The song of whales (An Original Poem)

There are a group of whales,
living in the deep blue sea.
With graceful shape
and huge size,
they are striving forwards bravely in wind and waves,
and soaring freely in the endless sea.

They are singing with sounds of nature,
which will only be heard by people with absolute sincerity.
People who have listened to this song will be fascinated and full of hope.
They are singing silently,
to praise the new world.
They have experienced numerous sufferings:
After went through the undercurrent and eluded the reefs,
as well as cruel killing of the human beings,
They have always keeping the innocence.

Organization, hope and coherence
A large group of marine lives are following behind them,
A high-efficiency group,
is sufficient to constitute a kingdom.
They are going forward in the same direction,
an unknown world full of abundance, freedom and wealth.

Sometimes they gazed at me with their heads tilt
and an expression of serious thinking in their eyes.
They are listening to me carefully,
about the stories of human beings,
and stories of vicissitudes of life.
They are listening to me quietly,
but constantly they give me warm response,
The magnificent view of water column is the best reward for me.

The black waves in the ocean,
and the mysterious starlit sky,
are like the exchange and collision of wordless thoughts in the sky.
They are the rulers and the king of the strange waters.


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