Steemit heroes' voice daily / 每日名言堂22-2

1、@tftproject:Meanwhile, taxpayers in the United States have yet to see Big Bankers criminally responsible for the financial ruin of so many Americans brought to any semblance of justice for their wrongdoing.与此同时,美国的纳税人还没有看到大银行家对这么多因为他们的不法行为而带来财政损失的美国人负刑事责任。
comment:For this phenomenon, I can not help but doubt the justice and rigor of this government law.
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2、@paolobeneforti:Books are not anymore the only depositaries of the free flow of knowledge.书籍不再是知识自由流动的唯一保存者。
comment:Although the e-book gradually replaced the paper book in people’s position, I think the paper book can give people a sense of reality. This is an ebook that does not bring us.
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3、@kyusho:Many cultures and religions around the world rely on intermittent fasting for clarifying the mind, developing greater awareness, brain function, immune systems, purifying the body and even longevity.世界上许多文化和宗教依赖间歇性禁食来澄清心灵,发展更大的意识,脑功能,免疫系统,净化身体甚至长寿。
comment:This method in ancient Chinese name is called “ bi gu(辟谷)”, widely circulated in the Tang Dynasty folk.
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4、@heiditravels:They’ve also opened up the possibilities for dapplets. These are basically add-ons created by developers who want add to the Matchpool protocol. One example would be a dapplet that implements “Tinder” functionality, so users can swipe through other users. If one of their apps creates a match, then the dapplet developers are rewarded similarly to Matchmakers.他们还打开了水滴的可能性。这些基本上是由添加到Matchpool协议的开发者创建的附加组件。一个例子是实现“Tinder”功能的dapplet,因此用户可以滑动其他用户。如果他们的一个应用程序创建匹配,那么dapplet开发人员奖励类似Matchmakers。
comment:It sounds like a kind of impulse to have a try .
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5、@gavvet:Most of them left the moon only a couple of million years ago.They are blasted off the surface of the moon during meteorite impacts.They easily leave the moon due to its gravity and are likely to go into orbit around the earth, hence the relatively young age of the lunar meteorites discovered on earth.他们大多数在几百万年前离开月球。它们在陨石撞击期间从月球表面爆炸。由于其重力,它们容易离开月球,并且可能进入绕地球轨道,因此相对地在地球上发现的月球陨石的年龄。
comment:There are many myths about meteorites in ancient China.
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6、@dragosroua:Since the interaction is real, not imaginary, you get a lot of learning material about how people actually由于互动是真实的,不是想象中的,你会得到很多关于人们如何实际的学习材料
comment:Having a theory of practice can make you go for less mistakes.

7、@silviabeneforti:Of course, out of my dreams I can’t fly as a bird, but the dreamlike memento it’s something special and a good way to start a day ^^
当然,出于我的梦想,我不能作为一只鸟飞,但梦幻般的纪念品它是一个特殊的东西,一个很好的方式开始一天^ ^
comment:Thank you for sharing your strange and fun dreams.
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8、@bryanpolitte:Much of my personal concept art is slowly being tailored to industry standards but it’s not quite there.我的许多个人概念艺术正在慢慢地适应行业标准,但它并不完全如此。
comment:May be for the economy and constantly change their style in order to adapt to society, but as an art creator, the initial is not so easy to change.
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9、@opheliafu:In this series I’m taking you on a journey to explore the stories behind my paintings and photographs, and showing you the places that have inspired my art.在这个系列中,我带你去探索我的绘画和照片背后的故事,向你展示激发我的艺术的地方。
comment:Using sketches to record travel is really a way of art. Travel is the best way to find inspiration.
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10、@iamforgiven:Today on steemitim going to show up my own creation of art from drop of melting Candle and i used poster colour to paint it. Best for specialy at home but you need to be careful bcoz i used fire up the candle.今天在steemit将展示我自己的艺术创作从熔化蜡烛和我使用海报的颜色来画它。最好的特别在家里,但你需要小心bcoz我用火起来蜡烛。
comment:This is really a novel art creation,so beautiful.
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@lemooljiang #steemdaily 22/02/2017

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