A correction prediction about ICON pump by Cindicator 押对了

A correction prediction about ICON pump by Cindicator 押对了

Three days ago, Cindicator presented some strong signals about ICOJ(ICX), which I have no idea what this projects is about despite of knowing it is one of the top 100 coins in coinmarketcap.com.


It predicted ICX will have a 40% gain before 21 April againt BTC with a probability of 81.54% which is a very high probability indicator.

It is quite rare that the Cindicator would provide such a syirng signal about crypto price prediction.


Let’s bet onto it again

I bought the ICX with remaining ETH fund right away, even though Cindicator failed me one time before about XLM prediction and have zero knowledge about ICX nonetheless(not advisable!).

Given ETH always have a strong correlation with BTC, I did not convert to BTC for this time.


Turns out to be a BINGO decision so far!

It went up from 0.00581 to 0.007721 ETH in just three days while all the other altcoins dipping, whooping 33% gain! Thanks to the koreans who started to pump the coin after ICX listing on Bithumb. I wasn’t aware of this before anyhow (again, dangerous move!)

This is just another test for Cindicator signal but I have to confess that sometimes I would just put my whole trust on the processed indicator boldly. Glad that it is a happy ending for me this time. Did you buy into this too, @fundurian?

这次 Cindicator 很罕见的又给出了强烈的信号,这次是关于 ICON(ICX) 的。信号说 ICX 有机会在接下来的一个月上升 46% ,而且发生的机会是高达 80%。

在对这只货币毫不知情的情况下我就入手了(非常不建议这么做),尽管上次 Cindicator 还预测错了一次

还好三天以来真的上涨了不少,目前为止最好有足足 33% 的涨幅。原来是因为 ICX 登上了韩国最大交易所 Bithumb ,韩国人疯狂炒卖所致,这些流言新闻我甚至之前都闻所未闻(再次强调不建议这样投机)。所幸这次终于押对了。不知 @fundurian 有没有买?

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