The British should really be proud of the "All Day Breakfast" 看图说话 – 英式早餐

The “All Day Breakfast” is a traditional English food that I think, the British should really be proud of. In usualy cases, the all-day-breakfast is made up with sausages, eggs, hash-browns, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatos and backons. With such a portion and a cup of traditional English tea (with milk and sugar), you will get enough nutritions for the day.  Even it is called “breakfast”, but it is still available throughout the day in most pubs and that is why it is entitled with “ALL DAY” (ok, we don’t have that many food varieties) 

The all-day-breadfast is popular and ranked number 1 food after a hangover.

英国的吃的真是不敢恭维,没有什么可以拿得出手的, 有人会认为 Fish and Chip (鱼肉暑条)是英国食物的代表,但其实我是觉得 All Day Breakfast (全天早餐) 是英国比较拿得出手的. 

 之所以叫做 All Day 意思就是一整天,什么时候都可以吃的, 比如下午你去酒巴也能吃到.其实是没以有什么技术含量的, 无非就是几片烤过的面包, 香肠,煎蛋, 黄豆 (Baked Beans), 烤的西红柿和蘑菇,还有几片培根肉 (Bacon), 有时候还会有马铃薯饼.这个早餐被称为是英国解宿醉的食物 Number 1. 真不知道是不是拿来凑数的,不过的确喝醉了来吃一份这早餐还是不错的. 

英国的食物大部分是用烤箱完成的,马铃薯则是主要的食料.加之各种酱 (e.g 番茄酱) 就可以上桌了.

谢菲尔得市中心有个 市场,每周末我都会和一家人去吃这个 早餐, 加之一杯茶,也才 3 镑5, 吃得饱饱的. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。 

This page is synchronized from the post: The British should really be proud of the “All Day Breakfast” 看图说话 – 英式早餐

Steem 的魅力

Steem has changed my life recently. The first thing I wake up in the morning is to check out the comments and how many upvotes! I think Steem has a positive atmosphere that allows people to create high quality contents.

我刚刚发现 已经有两天没有发朋友圈了。在这之前,我可是微信的重度使用者,每天大事小事,总喜欢发发朋友圈:记录一下生活琐事,和家人分享一下生活点滴,传播一下正能量和鸡汤 等等。

最近迷上了 Steem。抽空会刷刷评论,看看新文章。当然最喜欢的是到钱包里看看有没有可以领的奖励。碎片时间拿来做这些事情最好不过了。



Steem 点赞的魅力

不管是微信朋友圈还是Steem, 又或者是 Facebook,我想大部分人写写文章分享生活最主要的目的就是被点赞,何况在这里点赞还能挣钱!

我的朋友圈里点赞的人并不少,但有一问题就是,微信越加越多人,所以就经常遇到有的分享不想让哪一些人看到。虽然微信可以做到“不给哪些人看” 或者 “只给哪些人看”,但是发的多了,累。发朋友圈前总需要问一下自己:合适么?会不会有些人觉得你很装?你很爱秀?



// 配图 - 媳妇在Huntingdon公园 (迎接美好新生活)

Steem 收益的魅力

之前我总是和 @tumutanzi 说我博客放些 Google Adsense广告是赚些小钱 , 他总是说我格局太小。没有办法,成家之后,为了孩子媳妇为了家庭,很多不良的兴趣爱好都慢慢的改掉了,唯独每个月花了不少银子在4台VPS主机,还有CDN还有域名。一直没完全撤下广告就是能带来一些小钱,弥补一下主机费。

我玩Steem一年了,前段日子把存着的SBD换成比特币然后再和 @tumutanzi 换成英镑(真金白银)后,我相信在这里的收入真的是”收入”。@tumutanzi 说这是 “中钱”。虽然我对加密货币(区块链)和Steem的原理(STEEM/SBD 发行这么多会不会最后就是一个骗局?) 不太懂,但是我总觉得这个钱来得太容易了(我媳妇 @happyukgo 每天5点多起床一天8个小时工作还要照顾孩子,这样一个月收入可能还不到 @sweetsssj 大神写篇旅游贴分分钟挣的多)。但是这就是新时代,新事物,我们都要勇于尝试。

其实我有种担心:因为我感觉文章如果和钱挂了勾,则很容易变质。比如作者会揣测读者喜欢哪类文章,甚至是为了骗点赞耍心思亦或不择手段。这些都是不利于社区发展的。不过我相信群众的眼光是雪亮的:what comes easy, never lasts long. 一旦有这种行为,一定会被踩。

Steem 回复的魅力



Originally published on Steemit, Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

Steemit 首发,非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。

This page is synchronized from the post: Steem 的魅力

I got my PHD degree at the age of 25 (Video) 我25岁的时候拿到博士学位(视频)

Everytime I look back at this, I feel proud. It was 2010 when I was aged 25, I got the PHD degree!. 

2010年,也就是7年前(当时我25岁,好年轻啊),大概差不多就是7月份的时候,我拿到了博士学位。一晃7年已经过去,现在已经是中年大叔,老油条,一娇妻 @happyukgo  两娃,岁月在自己的容貌上已经开始留下痕迹了,哎哎。


Originally published on Steemit, Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

Steemit 首发,非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy  能激励我创作更多更好的内容。     

This page is synchronized from the post: I got my PHD degree at the age of 25 (Video) 我25岁的时候拿到博士学位(视频)

Taking Kids to the Zoo (Photography) Hamerton 动物园一日游

Hello Steemians!

Last time we went to the Old Macdonald Farm, and the sons asked me, “Why we don’t see crocodile?”  I have to tell them,  ”son, because it is not a real zoo”

Now, this time, we go to a real zoo which is at:  2 Hamerton Rd, Steeple Gidding, Huntingdon PE28 5RE

Below photos are taken using Canon T3i + 50mm F1.8 (yes, the budget DSLR and budget portrait lens)

In a bright day with lots of sunshine, I had to reduce the aperture to avoid over-exposure. My friend told me to get a  filter if I want to blur out the background nicely without over exposure the photos in a clear sunshine day.

开车24分钟, 挺方便的. 

 问儿子说是要去海边还是去动物园, 他说要去看 animals. 所以在周日早上开车就过来了, 这个动物园网上评价很不错, 门票大人12.99, 小孩三岁之上十二岁之下是7.99. 网上先注册就能有10%的折扣. 

 很多人 所以排队的队伍很长 不过门口放了几头驴所以感觉等待的时间不会太长 

 很多人 所以排队的队伍很长 不过门口放了几头驴所以感觉等待的时间不会太长 




 有个孩子玩的地方 大人可以好好休息一下 


 坐火车 小儿子把头伸出车外 


 草泥马  Alpacas - The cuties animal in the world!

 20P能喂这些山羊这个动物园感觉要比之前的 Linton Zoo 好, 价钱也差不多. 主要几个好的:

  1. 有小火车坐, 每人2英镑一次可以坐火车两圈 差不多 10分钟左右.

  2. 有给小孩子玩耍的 Play Ground, 孩子们玩得很开心

  3. 园里绿色草坪很多 所以随便都能坐下休息

  4. 地方很大 这次只逛了一半左右 还有很多动物没有看到

这些照片是用 加能T3i + 50mm F1.8 定焦拍的. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy  能激励我创作更多更好的内容。    

This page is synchronized from the post: Taking Kids to the Zoo (Photography) Hamerton 动物园一日游

My favorite: Tai Tom Yam Soup 最爱泰国冬阴汤

Everytime I go to Tai restaurant, I will  have Tai Tom Yam Soup. It is sour, spicy and sweet. There are slightly a few different versions of this. My favorite is the one with coconut, king prawns and mushrooms.

I always wonder:  did they put something like marijuana that makes you addicted to it? 

Everytime I think about it,  I feel hungry, the feeling for hunger is so real and yummy that my mouth is watering..

泰国餐里有一个冬阴汤, 又酸又辣很够味. 这汤还有一个升级版本就是加了 椰子, 味道鲜美 强烈推荐.剑桥有一个有名的 泰国酒巴, 很不错, 

地址是: Newmarket Rd, Cambridge CB5 8JE.






一直怀疑这汤里是不是放了大麻, 让人欲罢不能, 很爽, 总是无法停下来的节奏. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy  能激励我创作更多更好的内容。   

This page is synchronized from the post: My favorite: Tai Tom Yam Soup 最爱泰国冬阴汤

The Programmers' Chair 试用程序员的专用坐椅

The company has ordered a few chairs like this. The chairs do not have the lean-back and you need to rest your legs in the specific position.

Without lean-back, it is not possible to sit with the ultmost comfortable position e.g. lean down and don’t want to move my as* even a tiny bit.

Then you have to sit straight, which helps focusing on coding. The knees are sore if you sit for a long time. Therefore, I have to regularly stand up and go grab a coffee.

This is good for your health, as I believe.

公司前不久购买了一批办公坐椅, 每个人有几个型号可以选择, 其中有这样的椅子. 


据说是对脊椎好, 因为以前的坐椅都是能有靠背的, 人很懒 一坐就一上午, 屁股不爱挪 (各种葛优躺) , 怪不得很容易发福. 


程序员的 专用椅子

现在可好了, 这个椅子你没有背椅可以靠, 而且当我把双腿架在上面, 一会儿(不到五分钟) 就能感觉膝盖有点酸, 久了就会自然而然的起来 放松一下, 比如接杯水泡杯咖啡之类的.

幸运的是, 公司HR已经考虑了 我这种想尝尝鲜但是试用之后又不喜欢的情况, 公司多订了几把很舒适的背靠椅, 所以我也就偶尔心血来潮换着坐一坐. 

Originally published on Steemit. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

Steemit首发。感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy  能激励我创作更多更好的内容。  

This page is synchronized from the post: The Programmers’’ Chair 试用程序员的专用坐椅

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