The “All Day Breakfast” is a traditional English food that I think, the British should really be proud of. In usualy cases, the all-day-breakfast is made up with sausages, eggs, hash-browns, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatos and backons. With such a portion and a cup of traditional English tea (with milk and sugar), you will get enough nutritions for the day. Even it is called “breakfast”, but it is still available throughout the day in most pubs and that is why it is entitled with “ALL DAY” (ok, we don’t have that many food varieties)
The all-day-breadfast is popular and ranked number 1 food after a hangover.
英国的吃的真是不敢恭维,没有什么可以拿得出手的, 有人会认为 Fish and Chip (鱼肉暑条)是英国食物的代表,但其实我是觉得 All Day Breakfast (全天早餐) 是英国比较拿得出手的.
之所以叫做 All Day 意思就是一整天,什么时候都可以吃的, 比如下午你去酒巴也能吃到.其实是没以有什么技术含量的, 无非就是几片烤过的面包, 香肠,煎蛋, 黄豆 (Baked Beans), 烤的西红柿和蘑菇,还有几片培根肉 (Bacon), 有时候还会有马铃薯饼.这个早餐被称为是英国解宿醉的食物 Number 1. 真不知道是不是拿来凑数的,不过的确喝醉了来吃一份这早餐还是不错的.
英国的食物大部分是用烤箱完成的,马铃薯则是主要的食料.加之各种酱 (e.g 番茄酱) 就可以上桌了.
谢菲尔得市中心有个 市场,每周末我都会和一家人去吃这个 早餐, 加之一杯茶,也才 3 镑5, 吃得饱饱的.
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