Steemit heroes' voice daily / 每日名言堂1-2

1、@chris4210:You are trading two assets where both assets have their benefits and value. If one of them can not provide any value, or be used as a measurement, then it’s worthless.您正在交易两种资产,其中两种资产都有其利益和价值。如果他们中的一个不能提供任何价值,或用作衡量,那么它是毫无价值的。
comment:Whether it’s Bitcoin or other digital currencies, the value is that they can bring benefits to people.
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2、 @kingscrown:Since we are on Steemit lets speak of the currencies here. Transactions Per Second aka TPS is the speed of processing and sending the money.BTC currently allows 1 MegaByte which is the size of block. 因为Steemit让我们在这谈论这里的货币。事务处理Per Second又称TPS是处理和发送钱的速度。BTC目前允许1兆字节,这是块的大小。
comment:I like to watch steemit this system how to become a more sustainable platform, time will prove for us.
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3、 @cryptofreedom:When a guest and host wanted to confirm a reservation both would be asked to sign a message with their respective keys, which upon completion would be an instant validation of identity. Every review or feedback left for any user would be linked to the public key of the poster, which would make leaving yourself false feedback much more difficult.当客人和主人想要确认预订时,将要求他们用他们各自的密钥签署消息,这在完成时将是身份的即时验证。留给每一个任何用户的评论或反馈将链接到海报的公共密钥,这将使自己的假反馈更困难。
comment:If AirBnb can do to protect customer privacy, real feedback, which will become the preferred platform for the majority of free travelers.
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4、 @charlie777pt:Ecology is the mechanism of people and objects (things, possessions, money), where peers have reciprocal influence direct ( a->b) or indirectly (transferred a->b->c) but mediated by a field of materiality with transactions and influence of objects that at the same time influence a lot the relation of human interaction from man to man.生态是人与物(机会,财产,金钱)的机制,其中同伴有直接的互惠影响(a-> b)或间接的(转移a-> b-> c),但是由物质性交易同时影响人与人之间的人际互动的关系的对象的影响。
comment:A good ecology can promote socio-economic development and interpersonal relationships between people
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5、 @dantheman:A problem with proof of work, from byzantine perspective, is that it is always possible for the blockchain to be reversed, it just becomes increasingly unlikely and uneconomical. In order to consider Bitcoin and similar blockchains to have BFT you must assume that 99.999% certainty is the same as 100%.从拜占庭的角度来看,工作证明的问题是,区块链总是可能被扭转,它只是变得越来越不可能和不经济。为了考虑比特币和类似的区块链有BFT,你必须假设99.999%的确定性与100%相同。
comment:This question I have not realized, thanks to the author @ dantheman sharing.
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6、 @thecryptofiend:Whilst this suggests that ears get bigger as people age it would require a different type of study, namely a prospective study (where people are followed up over time) to confirm it. 虽然这表明耳朵随着年龄的增长而变大,但需要不同类型的研究,即前瞻性研究(其中人们随着时间的推移进行跟踪)以确认它。
comment:This study is really interesting, but I would like to know the number of samples of this study is large enough, can you support the results of this study?

7、 @personz:I’ve made a bot you can use for free which is pretty dope. The idea is:
to automatically vote for posts that you would vote for anyway while also maximisingcuration rewards, bot by voting more regularly than a human can, and by picking great content which will probably be popular too.
comment:This type of robot is not common, but also has appeared in the market. I would like to know your robot compared to other robots What are the advantages.
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8、 @sirwinchester:Burnt food is always unpleasant - it tastes gross, and often ruins something you were desperately looking forward to eating.But burnt food doesn’t only taste bad, it also increases the risk for cancer.烧焦的食物总是令人不快 - 它味道总是像经常废墟的东西,你迫不及待的吃。但烧焦的食物不仅味道不好,而且增加了癌症的风险。
comment:Although many people know that burning food increases the risk of cancer, barbecue is popular with everyone.
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9、 @larkenrose:The colors we see are often not the colors that are really there. Try making a bunch of really tiny blue dots and really tiny red dots on a piece of paper, and look at it from a distance. It will appear purple, even though none of it is actually emitting the frequency of purple.我们看到的颜色通常不是真正存在的颜色。尝试在一张纸上制作一堆真正微小的蓝色点和真正的小红点,并从远处看它。它将显示紫色,即使它没有实际发出紫色的频率。
comment:Since ancient times, the art of light every time we sigh surprised.
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10、 @doitvoluntarily:And a new survey has found that there is widespread support for legalization with many doctors in the nation.The Irish College of General Practitioner has also indicated that the country might see legal cannabis for medicinal use within 1 or 2 years.一项新的调查发现,全国许多医生对大麻合法化有广泛的支持。爱尔兰全科医生学院还表示,该国可能在1年或2年内看到合法的大麻用于药用。
comment:Marijuana has an extreme two-sided, legally used for medicinal must establish a strict and perfect system, or the consequences are very serious.
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@lemooljiang #steemdaily 01/2/2017

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