Busy.org is the best Steem site for two reasons

Busy.org is the best Steem site for two reasons


Busy has now become the main site for me to access Steem blockchain for a while. Literally, they almost have every feature to be more superior than its big brother, Steemit.com. Page layout, price indicator, vote value for each voter, so on and so on. The overall experience in Busy.org is so positive that when I wanted to show some interesting articles to my other non-steemer friends, I use the link from Busy.

However, all the abovementioned improvement in Busy are not enough to drag me away from the habit of doing most of my Steem stuff in Steemit.com. I can live without the nicer UI but below are the two killer reasons that I must visit Busy.org at least a few times a day.

I can now access the damn Notifications, natively, for free!

I am going to make a serious complaint about the big and first front-end site here, @steemit/steemit.com. Your system makes everyone mention others easily with @, really cool design for another way of communication to ping each other. But the ‘sending’ part is what you only have taken care of, while totally abandoning the ‘receiving’ end. User who is mentioned has no way to get to know that they are mentioned!!

Yes I’m aware of third-party app like SteemData will achieve that but isn’t that is too troublesome just to receive a simple notification? Some service like MinnowBoooster even makes the notification one of their Premium service for a fee!


A big hail to the @busy.org for nailing this fundamental feature that every social website should have delivered in the first place.


Finally I can access all the notification without going to other application, type in my username and search. We can now see everything includes:

  • Who has shared/resteemed your blog
  • Who has commented on your post
  • Who has sent money to you
  • Who has followed you

If God makes me decide only one Steem site can live, I would absolutely go for Busy.org just because of the notification.

Busy host image using IPFS

The text is forever stored on the Steem blockchain, but not our uploaded images. The only reason you can still view the 1-year old image of your old post is that the servers are still alive, and those image-hosting services are likely centralized. While the hyperlink in the post with format ![image.png](https://xxx.xxx....) stays true forever on the blockchain, the service it pointed at may be long gone after a decade. And the image portion of old post will forever stay blank, tragic.


In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, decentralization is key. We decided to switch to our own distributed image hosting solution. It aims to be an alternative to our previous image hosting which was centralized and costly (Cloudinary).

In short, IPFS makes all the upload image on Busy stored in multiple locations in chunks. Single point of failure is eliminated. Our images have never been more secured on Steem. Just in case if you are not aware, @dtube is using IPFS for the video storing as well.

If you are interested to know more this amazing technology, visit the Official IPFS site and maybe give it a read of the whitepaper.

Busy.org 已经变成了我日常必来的 Steem 网页,我们姑且不论它比大哥 steemit 其他优胜的地方(UI实在是好看好用太多),就说以下两点功能已经足以让我离不开它:

  • 终于有免费方便的 Notification 可看

终于可以一站式知道谁回复了,谁关注了,谁转发了,谁转钱了。作为社交网站这个最基本的功能居然由第三方的 Busy 搞定,Steemit 你惭不惭愧?

  • 上传的图片使用 IPFS 保存

低价,高效,去中心化的网络,图片若干年后丢失的可能性大大降低。dtube 也是使用 IPFS 保存视频哦。

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