Taking Kids to Old MacDonald Farm (Photography and a 16 SBD give-away) 带孩子去 Old MacDonald 农场 (弟弟为什么哭呢? 第一个答对奖励 16 SBD)

 Old MacDonald had a farm,

E-I-E-I-O.And on his farm he had some chicks,

E-I-E-I-O.With a chick, chick here,

And a chick, chick there,

Here a chick, there a chick,

Everywhere a chick, chick,Old MacDonald had a farm,

E-I-E-I-O.2. Duck - quack

3. Turkey - gobble

4. Pig - oink, oink

5. Cow - moo, moo

6. Cat -meow, meow

7. Mule - Heehaw

8. Dog - bow wow

9. Turtle - nerp, nerp

My sons love the song of “Old MacDonald Farm”. That is why they got so excited when we told them that we are going to the actual “Old MacDonald Farm” , which is located at around 30-40 miles  East North of London ( Old MacDonald’s Farm, Weald Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5AY ).

If you book the ticket in advance, there is a greater discount. The farm is great. It has animals (but not so many different kinds, don’t expect it to be a ZOO), and it has play grounds. It has shops and also it has cafes and restaurants.

The parents can just relax, watching the kids have fun. The ticket price includes all the rides in the farm, which is just great, you can ride as many times as you like!

英文里有首儿歌 “Old MacDonald had a farm, 伊阿伊阿油, Old MacDonald had a pig, 伊阿伊阿油, gong’gong here, gong’gong there… ”

儿子有时候还很调皮: “Old MacDonald had a Daddy, 伊阿伊阿油..” 

 伦敦东北方向几十英理有一个 农场 名字就叫 Old MacDonald Farm, 官网: http://www.omdfarm.co.uk 网上提前定票能打8折, 于是上周末带着一家人(50英镑门票) 开车大概1个半小时 就到了. 地址: Old MacDonald’s Farm, Weald Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5AY 

 Old MacDonald’s Farm 

 农场入口 有一个礼物店 

 刚到了没吃午饭 所以在入口处的餐厅大概吃了一下  


这次其实并没有拍到很多动物 主要就有 兔子, 乌龟, 马, 鹿, 猪, 草泥马. 

 这是… 麋鹿? 







有玩有的看 还有的吃, 孩子们真心高兴. 



 孩子们一起玩 一起探索 

 水枪射击 一次1英镑投币5分钟左右 



 老二太小 坐拖拉机的时候还得有大人陪 



 玩沙子 玩得不亦乐乎 


 进站抓拍 这绝对是美女辣妈



 哥哥在 “mountain” 上 









我们去了 The Golden Fleece 离农场很近, 地址: 101 London Rd, Brentwood CM14 4NP. 只要点一个主餐, 就能享用无限沙拉. 

 Mixed Grill, 英国很有名的酒巴食物 就是各种肉来一点 

 Garlic 面包,鸡翅开胃菜,还有沙拉 

 沙拉是无限 免费的 


总结, 真不错. 孩子开心就好!

—  In case you didn’t get the question, the question is:  我的问题是。。。。。

Why Ryan (My little son) is crying?    为什么弟弟在哭?

How to Win 8/16 SBD Give-Away?  想赢得 8/16 SBD奖励?

1.  Follow me @justyy   关注我

2.  Upvote this.  占赞

3.  If you want to win the double (total 16 SBD), re-steeeeem this!  如果想嬴得双倍,请转发!

4.  Describe why Ryan was crying? a sentence or two will be fine.  评论里写一到两句话解释一下弟弟为啥哭

5.  I will pick the most closest (and first) answer in 24 hours (like my last post)  和上次一样,我会24小时公布答案 最接近的第一个答案

Originally published on Steemit. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which will motivate me to create more quality posts.

Steemit首发。感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。  

—————- Answer ————————

The easiest guess is “Ryan do not want to leave…” However, this is not quite correct. The main reason is that Ryan did not know how to play (he can’t steer and stamp on the pedal at the same time, so basically he can’t make it move),  we actually didn’t help him (we want him to figure out by himself) and that is why he was crying.

So, i really want to give out prices, as promised.  The candidates are (in time order):  @wilkinshui   @ace108   @travelgirl @yuxi and @oflyhigh

and  Only  @wilkinshui   resteeemed this post. So the allocations are:

@wilkinshui    4 SBD

and the rest  are given 2  SBD each. I hope nobody complains this and everybody is happy.

Remember:  FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which will motivate me to create more quality posts. Thanks!

This page is synchronized from the post: Taking Kids to Old MacDonald Farm (Photography and a 16 SBD give-away) 带孩子去 Old MacDonald 农场 (弟弟为什么哭呢? 第一个答对奖励 16 SBD)

Family Bonding Activity - Strawberry Picking at Rosegate Farm (Photography) 摘草莓 (多图)

Strawberry is ripe between spring and summer. It was a great day taking kids to pick the strawberries.  My son Eric was intrigued in the strawberries but Ryan was not so much :P

You can pick and eat. And then when you fullfill the little basket , you then go to pay. This is great because you ‘ve got to pick the good ones!

周末又是带着老婆孩子全家外出的好时候, 剑桥的天气总体来说要比谢菲尔得的好多了 于是大晴天去摘草莓.

这个农场的坐标 是Rosegate Farm, 36 Rose and Crown Road, Swavesey, Cambridgeshire, CB24 4RB

官网是: http://www.rosegatefarm.co.uk/

除了草莓 还有鸡啊羊啊牛什么的 一股乡下的味道











 摘好之后量重量算钱 没有门票钱 可以边摘边吃 

 儿子一路小心拿草莓回家 很兴奋 


Today, I learn that:  ”Accompany is the best education for kids“.  Indeed, spend more time with your kids and they ‘ll benefit from it for their lives. 

陪伴是最好的教育:多陪陪孩子吧 他们将受益终生!

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which will motivate me to create more quality posts.

感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。  

This page is synchronized from the post: Family Bonding Activity - Strawberry Picking at Rosegate Farm (Photography) 摘草莓 (多图)

BBQ on Cambridge Lammas Land Park (Photography) 享受生活一定得到英国剑桥公园草地上BBQ烧烤 (好多图)

Today, we went to the Lammas Land Park in Cambridge. We love this place because:

1. the park is free (no admissions fee)

2. the park has a play ground for kids

3. the park has a water pool (only less than 0.5 meter deep, so in general quite safe)

4. You can picnic and BBQ on the grass, if you don’t burn the grass

5. The park has a handy grocery shop so in case you forgot something, you can buy it from

6. The park has a toilet (so you don’t need to run far)

7. You can just leave the kids running on the grass, it is quite safe area.

8. Most importantly, the grow-ups can sit, eat, talk, and enjoy the day!

HIGHLY recommended!

周末等媳妇下班了就和朋友约好到剑桥 Lammas Land 大草地BBQ烧烤. 距离家20分钟开车, 天气不错, 英国夏天到晚上9点天还亮着, 星期天剑桥市中心路边停车免费, 路上畅通无阻. 

有时候想着, 人挣那么多钱是为啥? 不就是为了享受生活么. 千万不要被金钱迷失了自己, 挣再多的钱也不如简单可得的家庭幸福. 

 孩子们最喜欢玩水了. 露天很大的水池, 很浅, 较安全, 不过大人们还是得盯着以防万一. 

 这里有一个露天的水池 池深很浅,不到半米 





 很快就能吃上了 Yummy 




 大孩子们各种打水仗 不亦乐乎 






 还没烤好的时候 两娃坐等 


 各种烧烤 孩子们的最爱 


 吃完聊聊天 生活很惬意 


滑板车, 足球等户外玩具, 草地上还有许多家庭一起玩羽毛球, 棒球的, 当然还有一些专门晒太阳 或者是在树下支个凳子看书的, 剑桥人民太悠闲了. 

 给孩子们带上 Scooter 滑板车

英国人最会说的: You are fine once you are in, 你下水之后就不会觉得那么冷了 🙂 


 回家半路上看到美丽的夕阳,晚上8点多 天色还亮着

公园不需要门票, 孩子可以玩水, 有 play ground各种玩的地方, 还可以在草地上跑啊追啊踢球, 剑桥的治安是可以放心把孩子放在草地上的, 大人们可以带个野餐布坐草地上吃啊聊啊, 烧烤完了还可以把垃圾直接处理丢垃圾桶里, 真是很方便.


Originally published on Steemit. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which will motivate me to create more quality posts.

Steemit首发。感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。 

This page is synchronized from the post: BBQ on Cambridge Lammas Land Park (Photography) 享受生活一定得到英国剑桥公园草地上BBQ烧烤 (好多图)

(5x3 SBD Give-away Guess Game) The Kids' Imagination 孩子的想象力是巨大的 (答对的前3名每人送出5个SBD )

After coming from a farm today, my son drew this, and told me they are X and Y.  So your task is to guess which two animals they are.

I am giving out the 5 SBD for first three that guess this right, the rules are:

1.  follow me @justyy

2. upvote this

3. comment below and say your answer,  

4. Only 1 guess per ID please.

5. Answer will be published in 24 hours.



1. 关注我 @justyy

2. 点赞

3. 留言 猜一下这两种动物

4. 每个ID只能猜一次, 想好了再作答!

5. 明天(24小时)公布答案。

答对的 我会为答对的前3名每人送出5个SBD 


The answer is   ELEPHANT and HORSE 大象和马。

The hint is that long nose of the ELEPHANT.

恭喜   hansen7  和 wilkinshui  答对。

大象还是很好猜 的,你看那个鼻子

This page is synchronized from the post: (5x3 SBD Give-away Guess Game) The Kids’’ Imagination 孩子的想象力是巨大的 (答对的前3名每人送出5个SBD )

Burn Down Chart (Agile Development) 敏捷开发 – 燃尽图

In this post, we have shown to break down tasks and write the tasks on the notes, and attach them to the white boards, in order to monitor the progress of the team. We can also have a burn-down chart, with X-axis the days (time) and the Y-axis the remaining number of tasks (in the form of y = -kx + b) 

Ideally we should have an expected straight-line (on average) going down that means we finish all the tasks on the deadline. In reality, the line will fall below, which means we are doing better than average (or expected); stay over the line, meaning that we have delayed a little bit. Sometimes, we may fall behind and catch later or vice versa so you will have two lines cross each other.BTW, drawing on the white-board means so much fun than displaying on the monitor, which is great too!. 

敏捷开发里有一个比较有用的图表就是 燃尽图 (Burn Down Chart).横坐标 是剩余时间 纵坐标是剩余任务数量. 理想状态下 我们会有一条 y = -kx + b 的直线. 当到最后规定时间的那一天 整个团队刚好完成所有的任务. 

当然 团队做得进度比理想的要好的时候 实际的这条线就会在下面 相反如果进度拉后就会在上面 或者交叉前进. 这时候我们可以从这个表中大概估计团队的整体进度 或者及早发现如果有的任务卡住了怎么办. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which will motivate me to create more quality posts.

感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOWUpvote @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。 

This page is synchronized from the post: Burn Down Chart (Agile Development) 敏捷开发 – 燃尽图

The Cinderella and Rockerfella Music Drama Performed by Kids 孩子们的演出 – 音乐剧王子和灰姑娘 (含视频)

I am so touched by this music drama “The Cinderella and Rockerfella” performed by all the children in My son’s primary school. My son he will turn 5 next month, and he played as a fox in the drama. Although he didn’t have a single line, he really enjoys it (he is so excited telling me this Cinderella story).

The kids are cute! and they spent quite an effort on many and many rehearsals, which makes this actually a great and high quality show!  I am so proud of my son!

儿子的小学每年的夏季在暑假到来前都会组织全校的孩子们排练音乐剧《王子与灰姑娘》. 每个学生的家长发了两张票, 有三个时间段可以去看, 我就选了下班之后晚上6点. 

虽然这是个老掉牙的童话故事, 但是全校孩子们一起演, 却让我很感动: 音乐很好听, 孩子们唱歌甜美可爱. 特别是在调程序调了一天脑袋要炸了之后, 真是身心得到放松和享受. 

 儿子还有下个月就5岁了, 在剧里演的是一只狐狸. 虽然没有一句台词(还太小嘛), 不过我想再过两三年说不定能演上王子呢. 

 演出时长1个小时左右, 陆陆续续录了几段视频, 但是最喜欢这段音乐: 年纪小的孩子们演着各种小动物围绕着场景走了三圈, 这个音乐剧这么设计就是为了让所有的孩子有参于感. 

 看到我儿子了么? 就是招手的那个孩子. 还有那只蹦蹦跳跳的小兔子, 真是可爱之极.  还有那乌龟是我儿子那班的班主任



 感谢全校的孩子和老师们一遍又一遍的彩排才能让我们有这么好的体验和享受, 这真是我这辈子看的最好的演出! 

Please upvote, and follow @justyy to encourage me!

请投票 关注 @justyy 能激励我继续原创!

This page is synchronized from the post: The Cinderella and Rockerfella Music Drama Performed by Kids 孩子们的演出 – 音乐剧王子和灰姑娘 (含视频)

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