Steemit heroes' voice daily  / 每日名言堂 30-12

Steemit heroes' voice daily / 每日名言堂 30-12

1、 @jrcornel :Try a couple different variations and see which one tastes the best to you.
comment:The tamales reminds me of the Zongzi. And now,I missing Zongzi which made by my grandmother very much.
评论: 玉米包馅卷让我想起了粽子,而现在我非常怀念我外婆做的粽子。
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2、 @getonthetrain :So if you see a curious soul looking for answers, show them the way. We were all the prisoners once. Show them that they can be free, that can throw off their chains and start living under the sun.
comment:Yes,we can live more happier and freer though we work hard.
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3、 @susanne :Apps can make your trips easier and help you explore a new country.
comment:Yes,I agree your viewpoint. Apps are more convenient for our life.
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4、 @hanshotfirst :While waiting for the doors to the small theater to open, there are tubes that decorate the ceiling and the walls. Some of the tubes are open. Through these tubes, audience members can secretly communicate with one another.
在等待小剧场的门打开的同时,有管子装饰天花板和墙壁。一些管是开放的。 通过这些管,观众成员可以秘密地相互通信。
comment:That looks interesting and I want to see this performance.
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5、 @krnel :Time in life is limited. What we use our time for, will increase that in our life.
comment:So when we are young ,we should try our best to do anything ,which we have not done.
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6、 @sweetsssj :Somehow, with the advent of these new technologies and apps, why does it seem that people are becoming more detached, lazy and more impersonal?
comment:May be intelligent machines increase people’s inertia and authenticity.
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@lemooljiang #steemdaily

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