排座座,吃果果 /  Free $25 worth of  Stellar (XLM)  to blockchain.com wallet user

排座座,吃果果 / Free $25 worth of Stellar (XLM) to blockchain.com wallet user


Blockchain博客文章可以了解到为了庆祝Blockchain的钱包中加入对Stellar(XLM)的支持,将总计发放价值 $125,000,000的Stellar(XLM)给Blockchain钱包用户,每个用户将会得到价值约$25的Stellar(XLM)。





我在邮箱的垃圾箱内找到一封邮件,标题为:Confirmed: You’re on the list

好了,现在我们已经排好座位了,就等着吃果果了。另外还有一个好消息是:一旦身份被验证,除了会得到价值$25的 XLM以外,以后还会自动参与其它空投。

Once your identity has been verified, you will receive $25 worth of XLM. This is just the beginning. By verifying your identity, you will be automatically entered into additional giveaways.

还没排座的快去吧,感谢 @tumutanzi 及时提供了这条信息。

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