Steemit heroes' voice daily / 每日名言堂 23-1

1、 @marylizacaindoy :My goal to earn enough to buy a small laptop
Comment :This is a great mother, worthy of our praise!
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2、 @helene :Black-headed gull (scientific name: Larus ridibundus), commonly known as “water pigeons”, Its shape and color are similar to the pigeons, body length is 37-43 cm, with a wingspan of 94-105 cm long .Its weight is about 225-225 grams and has 32 years of life. It has a red mouth and red foot , most of the feathers on the body are white, black feathers in tail .
红嘴鸥(学名:Larus ridibundus),俗称“水鸽子”,体形和毛色都与鸽子相似,体长37-43厘米,翼展94-105厘米,体重225-350克,寿命32年。嘴和脚皆呈红色,身体大部分的羽毛是白色,尾羽黑色。
Comment :The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.
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3、 @thecryptofiend :Two Commonly Used Pesticides May Be Interfering With Melatonin And Causing Disease
Comment :Each product has two sides, it is not a panacea.
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4、 @birds90 :Fireworks is the traditional Chinese culture
Comment :Looking forward to the New Year fireworks
评论: 期待过年的烟花!
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5、 @anarchyhasnogods :Another important discovery is that Mercury has ice. This ice exists on the poles, and only in the shadows. This can happen because Mercury has no atmosphere to regulate temperature, so it’s a lot cooler in the shadows.
Comment :Mercury is nearest to the sun, even the existence of ice, really good magic ah.
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6、 @cryptofreedom :When the War on Drugs began in 1971 the prison population was 200,000, but it has since raised over 900% and is currently over 2.2 million.
Comment :Thus, the terrible drug war and powerful destructive!
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7、 @steemshi :Specifically, Patzcuaro is one of the finest towns I have ever visited. My friend was not kidding about the rich history and beautiful old colonial buildings. Their marketplace, their churches, and their public spaces were a privilege to visit. The lake and its islands and vistas are breathtaking.
Comment :Every city will have to leave it once the good, it is worth to appreciate and gratitude of a city.
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8、 @gavvet :If life has no purpose, then, for me it has no meaning. It all ends the same.
Whether you are slave, a pauper, a billionaire, an average Joe, nothing would matter.
Without an ultimate purpose to life and a continuation thereof in some form all would end when we stop breathing and our hearts cease beating.
Comment :If there is no purpose in life, then what we have now is meaningless, and our life needs purpose like fish need water, so as to live a very happy.
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@lemooljiang #steemdaily 23/1/2017

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