Duplicate post made and delete link disappeared
Occasionally, we made duplicate posts on steemit.com. It may be caused by carelessness or caused by bugs such as “Transaction Broadcast Error”.
If there are zero votes and zero replies, we can delete the duplicate one directly.
But if someone voted the duplicate post or replied it, then the delete link will disappear.
Ways to deal with duplicate post
If this happens, what should we do?
One way is asking all voter and repliers remove their votes and replies. But we all know that some votes and replies come from robots, It’s impossible to contact them.
So, some author chose to edit the tittle and the content of the duplicate post to make it like a new one.
Another way
But is there any other way?
I found a way to delete post which have a lot of votes but have zero replies.
Flag the duplicate post to make net_rshares less than 0
Then the delete link appeared again.
Now, delete the duplicate one, and make our blog more clean.
有时候不小心帖子就发重了,当然也可能是因为”Transaction Broadcast Error” 这个BUG.
如果我们发现及时还没人点赞没人回复,就可以点击”delete”来删除帖子,但是如果有人点赞或者回复了, 这个”delete”链接就消失了。
This page is synchronized from the post: How to delete duplicate posts which made by carelessness / 如何删除不小心发重复的帖子