Illustration #3 - Malcraft bot

Illustration #3 - Malcraft bot


This was said to be the main villain in the story. Four-legged, able to hover and carry spiky weapons. I’ve decided to draw the important bot with flexible structure so there are rooms to change or enhance it in the future. Things can always be improved right?

The background was left unpainted in order to present the object(Malcraft) with great contrast. Added a simple ground and shadow just to indicate the hovering status.

Read the chapter here: Asimov’s Ghost - Chapter 39 - The Reality Adjustment by @cryptogee

这次出场的据说就是书里的大魔王 Malcraft,有巨大的四肢,能走动和漂浮,充满尖锐的武器等等是他的标志。在画重要的器械人出厂时我都尽可能画得复杂且留有余地,不把造型弄得太死,为的就是为以后的改善留下空间。毕竟人都是在不断的进步的对吧?




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