一起来玩内部市场吧(二)!/ Market history APIs by example

一起来玩内部市场吧(二)!/ Market history APIs by example

昨天发了一篇文章,《一起来玩内部市场吧!/ Let’s play the internal market》




本篇文章介绍以下API / In this article, I’ll introduce the following APIs by example:

  • get_ticker()
  • get_volume()
  • get_order_book()
  • get_recent_trades()
  • get_trade_history()
  • get_market_history_buckets()
  • get_market_history()

They are located in market_history_api.hpp

API返回的结果是JSON 编码字符串,为了便于查看,我将其解码并格式化显示。
The return results are JSON encoded string, For convenience, I decode them and display them formatted.


API: market_ticker get_ticker() const;
说明: 获取市场报价信息
Returns the market ticker for the internal SBD:STEEM market

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_ticker", []], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:


API: market_volume get_volume() const;
说明: 最近24小时的时常交易量
Returns the market volume for the past 24 hours

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_volume", []], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:


API: order_book get_order_book( uint32_t limit = 500 ) const;
说明: 获取市场当前订单信息
Returns the current order book for the internal SBD:STEEM market.

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_order_book", [5]], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:


API: std::vector< market_trade > get_recent_trades( uint32_t limit = 1000 ) const;
说明: 获取内部市场最近成交信息
Returns the N most recent trades for the internal SBD:STEEM market.

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_recent_trades", [5]], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:


API: std::vector< market_trade > get_trade_history( time_point_sec start, time_point_sec end, uint32_t limit = 1000 ) const;
说明: 获取内部市场指定时间范围内的成交信息
Returns the trade history for the internal SBD:STEEM market.

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_trade_history", ["2016-08-01T00:00:00", "2016-08-05T00:00:00", 10]], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:


API: flat_set< uint32_t > get_market_history_buckets() const;
说明: 获取市场行情处理区间(15秒/分钟/5分钟/等)
Returns the bucket seconds being tracked by the plugin.

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_market_history_buckets", []], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:


API: std::vector< bucket_object > get_market_history( uint32_t bucket_seconds, time_point_sec start, time_point_sec end ) const;
说明: 获取内部市场历史信息
Returns the market history for the internal SBD:STEEM market.

调用示例 /Example:
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": ["market_history_api", "get_market_history", [86400, "2016-08-01T00:00:00", "2016-08-05T00:00:00"]], "id": 1}' https://steemd.steemit.com

返回信息 / Return:

之前相关文章 / Previous articles

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