come to England.

温莎城堡 (Windsor Castle) 是当今世上有人居住城堡中最大的一个. 温莎城堡 (Windsor Castle)位于英格兰东南部. 是英国王室温莎王朝的家庭城堡. 

 2010年我和媳妇 @happyukgo 刚认识约会, 于是当时来了场说走就走的旅行, 当时从LUTON坐火车转了两三次到了温莎, 然后随便在城堡对面找了一酒店定了一个总统套房度过了一段愉快的旅行. 

// Seven years ago, I visited Windsor Castle when I dated my Wife..  7年前温莎城堡前和媳妇合影一张   

当时多嬾啊, 时隔7年, 想不到这次是我和媳妇 @happyukgo 开两次带着一家和我亲姐一家来温莎游玩. 门票平均一人20英镑左右. 游客很多, 排队大概20分钟, 需要过安检. 

 城堡很大, 由于带着两娃, 我们看了几处便和娃在城堡里坐着休息吃冰淇淋了. 问了城堡内的工作人员说7年前的那张照片背后的城堡在哪处, 得知正在装修不给开放, 于是有点小遗憾, 但媳妇 @happyukgo 安慰我说没事, 以后的路还长着呢. 





 中国游客很多  Chinese Restaurant Advertisement 

 墙上有英国女皇和温莎家族  Queen and Windsor Family?

 城堡一景 真大真美 

 路过一个小型音乐会  A tiny concert hold in the castle.

 儿子一进城堡兴奋的拿了一个语言讲解  Audio Guide

 媳妇靠着温莎城堡的墙  Lean on the wall of the castle.



 站岗的士兵一动不动  Soldier stands still - still water runs deep LOL

 城堡里有神武大炮  Canon to protect the castle?

 排了半小时给孩子买了冰淇淋  queue half and hour to get my sons icecream

 城堡往外看的风景  Landscape view from the castle.


 大热天的 捂这么严实 辛苦了这些亲兵  Are these guns real?


温莎城堡真美, 来英国一定要访问这个地方! 

Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts. 

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.     

This page is synchronized from the post: #Travel with me - Windsor Castle (Photography) 再访温莎城堡

Taking Kids to Cinema - My First Cinema Experience 带孩子到电影院看电影

I took my sons Eric and Ryan to their first Cinema Experience a few weeks ago. Eric was not yet 5 and Ryan was 3. I worried about they making noise when watching the movie, but surprisedly they behaved well.

I think the main reason is that the movie is “Peppa Pig”, which is something they like. The movie was interesting, and they can eat the snacks while they watch. Also, the cinema seats were “big” for these little boys. I am sure it is a very entertaining experience for both kids and parents, but not in the same way (Parents can take a nap without noisy kids around). :P

孩子几岁可以去看电影? 之所以有这个问题就是怕孩子上电影院会闹. 今天带着两娃去 剑桥 VUE电影院看了 小猪配奇 (Peppa Pig) 电影版 (my first cinema experience – 我的第一次电影经历) 这个电影很适合作为孩子第一次去电影院看的第一部电影. 

 事实证明, 之前的多虑是多余的, 很多老外带着孩子 甚至是推车推着更小的孩子(1-2岁) 也来看了, 电影院里的小观众还是挺多的.  


如果孩子感兴趣, 那么就成功一半了. 所以选择的电影一定要是孩子喜欢 熟悉的, 而且不能是看过的. 像这次电影版的小猪配奇 (Peppa Pig) 就含有几个小故事, 这些故事在平常电视里是没有看过的. 

 第二个需要准备的就是零食, 孩子有吃有喝有得看, 自然就不会闹了.

这次选择了周六早上10点在剑桥 VUE 电影院 (坐标: Vue Cinemas, The Grafton Centre, East Rd, Cambridge CB1 1PS), 并不需要提前买票, 大人小孩的票都特别便宜, 一张2.5英镑. 但是点了一个大可+爆米花就得10英镑. 加孩子的零食一下子25英镑了. 不过 VUE电影院的座椅是可以平躺的, 很大, 孩子小, 完全就可以坐着很舒服. 

 孩子很开心, 说下次想再来看电影. 这对于孩子是第一次, 很新鲜. 小猪配奇电影大概时长1个小时: 唯一美中不足的就是 电影开始前的广告有点多 (大概10几分钟吧) 

 Peppa Pig – My First Cinema Experience 

 躺着看电影 很犯懒 



Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy , which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.      

This page is synchronized from the post: Taking Kids to Cinema - My First Cinema Experience 带孩子到电影院看电影

How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? 小白教程 – 如何把 SBD或者STEEM转出到比特币钱包?

  Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD) can be easily transferred/converted to your bitcoins with officially-recommended @blocktrades 

 This is the most easiest way to exchange your Steem/SBD to Bitcoins (or other digital currency). In this case, you need a bitcoin wallet e.g. You can use the online coinbase bitcoin wallet or offline Eletrum wallet

虽然好像已经有很多人写过很类似的教程, 但是 @thisjourney 似乎还是不太明白 于是我觉得有必要用我的自己简单的语言来介绍一下这个过程, 其实通过官方推荐的 @blocktrades 来转换SBD或者STEEM到比特币甚至是其它货币是相当的简单. 

 首先 你需要一个比特币钱包, 线上的比特币钱包我推荐 Coinbase, 线下的比特币钱包我推荐 Electrum

 Step 1: Click the “Sell” under the “Steem Dollars” if you want to sell SBD or “Steem” if you want to sell Steem respectively. 

 第一步: 如果要转换SBD则在Steem Dollar右边下拉菜单点击 “Sell” 卖. STEEM也是类似的一个过程. 

 Step 2: Now you need to Enter the suggested SBD/Steem to exchange, on the right hand-side, it will approximately tell you how much bitcoins you can get after exchange. You need a valid Bitcoin wallet address. 

 第二步: 在blocktrades的界面需要填写你的比特币钱包地址, 然后输入想转换的SBD或者STEEM金额, 这时候右边会显示大概能转出的比特币有多少. 

 Step 3: Click the “Get Deposit Address” button to get the MEMO. You need to copy exactly the MEMO as given (You may however use this same MEMO for many times you like) 

 第三步: 点击 “Get Deposit Address” 按钮, 这时候会告诉你需要向 @blocktrades 转帐, 但是你需要把MEMO填写成指定的字符串. 如果填写不正确 金额丢失, 请看此贴

 Step 4: Click the “Transfer” dropdown menu under Steem or Steem Dollars 

 第四步: 点击下拉菜单中的 “Transfer” 

 Step 5: Enter the recipient: blocktrades and fill in the amount of SBD or Steem to convert. 

 第五步: 然后需要按要求向@blocktrades 转帐, 但是你需要把MEMO填写成指定的字符串. 

 Step 6: Login the Proceed 

 第六步: 重新输入一下用户名和密码. 

 Your funds will be immediately unavailable. 


 However, it may take minutes or hours for this transaction to fully completed and reach your bitcoin address. 


 Remember, make sure you have entered the correct MEMO (see this incident) not your wallet address! 

 一定得谨记: 千万不要填错了MEMO. 否则很有可能血本无归

 Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts. 

 原创首发SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.      

Related Post: 相关文章

Thank you @blocktrades ! 一次有惊无险的误操作 – 通过 blocktrades 转出 SBD 到比特币钱包把MEMO填错了

This page is synchronized from the post: How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? 小白教程 – 如何把 SBD或者STEEM转出到比特币钱包?

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