I'm making a $400 passive income out of $2300 investment

I'm making a $400 passive income out of $2300 investment

Disclaimer: This is not a clickbait

Half a year ago when I first boarding the on the Stem blockchain, I did not only dedicated most of my free time creating content on this amazing platform. But I also bought some Steem with around $2300 at the price of $1 by that time. Adding up all the SP and SBD I earned through the last 228 days by almost writing every day, my total SP is now at 3596.024.

This is of course just a negligible amount in the sea of Steem full of dolphins and whales. I used to think about it that way until I decided to look at how much I could earn if delegating all those SP away to some solid platforms like Smartsteem / @smartsteem.

Revenue Calculation

Without much troubles, Smartsteem provided a handy Revenue Calculation feature on their front page.

So I can roughly get a payout of 114 SBD every month with all my SP delegated to the platform. Math time again. Using current rate 1 SBD = $3.5, 114*3.5 = $400.

I could earn 400 USD every month while literally doing nothing at all now.

Let’s take it further

Back to my hometown in Melaka, fresh graduates starting pay is averaging about RM2000 per month. Not a really decent wages, but many of them just managed to survive anyhow.

While 400 USD equals to RM1558, I almost earn as much as those freshmen passively!

It is such a complicated mood while feeling sorry for the low pay that my fellow homie is making, easy revenue like this blew my mind away at the same time. Knowing the fact that we can actually cash out Steem or SDB make the whole thing even more real. I could really choose to resign my full-time job in Singapore and become half-retired in my hometown if I wanted.

Of course, I’m not retiring just for a $400 passive income

Nor I will delegate all SP away anytime soon as being totally powerless makes me feels like standing naked on the street. It is truly impressive to know that the initial investment of a $2300 and dedication in content creating could lead me to a pseudo-financial-freedom like this.

OK, I really have to stop thinking about how those whales could really live like a king, before the envious flame burn me down completely, haha!

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经过两百多天的努力和当初一笔价值 2300 美金的投资,我的有效 SP 终于来到 3596.024。这对各为大鱼面前来说简直不值一哂,我很多时候都是这样想的,那何不换个方法让自己开心点?

要是把这份 SP 完全租出去给类似 Smartsteem 的平台,会得到多少收入?答案是每个月约 114 SBD,换算成美金即是 $400。


拿我家乡马六甲来说,刚毕业出来的大学生们平均工资应该介于 2000 马币之间(很少,我懂)。而 $400 换成马币就是 RM1558,几乎都快赶上了他们的月收入。要知道,这可是什么都不用做的状态下的被动收入哦。

当然我是不打算完全把 SP 租出去的,那会让我感觉好像赤裸裸站在街上一般难受。但是换个角度一想,当初 $2300 的投资和大半年坚持写作的努力,居然隐约有可能让我回老乡进入半退休状态,还真的是不可思议。

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