Unlimited content editing (past seven days) / 编辑7天以上的帖子

Unlimited content editing (past seven days) / 编辑7天以上的帖子

前些天 @steemitblog 发布了一篇文章,里边提及了steem新版本(19.10),将支持编译7天以上的老文章。相关内容如下:

The release will include a change to allow unlimited content editing (beyond seven days)!

Once the 19.10 release is deployed to production nodes (by the witnesses and RPC node operators), the blockchain will allow changes past the seven-day threshold. After that, it will be up to individual UIs to support unlimited content (or not).

Steemit has already created pull request 2826 to update condenser to allow unlimited content editing, which will be deployed to steemit.com after a sufficient number of witnesses have updated.

(图源 :pixabay)



  • 允许用户编辑帖子
  • 用户编辑帖子

允许用户编辑帖子是通过custom json实现的:




另外,需要注意的是,由于TOP 20见证人仅仅有三人升级到19.10了,所以进行这项操作,成功的概率是大概有七分之一吧(我瞎猜的,没考据过),想必STEEMIT.COM界面上老帖不加编辑功能也是这个因素,毕竟辛苦编辑了半天,提交上去之后,发现只有1/7的概率成功,这想必是很恼人的吧。


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