Witness Ranking Table and Account/Witness Page Update: Show How Much Your (Witness/SPS) Vote is

Witness Ranking Table and Account/Witness Page Update: Show How Much Your (Witness/SPS) Vote is


Your vote (used to vote for witness or SPS proposal) is calculated via:

Your SP (your money) + The Proxy votes (Whoever set you proxy)

The proxy votes are accumulated meaning that if A sets proxy to B which sets proxy to C, the vote of C is

The SP of C + The SP of B + The SP of A.

The SteemJS provides getAccounts which has the proxied_vsf_votes and vesting_shares.

steem.api.getAccounts(['justyy'], function(err, result) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Proxy votes", result[0].proxied_vsf_votes);
console.log("Vesting Shares", result[0].vesting_shares);
} else {
log("Steem API Error: ", err);

Run the code in SteemJs Editor


So, you can sum up those values and compute the power of your vote.

This has been integrated into witness ranking page:

You will see:

@justyy has voted 30 witnesses, 0 slots left.
Total: 575.41M = Proxy VESTS: 518.55M + VESTS: 56.85M

Also, this information has been integrated into the following pages:

  1. Witness Information Page: https://steemyy.com/witness-data/justyy
  2. Account Information Page: https://steemyy.com/account/justyy

———— Chinese Version————
在以下页面加入显示 您投票的票权:

  1. https://steemyy.com/witness-lookup/justyy
  2. https://steemyy.com/account-data/justyy
  3. https://steemyy.com/witness-ranking-table/?id=justyy

I hope this helps!

Steem On!~

If you like my work, please consider voting for me, thanks!
https://steemit.com/~witnesses type in justyy and click VOTE

Alternatively, you could proxy to me via steemconnect if you are too lazy to vote!

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