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在Steemit的写作计划 | My Writing Plan on Steemit




伊萨克·阿西莫夫(最伟大的科幻作家之一)说过:“学会一门学科或者学问最好的策略,就是写一本相关的书” (阿西莫夫的一生的著作超过500本)。

Foundation Series


  1. 《技术哲学简史》:在人类社会中,技术的出现远早于科学精神;这本集子想讨论一下技术的发展史、技术和科学的关系,技术哲学的研究和未来的发展方向等。
  2. 《黑客往事》:这里的黑客(Hacker)是指那些有创造性的人类。希望梳理在计算机科学、现代信息技术、人工智能等领域中的关键节点们,包括理论、工程实践、商业、社会、哲学等领域有重要贡献的黑客们的故事。
  3. 《观非常人,行非常事》:旨在介绍那些我们在历史中听闻过但或许没有审视过的“非常人”,主要还是以中国的历史脉络为主。如玄奘、王安石、李鸿章、梁启超等。
  4. 《未来教育学》:给家长们阅读的一些文集,希望可以讨论现代和未来教育学方面的一些变化,对“学问思辨行”的影响。以及如何真正面向历史、现在和未来,与这个世界的孩子们一起成长。
  5. 《现代创业思想》:希望介绍现代创业者,在思想和实践方面值得大多数人在工作和生活中学习的方面,结合大家了解或者不了解的一些创业者的历史来说。
  6. 《中国社会变迁》:对社会进行解剖学研究和模式识别,从系统的角度给社会建模,从宏观与细微处理解社会这个复杂网络系统的各个层面。
  7. 《智能简史》:希望从生物和机械的智能的形成与演化,人类的智能的缺陷与发展等等,描述智能在宇宙中的进化过程,以及可能的发展方向。


最后,很高兴到Steem来写作,希望在这里结识更多海内外的朋友。如果有值得阅读的Steem专栏,还请各位朋友推荐!至于说基于区块链的内容激励系统等区块链技术和应用,我也有一些研究和想法,希望能在Steem向更多人学习 :)

As a newbie in Steemit, I know very little about the rules and tricks in the system, but I’m happy to join you here with this writing.

This is my first article actually, which aims to set my writing objectives in Steemit, and it may serve as a preface for a series of articles.

I agree that one of the purposes of life is to seek “enlightenment” (as mentioned by the Chinese philosopher Feng Youlan in his book [A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy] (https://book.douban.com/subject/1021273/), and the process of “enlightenment” includes learning , questioning, thinking, discerning, actioning, etc., through the interaction with the universe and the human world to realize the goal of pursuit of Taoism. Correspondingly, my writing topics are mainly in the following areas: philosophy, social reality, technology, entrepreneurship, academics, work, family. Via my writing, I hope I can observe more about the world, provide insights to those who need them, boost self-growth and learning, and help the world’s civilization to be more excellent.

Isaac Asimov (one of the greatest science fiction writers) said: “The best strategy for learning a subject is to write a related book”. (He wrote 500+ books in his life.)
Foundation Series

I think it’s a good approach to solve an important problem for myself or others by writing a book. It is a valuable and meaningful life practice. The following are some of the “books” that I think I’m interested to write. Gu Yanwu (a Chinese thinker in Ming and Qing Dynasty) said: “Beginning with interest, ending with perseverance,” I hope that I have strong enough aspirations and strengths to reach my objectives with intrinsic and foreign motivations and energies.

  1. “A Brief History of Philosophy of Technology”: In human society, technology emerges much earlier than the spirit of science; this collection wants to discuss the history of technology development, the relationship between technology and science, the study of technological philosophy and future development direction, etc.
  2. “The Stories of Hackers”: Hacker here refers to those who are creative and invent a lot of great stuff to our society. I hope to sort out the key nodes in the fields of computer science, modern information technology, artificial intelligence, etc., including the stories of hackers who have made important contributions in the fields of theory, engineering, business, society, and philosophy in the computer and internet age.
  3. “Great People and Great Adventures”: To introduce those “extraordinary people” that we have heard in history but may not have learnt about them closely, which are mainly based on the historical context of China. The people include Xuan Zang (玄奘), Wang Anshi (王安石), Li Hongzhang (李鸿章), Liang Qichao (梁启超) and so on.
  4. “Education in the Future”: Some collections for parents to read, hoping to discuss some of the changes in modern and future pedagogy, and its impact on “learn, think and action”, and how to truly help the world’s children grow via modern understanding about history, present and future.
  5. “Modern Entrepreneurship Mindset”: I hope to introduce modern entrepreneurs, in terms of thinking and practice, worthy of the majority of people studying in work and life, combined with the history of some entrepreneurs who the public already know or not .
  6. “The Evolution of Chinese Society”: Anatomy and pattern recognition of society, modeling society from a system perspective, and analyzing the various aspects of society as a complex network system from macro and subtle processing.
  7. “A Brief History of Intelligence”: I hope to describe the evolutionary process of intelligence in the universe and the possible development direction from the formation and evolution of biological and mechanical intelligence, and the defects and development of human intelligence.

There are some other topics of interest, but it is already extremely difficult to write one or two of these above “books”. I hope that what I want to write can be beneficial to readers.

Finally, I am very happy to write blogs in the Steemit community and hope I can make a lot of friends here. For those Steemit author or column worth reading, please recommend to me kindly, my friends! As for the blockchain technology and applications such as the blockchain-based content incentive system, I also have very strong interest and some ideas, and I hope I can learn from everyone in Steemit :)

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The Road Not Taken


The Road Not Taken


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

This page is synchronized from the post: The Road Not Taken

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