You may know raspberry Pi, BananaPi is the similar open source hardware single-board computers.
你可能知道树莓派,BananaPi 是一款类似的 开源硬件单板计算机。
You can do a lot of interesting things on it.
This article introduce you how to install OpenCV on it, and also provide two example program wrote in C++ and Python.
这篇文章向你介绍如何在BananaPi 安装OpenCV, 并且提供两个用C++和Python编写的示例程序。
Install / 安装
To install OpenCV on BananaPi, just run following command on terminal.
在BananaPi上安装OpenCV,只需执行如下指令:sudo apt-get install libcv-dev
And to use it with Python, you also need to run following command.
为了让Python能够使用OpenCV,你需要执行如下指令:sudo apt-get install python-opencv
Capture camera images and display /捕获摄像头图像并显示 (C++)
Build /编译:g++ -o cap cap.cpp -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui
Capture camera images and display /捕获摄像头图像并显示 (Python)
Enjoy it.
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