The FIRST Steem Couple? SteemIt 上第一对公开秀恩爱的夫妻?

 Last week, I order two T-shirts via UK VistaPrint (My ID is @justyy) and my wife’s ID (@happyukgo). It was delivered quickly and we’ve got to try them on for the first time. 

 Wearing the Steem T-shirt is one of the simple tips to gain popularity and more payout of posts in Steem. Are we the first Steem Couples? 

 抱得 steem 美人归

 上周在 英国VistaPrint 上定了两件T裇, 一个印有我的 Steem ID @justyy 另一个印有我媳妇的 ID: @happyukgo 


据说穿 STEEM衣服比较容易被赞,于是订了两件 我一件 我媳妇一件

媳妇说这LOGO得往上移点 才好看. My Wife said it could be a lot better if the Logo is shifted up a little bit. 

 媳妇说 我设计的这个LOGO太低了 得往上移点

这镜头有点糊了, 打算换个好一点的镜头. I need a better camera lens (LOL) 

 单反拍的,光线不足,有点糊, 媳妇笑我拍照技术差,我说是镜头差 

 媳妇的ID是 happyukgo

是不是 SteemIt 上第一对公开秀恩爱的夫妻? 

 steem 上公开秀恩爱

没事就撒撒steem 狗粮.. 

 撒撒 steem 狗粮

抱得 steem 美人归 

 抱得 steem 美人归

IPHONE前置摄像头拍的有点糊了, 后来发现是前面贴膜的原因… 汗… 

 Originally published on SteemIt, Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

SteemIt 原创首发, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.


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2-seat Convertible cars are Mid-life Crisis Cars 2座跑车 都是 Mid-life Crisis Car

My colleague Chris told me that the BMW Z4 is a mid-life crisis car. He said, some men dump their wife in the mid age (40 maybe) and buy such 2-seats convertible car just to recapture the youth with young ladies (age of 20 maybe) sitting aside.

I don’t know if this is true. But, this car (BMW-Z4) has a very low MPG and a very high insurance group. It is definitely not a practical family-use car.

Check the photos below (It is not my car… it is my friend’s car.. LOL)

周五和同事CHRIS在聊天 说到 BMW Z4 跑车 

他说 这车是公认的 Mid-life Crisis CAR 我不太理解 他解释说: 一些男人到了中年就把他老婆 给 休了 (dumped) 然后 为了 重拾青春 (Recapture the Youth) 买两门的跑车 就为了旁边能坐上20多岁的小姑娘证明自己还年轻. 人到中年 男人女人都会有更年期症状的. 

2座跑车 一是贵 维修费 稍微碰了擦了那个心疼 二是保险贵 三则是不实用 四则是费油(不环保) 不过像上面说的 开起来起的很拉轰.  

 底盘太低了 过个小BUMP都得慢 要不然就碰坏了; 引擎声挺大 一踩油门挺拉轰; 加速感强 0 – 60公理每小时 一踩油门就有了; 回头率高; 就差一妹子坐旁边了 🙂 

 不过一年的路税(按CO2排放量) 需要 290英镑 保险也很贵(Insurance Group) 这车适合小情侣开 我这有家有儿的人还是 开个小轿车 或者 SUV好了. 我那AUDI A6 就不错 里面空间很大 装孩子很够. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。    

根据我的博文  2座跑车 都是 Mid-life Crisis Car美梦成真 bmw-z4 小跑车  重新整理。

This page is synchronized from the post: 2-seat Convertible cars are Mid-life Crisis Cars 2座跑车 都是 Mid-life Crisis Car

Fifth Wedding Anniversary (Photography) 结婚5年纪念日 (独家爆照)

In a few days, it will be our fifth wedding anniversary. I have been with my wife @happyukgo for 7 years! How time flies.. 

Thank you @happyukgo   and I am the luckiest guy in the world!

无意中翻翻照片, 一发现和媳妇 @happyukgo 在一起7年了, 再过几天就是我们的5周年结婚纪念日, 5年就是木婚, 希望我们能这么走一辈子. 

 媳妇21岁跟了我, 22岁便(未婚)怀孕生子. 一晃都28了, 媳妇把最好的青春都献给了我. 得此妻,夫复何求! 

 媳妇和老大摄于 2013年

当时讲了一个带颜色的小故事 害得媳妇羞涩的笑了, 抓拍. 


如今 已有两娃, 激情不再, 一切都很平淡, 而平平淡淡才是福. 来张全家福! 

到同事家 BBQ

再次感谢媳妇为赖家所做的一切!  (就是这么大方滴秀恩爱!)

Originally published on SteemIt, Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

SteemIt 原创首发, 非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。    

This page is synchronized from the post: Fifth Wedding Anniversary (Photography) 结婚5年纪念日 (独家爆照)

Best Monitors for Programmers 程序员应该这样使用显示器

As a programmer, we normally want at least two monitors or bigger monitors to enhance the work efficiency. However, with regular monitors, you can turn them into differences. 

Rotate your monitors 90 degrees (clockwise or counter-clockwise), and put them together. Now, you should be able to view more lines of code in a screen. you don’t need to scroll as often as you did before. Wow!

You can also read as many emails you can in a page. This works best if you have a long explorer tree which was not possible to display all previously. 

// 我公司的同事(软件工程师),一89年的帅小伙。 My colleague is a software engineer and he likes to turn the monitors like this.


旋转90度 并排显示器(最好是无边框的),然后你就可以在一个屏幕里显示更多的代码. 另一个屏幕可以显示更多的邮件.之前左边(比如THUNDER BIRD)的分类树现在一个屏幕上就可以全显示出来了. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.  This post was originally published at my blog and slightly modified in Steem.

非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.    

本文原先发表于我的博客, 经少量修改。

This page is synchronized from the post: Best Monitors for Programmers 程序员应该这样使用显示器

Taking Kids to Music School Every Weekend (Video) 孩子周六学音乐学唱歌(视频)

I grew up in Gulang Island Xiamen (WIKI) which is the Island of Piano. However, my family did not have enough money to send me to Piano schools.  This is something that I regret because I ‘d one day like to learn pianos (if it is still possible).

Parents always like their kids to achieve what they didn’t achieve. Therefore, my son Eric goes to music school (for young kids) to learn singing and dancing. I hope Eric likes it (it seems he really enjoys).

Please find videos below.

为人父母总是希望孩子不要输在起跑线上, 所以周末还有平时总是想让孩子多学些知识. 之前周六送去剑桥学中文, 但是孩子不是很感兴趣 而且老是坐不住(2小时), 于是后来在学期结束的时候就没有再继续了, 我们是打算等他再大一些, 七八岁再看看是否再送去专门学中文. 

碰巧隔壁村中学 Swavesey 中学(以后孩子划片上的初中) 周六上午有音乐课 (一节课1个小时平均下来5英镑左右), 孩子分不同年纪上不同的班, 老大年纪刚好够(4岁之上) 最小的唱歌, 再大一些可以学些乐器. 不同年纪的孩子也会在一起做些课前准备(清清嗓子 练习不同合声). 

 Swavesey-village-colleage 隔壁村的初中

孩子在第一二节课的时候很怕生, 但很快就融入了他的小班级, 班上目测女孩较多数(有一中国女孩), 大多数父母把孩子送过来就离开了直到下课了再回来接孩子, 但也有一些年纪较小的孩子需要父母的陪同, 而有一些则在教室外面等待. 


 老二年纪不够, 所以最开始几周也可以让他旁听, 但他实在是没有兴趣, 后来也就没有让他去 (父母一人 带老大上课 另一人在家里陪老二). 

 其实我们的目的并不一定是想让孩子走音乐这条路, 也许他和父母一样并不是这块料, 但是至少我们给他机会了, 给他熏陶熏陶情操, 而且他或许能交到一些从小玩到大的朋友(毕竟剑桥村庄这么小, 而且他也的确碰到了一起上小学的小伙伴). 

 所有孩子(不分年纪不分班级) 经常会在课前一起唱歌清嗓子. 

 孩子经常在学完音乐当天回到家还会哼几句, 所以我们也会继续让他去上课的, 说不定过两年兄弟俩都去学音乐了, 那时候我们就轻松多了 😛 




 Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.   

This page is synchronized from the post: Taking Kids to Music School Every Weekend (Video) 孩子周六学音乐学唱歌(视频)

Bad weather? that is OK, we still can BBQ. 英国的阴雨天是阻挡不了我们在草地上BBQ的 – 参加Jessy的生日Party

Last week, we went to Jessy (my friend’s daught)’s birthday party (in the Cambridge Lammas Land Park). The kids are having fun and there are lots of activities:  throwing water balloons to each other, playing football, swimming, badminton.

The kids are energetic. When the meat are cooked, they all come. Everything is so delicious. There are king prawns, chicken wings, sweet potatoes, pork, burgers, squid and salmons.  

The British talk about weather that is because all these can happen in a single day:  sunny, rainy, windy, and even snowing. 

It even rained a little bit for 20 minutes, but that is OK, we can still BBQ.

What a day out!

上周和朋友在剑桥草地上BBQ烧烤就觉得是件很舒服的事情, 于是就临时敲定了在这个草地上举行朋友孩子Jessy的生日Party

美中不足的是: 天气阴天 中间还下了一小阵雨, 只好躲到大树下避雨, 不这这丝毫不影响我们BBQ的热情, 特别是孩子们有吃有玩, 真是开心. 

英国的天气素来以多变著称, 一天中能经历刮风 下雨 下冰雹, 出太阳.. 所以英国人都见怪不怪了 (英国人见面聊天讨论最多的就是天气), 也因此, 雨伞并没有雨衣来得实用, 下阵小雨跑树下商店躲躲一会儿就好了. 草地上还有许多人把帐篷还就遮雨的篷都太来了 真是风雨无阻. 

这次BBQ吃的可真丰富: 大虾, 鸡翅, 红薯, 猪肉, 汉堡, 鱿鱼和三文鱼.  孩子们一看到食物好了就都跑过来吃了, 好香好好吃.




 玩水球  Water ballons!




 Happy Birthday Jessy 


 看着蛋糕 真想吃啊 

 这喝的里面有酒  Some fruit alcohol drink (not for kids)

 开胃菜  Starter..


 人多 所以用了两个炉同时烤 

 烤鸡翅 红薯 


英国节奏真慢, 真悠闲. 孩子们真幸福

Originally published on SteemIt, 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

SteemIt 原创首发, 非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。   

This page is synchronized from the post: Bad weather? that is OK, we still can BBQ. 英国的阴雨天是阻挡不了我们在草地上BBQ的 – 参加Jessy的生日Party

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