Now you can add BTC and ETH addresses on your profile

Now you can add BTC and ETH addresses on your profile

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I discovered something interesting in the, that now you can add Bitcoin and Ethereum address to the profile!

Go to own profile page and click on Edit Profile, there are some new columns allows to fill in social sites like Facebook and Reddit, but I’m interested in the new cryptocurrency address fill-in option!



Fill in the addresses and Save. Active key will be needed to for SteemConnect to apply the changes. Hmm, I’m not aware that changing profile information will need to write in Steem blockchain.


After successfully submitted, take a look at steemd and yes, it is recorded on the blockchain right away.

And take a look at the profile, two new links for Bitcoin and Ethereum will be at the bottom of left panel. Clicking them will lead to the blockchain explorer respectively.

Now my readers can tips me Bitcoin, yay!


Is this feature useful? Actually I think not. For tipping purpose readers might just full vote the post, or even send Steem or SBD to the authors.

Bear in mind whatever you’ve provided here is directly written on the immutable blockchain. If you were to use the same address for something illegal like scamming or blackmailing, people could just reverse search the address and everything will link back to your Steem profile. And if you expose your real identity here…

Okay, things are not as bad if you are a good guy. After all, the only thing people can do with your addresses is sending tokens into it, right?

今天发现 有个好玩的地方,点开 Edit Profile 会发现除了可以加入 Facebook 和 Reddit 等社交媒体的链接,还可加入比特币和以太坊的地址!

经过一番操作,地址们就永远的被记录在区块链上。去自己的主页上可以看到地址出现了,这下读者们终于可以打赏 Bitcoin 和 Ethereum 给我了。开玩笑,有这时间还不如给我点 Steem 还是 SBD,毕竟还可省下一笔转账费,呵呵。


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