🏅 中文区近30天发帖用户排行榜(Reputation, Steem Power, Real SP)

🏅 中文区近30天发帖用户排行榜(Reputation, Steem Power, Real SP)


另外,神马持有多少STEEM, 多少SBD,多少存款(SAVING)和点赞收益一毛钱关系都没有,所以就不列出了。

重点是STEEM POWER,另外我引入一个新的条目RSP
RSP代表Real STEEM POWER, 计算方法是: RSP = SP + 别人代理过来的 - 代理给别人的

另外一个重要参数是VP (Voting Power): 就是当前剩余的投票能量

点赞给作者增加的收益: RSP x VP x 投票百分比 x 系统参数

数据生成时间: 2017-07-14 02:26:44(UTC)
这期间共有: 文章数3563, 发帖用户数748

🏅按声望分排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by Reputation score)

1 @sweetsssj 74.42 58161.55 339192.36 85.09
2 @officialfuzzy 73.22 19951.02 310172.16 80.97
3 @chinadaily 73.14 4731.88 4731.88 83.70
4 @elfkitchen 71.73 2551.54 2551.54 23.93
5 @myfirst 71.42 3046.85 4069.90 13.39
6 @birds90 71.26 2749.04 2749.04 13.78
7 @ace108 71.01 10481.77 58851.96 58.29
8 @oflyhigh 70.59 9018.10 55364.75 54.36
9 @exploretraveler 70.58 1663.62 1663.62 98.00
10 @bkkshadow 70.55 1167.34 1167.34 63.84
11 @deanliu 70.12 11900.52 60270.72 28.14
12 @fishingvideos 70.00 171.26 5.09 89.83
13 @helene 69.74 9814.08 9814.08 55.52
14 @shieha 69.60 3848.84 202.21 43.04
15 @ability 69.57 308.65 16.72 98.00
16 @lemooljiang 69.47 7994.70 7994.70 50.24
17 @abit 69.36 1952123.08 1952123.08 91.65
18 @writingamigo 69.02 788.22 788.22 64.60
19 @sulev 68.32 7208.82 6207.84 74.91
20 @rivalhw 68.24 2763.72 2763.72 90.73
21 @richristow 67.87 5686.19 5686.19 99.60
22 @firepower 67.78 24282.36 24282.36 79.70
23 @cnfund 67.75 2751.57 8.98 96.05
24 @beanz 67.50 2529.52 2529.52 80.86
25 @rea 67.28 24336.04 24336.04 96.10
26 @solarguy 67.20 5026.81 5026.81 66.38
27 @blakemiles84 67.09 14901.86 14901.86 84.61
28 @muzhu 66.92 74.72 5.29 98.00
29 @surpassinggoogle 66.86 5026.66 5026.66 78.64
30 @blueorgy 66.72 18153.82 18153.82 89.96

🏅按SP排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by STEEM Power)

1 @abit 69.36 1952123.08 1952123.08 91.65
2 @sweetsssj 74.42 58161.55 339192.36 85.09
3 @officialfuzzy 73.22 19951.02 310172.16 80.97
4 @boombastic 57.15 67920.78 67920.78 96.04
5 @deanliu 70.12 11900.52 60270.72 28.14
6 @ace108 71.01 10481.77 58851.96 58.29
7 @oflyhigh 70.59 9018.10 55364.75 54.36
8 @somebody 58.98 33594.58 33594.58 86.22
9 @nextgen622 64.36 32810.74 32810.74 42.69
10 @megaspore 64.15 25791.43 25791.43 86.34
11 @rea 67.28 24336.04 24336.04 96.10
12 @firepower 67.78 24282.36 24282.36 79.70
13 @testz 65.45 18919.29 18919.29 98.00
14 @blueorgy 66.72 18153.82 18153.82 89.96
15 @blakemiles84 67.09 14901.86 14901.86 84.61
16 @realcodysimon 51.64 13306.90 13379.58 94.96
17 @jack8831 61.06 12864.96 13364.99 97.74
18 @steameat 48.26 13165.17 13192.74 96.06
19 @joythewanderer 63.24 5966.05 11968.94 31.77
20 @helene 69.74 9814.08 9814.08 55.52
21 @cqf 49.82 9760.29 9760.29 69.19
22 @gaman 47.21 9194.42 9194.42 99.44
23 @pnc 62.47 8657.64 8657.64 70.52
24 @immarojas 64.82 8228.53 8228.53 98.00
25 @lemooljiang 69.47 7994.70 7994.70 50.24
26 @coinbitgold 63.97 7910.30 7910.30 58.94
27 @incrediblesnow 54.45 175.12 6953.86 60.24
28 @ydauti -3.16 6800.27 6800.27 76.10
29 @sulev 68.32 7208.82 6207.84 74.91
30 @pagandance 47.21 6170.75 6170.75 26.99

🏅按Real SP排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by Real SP)

Rank. ID REP SP RSP VP(%) Online
1 @abit 69.36 1952102.89 1952102.89 96.28 465
2 @sweetsssj 74.42 58161.37 339191.33 85.04 344
3 @officialfuzzy 73.22 19950.96 310171.23 79.70 446
4 @boombastic 57.15 67920.58 67920.58 96.04 450
5 @deanliu 70.12 11900.49 60270.53 27.32 364
6 @ace108 71.01 10481.74 58851.78 58.29 361
7 @oflyhigh 70.59 9018.08 55364.58 54.07 353
8 @somebody 58.98 33594.48 33594.48 86.22 356
9 @nextgen622 64.36 32810.64 32810.64 42.87 349
10 @megaspore 64.15 25791.35 25791.35 86.34 276
11 @rea 67.28 24335.97 24335.97 95.65 364
12 @firepower 67.78 24282.29 24282.29 79.70 371
13 @testz 65.45 18919.23 18919.23 98.00 460
14 @blueorgy 66.72 18152.82 18152.82 89.96 365
15 @blakemiles84 67.08 14901.82 14901.82 83.27 409
16 @realcodysimon 51.64 13306.86 13379.54 94.96 44
17 @jack8831 61.06 12864.93 13364.95 97.74 326
18 @steameat 48.26 13165.13 13192.70 96.06 21
19 @joythewanderer 63.24 5966.03 11968.91 31.77 363
20 @helene 69.74 9814.05 9814.05 55.52 348
21 @cqf 49.82 9760.26 9760.26 69.19 95
22 @gaman 47.17 9194.39 9194.39 99.43 18
23 @pnc 62.47 8657.61 8657.61 69.82 435
24 @immarojas 64.82 8228.51 8228.51 98.00 337
25 @lemooljiang 69.47 7994.68 7994.68 50.73 362
26 @coinbitgold 63.97 7910.27 7910.27 59.16 400
27 @incrediblesnow 54.39 175.12 6953.84 71.81 20
28 @ydauti -3.16 6800.25 6800.25 76.10 40
29 @sulev 68.32 7208.80 6207.82 74.91 360
30 @pagandance 47.21 6170.73 6170.73 26.99 64



  • RSP x VP x 投票百分比 x 系统参数 决定点赞者给作者增加的收入
  • 同样RSP x VP x 投票百分比 x 系统参数 x 分配参数等 决定点赞者收入
  • 持有SP超过 1W,就可以排入中文区榜单前20 喽
  • @deanliu @ace108 的大腿很粗,快去抱紧啊 (给我留2块地方哦)

感谢阅读 / Thank you for reading.
欢迎upvote、resteem以及 following me @oflyhigh 😎

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