Three major exchanges resumed currency withdrawing, but did not make an official announcement 三大交易所恢复提币,但并未出官方公告

Three major exchanges resumed currency withdrawing, but did not make an official announcement 三大交易所恢复提币,但并未出官方公告

  In some forums, it has been said that bitcoin can be withdrawed at domestic exchanges. But I checked the official website , there is no relevant announcement ! The reasons behind was really intriguing.  
  据了解,5月31日起,OKCoin币行逐步恢复提币业务,目前提币是试运行阶段。提现额度上,客户每日比特币最高 20个,莱特币每日最高200个。

  火币网方面也证实,6月1日下午起,火币网逐步恢复提币业务。限额方面,比特币单笔 50个,单日 50个;莱特币单笔5000个,单日5000个。比特币中国方面也表示,平台已恢复提现,但前提是通过新风控系统(包含视频验证)。目前日均提现额度为最高比特币10个,莱特币400个。


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