Don't delegate all your SP away

Don't delegate all your SP away

From the post Best revenue of SP delegation, Minnowbooster or Smartsteem?, we’ve come to a conclusion that @smartsteem is a more competent platform for SP delegation.

I have a friend @seandeanayao who has invested a little in SP but he was too busy to be constantly active to make full use of his power. Dit not want his SP laying wasted in the account, I recommended him to delegate all his SP to @smartsteem. As he is not very familiar with all the hustle, I was the one who executed the delegation on his behalf.

I made a mistake by delegating ALL of his SP away

While he will be active in socializing with others on Steem, he does consistently making new post here. And this is what happened to him just now.

He completely ran out of bandwidth and could not post anything at all. While I delegated 256 SP out of his 257 SP, the effective 1.04 SP only grant him a couple kb of bandwidth, which of course will run out in no time.

I have to be honest that I never expect such thing would be happening. As I joined the platform with some SP invested already. My bad anyway.


  • Do not delegate all of your SP unless you do not want to participate in the blockchain at all(commenting or posting).

  • You don’t get back all the SP after undelegation immediately, it will take 7 days to cooldown in order to precent system abuse.

  • The best way to increase bandwidth? Buy some Steem and power it up, instant solution.

Please use my referral link to sign up Smartsteem if you found this article useful:

之前分享过 @smartsteem 在出租 SP 的收益上是鹤立鸡群的。我有个朋友 @seandeanayao 投资了一点 SP 但是由于太忙碌没能好好利用,所以我就建议他出租所有 SP 给 Smartsteem。这里犯了一个错误,那就是我真的帮他把所有 SP 都出租了。

然后当他偶尔想 post 东西时,就悲剧了。因为SP剧减宽带一下子就用完了,post 不到东西了。我还真的不曾考虑过这件事因为自己不曾遇过,当初参加时就已经买了好些 Steem 进来。


  • 千万不要把所有 SP 租出去,除非你完全不想在这里活动。
  • 遇到这样的情况也不要急着把 SP 收回来,因为那需要七天的冷却时间。
  • 最好的方法就是再加码买点 Steem,power up 了就立马可以post 啦!

如果想注册 Smartsteem 来出租 SP, 可以通过我的链接注册:

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