Correct the swimming style, minnows | 小鱼之道

Correct the swimming style, minnows | 小鱼之道


I started as a minnow and think exactly as one

Coming from the post from @lukestokes, finally it gave me a real insight of the orca/whale how they going to use their SP in order to grow the Steem community.

Bought 3k Steem to make myself a minnow the first day, I know how hard it is to gain a bigger impact on this platform given who owns the larger SP often gets more of the attention. So the priority for my SP is always same as other classes of investment, ‘How can I not lose the money and make as much profit out of it as possible?”

Luke perfectly demonstrated how to make money using current system like voting bots, delegation or SP renting. Honestly, that is what I spent a big portion of my time studying. Which service to buy vote for best profitability? How to take advantage of Steem delayed feed_price and things like that. I have to admit these are made with a narrow perspective and I doubt that would help to improve our ecosystem in a big way.

Long-Term Rational Self-Interest

I’m always curious what motivate whales to delegate that much of SP to non-profit projects which often sums up more than what I have in my total effective SP. If that amount of SP was being rented away to voting bots like @minnowbooster or @smartsteem, the delegator would easily earn a truly passive income of a few thousand dollars every month.

As more as I familiarized with how the system is running, I know how we as the community can do to improve the overall quality and bring up the value of this place. Spam fighting, curating the deserving posts, encouraging newcomers to stay, supporting quality projects. In short, everything about eliminating the bad and promoting the good. I acknowledge and salute the whale’s effort in order to do things that would eventually benefit the community in the long run while constantly sacrificing theirs.

Minnows can contribute in another way


However, minnows following what the whales do will only bring negligible if not zero impact to the system. The analogy of whale and minnow exists for a reason here, the same roll over in the sea will be forming a huge wave for the former while merely a droplet for the later. Imagine a minnow delegating away all of his 100 SP to a project, technically it would help the project to be 100 SP stronger but it would play a bigger role if such amount of minor SP could be used in smaller scale such as:

  • Curate worthy content of new users so a dolphin or whale might discover it.
  • Not necessarily to downvote spam content because that would hurt the precious VP, at least not upvoting them.
  • In making a profit via bots, try to do it with sane service like @buildawhale which says no to bad content creators.
  • Self-voting is Okay, but try not to do it like there is no tomorrow. That SP will bring in better return investing in the socialization with others.
  • Make quality content. Not necessarily to be a Stem-savior type of content but at least should be something you would read it personally.

I think that would maximize every limited holding of effective holdings and bring more meaning to the owners. Minnow or whales, will eventually benefit by the better Steem environment.

拜读了 @lukestokes 关于 Steem 作者获利的文章,感触良多。无可否认,自掏腰包入手 Steem 加入这个大平台之后, 尽管不断对这系统深入研究,更多的焦点都是放在如何把自身的投资最大化上。比如如何买赞更划算,如何利用延迟化的喂价来获利等。 Luke 兄的见解说白了就是不要看重眼前的短暂利益,而是把目光放长远,想着如何把这里的环境素质提升进而让 STEEM 价格上升才是真正的社区长远获利方法。

然而,并不是所有大鲸做的都值得小鱼们效仿。就好像要是只有 100 SP 的小鱼,全部代理给有价值的项目是很好,但其实也无异于杯水车薪,更好发挥有限 SP 的方法还是有很多:

  • 多多发掘并点赞新人们的帖子,提高让大鱼看到的几率。
  • 看到垃圾帖不一定要去踩,毕竟会浪费珍贵的 VP,但起码不要去点赞助长歪风。。
  • 自我点赞是无可厚非,但起码不要太过,利用手上的 SP 来和其他人互动,获得的只有更多。
  • 买卖赞也是无可厚非,但起码选择有良知的平台,比如支持黑名单的 @buildawhale。
  • 不需要写超高素质的帖子,但起码不要制造垃圾。


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