Just another witnesses list with some other functions

Just another witnesses list with some other functions

We may have known that there are some witnesses list.For example:

(Image source: https://pixabay.com)

These lists are very informative and friendly, but do not provide me with additional functions I need.

For example, I need a reward estimation function to check how many STEEM I earn every day, and at the same time; I also want to know how long it has been since the last block time(last confirmed block age), In this way, I can roughly predict my next produce time.

In addition to the vote ranking, I also need an active(real) ranking because some witnesses are offline, or run the wrong hardfork version.
(witnesses list by @drakos already has the active ranking)

And It would be better if it has a function to check which witnesses we (or others) have supported.

So I wrote a witness list script containing the functions I needed above. The temporary URL of it: https://www.eztk.net/tools/my_witnesses.php.

It is some simple but I will continue to improve it, I hope it will help us select the right witnesses to promote the prosperity and development of steem.

Any suggestions are welcome.

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