【新手币 NBC公告 - 2019年6月4日】有关新手币 NBC 分红条款变更/The Terms Change of NBC Daily Dividends

【新手币 NBC公告 - 2019年6月4日】有关新手币 NBC 分红条款变更/The Terms Change of NBC Daily Dividends

新手币NBC 刚刚发行了两个月, @team-cn 总结了经验及观察NBC 的每日分红运作后,发现很多新手币持有者的户口已经半经营状态,甚至已有一段长时间没再参与Steem 社区。 @team-cn 希望让积极参与 Steem社区的 NBC 持币者获得更大的益处。避免每日分红奖励被长时间没参与 Steem 社区的帐号摊薄,故此有以下变更:

  1. NBC 每日分红只会发放给「持有新手币 NBC,并且于 Steem-Engine内锁仓 (Stake) 的持币者」;

  2. NBC 持币者若想取消锁仓 (Unstake),取消时期为4星期,每星期解锁 1/4的锁仓NBC;

  3. NBC 持币者的每日发帖点赞比例,为手持 NBC 并加上 锁仓 (Stake) NBC 的总数。

此项更改,希望达至鼓励创作及推动博主积极参与 Steem 社区为目的。

备注: 三位新手村创办人 @ericet @honoru @softmetal和@team-cn的帐号,仍旧不会获得 NBC 新手币分红。



It has been two months since the issue of the Newbies Coin (NBC). After a close observation of the function of the NBC daily dividends, @team-cn has noticed that many accounts that hold NBC are now in ‘semi-operation’ status. Some of them have not been engaged in the Steem community for a considerable long time. In order to avoid inactive NBC holders to share the daily dividend so that active NBC holders can receive more dividend, @team-cn makes the following announcement:

  1. Only accounts that hold NBC AND stake in Steem-Engine will receive NBC daily dividend.

  2. The unstake period is 4 weeks. Each week, 1/4 of the total staked amount is unstaked.

  3. The daily upvote ratio is calculated according to all the NBC amount (staked and unstaked) that the account has.

The aim of this change is to encourage more users to be engaged in the community.

P.S. @team-cn and its founders, @ericet @honoru and @softmetal, will not receive NBC daily dividend.

This change will be in effective on June 10, 12:00 a.m. Beijing time.

In order to continue receiving daily NBC divided after June 10, 2019, please stake immediately.

NBC 持有者/Holders:


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://cnstm.org/team-cn/2019/06/04/%e3%80%90%e6%96%b0%e6%89%8b%e5%b8%81-nbc%e5%85%ac%e5%91%8a-2019%e5%b9%b46%e6%9c%884%e6%97%a5%e3%80%91%e6%9c%89%e5%85%b3%e6%96%b0%e6%89%8b%e5%b8%81-nbc-%e5%88%86%e7%ba%a2%e6%9d%a1%e6%ac%be%e5%8f%98/

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