Dead Cells - Evening jam for the second Boss Cell!


Accumulated hours: 36 Hours.

Opening this game up is one of my most regretted things I did recently. Drained so much of my productivity time away. But it is truly ADDICTIVE!

My live stream is at DLive

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Gambling is a BAD idea, losing 0.3 ETH sucks.

Decided to try my luck in the FOMO3D quick where the hardcap of the game is only 5 min, a game designed truly to test how fear could play out.

The idea is, I’m not going to snipe he active pot to win over the large lump sum of ETH, but to buy some KEYs as early as possible when a new round starts. So that I can get use the cheapest cost to earn some dividend as long as the particular round is not ending.

Since the previous few rounds was ended around 50~70 ETH, I tried to join during 60s ICO period where all the keys are selling at the same price. Unfortunately I missed that and entered when the active pot was around 22 ETH. One key cost around 0.09 ETH and I bought 4 keys. The total cost is around 0.35 ETH and once the fund is sent, they are as good as gone. Now all I hold is 4 KEYs and hoping that round would last longer so that system could keep paying me dividend from those who buy the KEYs later than me.

Yes, I was fascinated by the game mechanism but hating the feeling of not able to control my earning at the same time.

The round ended at 30 something ETH in the pot

I did not particulary know the exact amount of total pot amount since the tool is not ready for this purpose yet. But the last time I saw the round was alive and the fund is at 30+ ETH 1 hour before I see the game has started a new round.

Damn, anyhow I just got back 0.05 ETH from the dividend and 0.3 ETH in a morning.

Should have put this fund into the P3D.

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Join Testnet. Earn free NOIA coins.

NOIA is another promising project which aims to be the backbone of the distributed internet. Their main selling points will be the Content delivery infrastructure layer, Middleware for optimisation, Bandwidth utilization and Open platform but I should link you to the official site if you wish to know more:

Get free NOIA coins by doing nothing

Yeah, there is some KYC and setup to do but after that all you do is just open the NOIA Client and let it run like it was never existed, because it only takes up a minimal storage(120MB max) and even the oldest laptop can run it without issue since it requires almost no resources.

1)Sign up on NOIA Testnet(referral link) and complete the KYC application. You will be approved almost instantly.

2)Go NOIA Network GitHub page download NOIA node client of your system and install it.

3)Configuration of NOIA node client :

  • Put the same ETH address as you put in the KYC application.
  • They said you must have the 7676 port opened. Here is the tricky part but truth is, you can leave it closed and still receive the airdrop. Don’t tell anyone this secret!
  • Let it run for at least 72 hours a week.


4)Check your reward here. The tokens is not released yet because this is just a Testnet. You will receive them after the ICO.


NOIA 是个挺有趣的新项目,正在筹备 ICO 。现在参与 Testnet 可以每个星期领取 200 NOIA 呢!好处是除了开始的 KYC 和 设置软件外,几乎就什么都不用做了。而且这软件非常绿色环保,几乎完全不占用电脑资源。

1)去 NOIA Testnet(推荐链接)登记和 KYC。应该立马就会被通过。
2)去 NOIA Network GitHub page 下载你的系统相应的 NOIA node client, 安装之。

  • ETH 地址必须放和 KYC 的一样。
  • Port 7676 可开可不开,一样可以领奖。
  • 一个星期起码让软件跑 72 小时。

4)可以在这里查看领到的奖励。记得币还没真正发送,因为 ICO 还没开始。

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Bitsnapp - The most comprehensive cryptocurrency portfolio tracker


A comprehensive cryptocurrency portfolio tracker, Bitsnapp

Started the day of diving in the crypto space, portfolio management is one of the biggest tasks I always try to tackle. Any seasoned or even new crypto investor will easily find their coins and tokens scattered on a wide distributed places like exchanges, personal wallets, mining pool, and so on.

I’ve attempted to make a one-stop solution to view my crypto portfolio at one glance but ended up having a few applications with different killer features where the others lack, I was so desperate that I even created a fully customized Excel sheet but none of these really matter anymore with the Bitsnapp.

Following will be an in-depth review of this application after some intensive usage for a week.

Breeze-like overview of all assets

The main page Assets is the all-in-one place to show all the crypto holdings by either wallets, exchanges API, Watch-only coins and so on. The top bar shows the total holding value in term of BTC or chosen default currency which is USD in my case. The page is clean with the Basic setting which mainly shows the coin names, changes in 24H, holding amount and equivalent value in BTC and fiat.

Awesome readability credits to the neat interface and sorting method that I often able grep all the information with just a few scrolls. The dark theme of the app is not yet adjustable but it works great with the white-colored font, enhanced the contrast to a just-right level. It leads me to think that the News section should use the same configuration for better readability, more on that later.

Scrolling and data refreshing is rather smooth and I’ve never experienced any laggy movement by far. If you would like to extract more data on the Assets page, simply switch to the Full view from the right panel where consolidates all the page controls such as collapse/expand listing, sync holdings, sorting and so on.

Many other portfolio apps I’ve been using does not provide simple feature like this and the dashboard could look like a disaster if you track more than 10 coins.

Strong wallet tracking ability

The second panel Wallet is mainly used for adding coins on the Assets page. Other than the normal New Entry feature which user can define any random entry on any coins, I see the Track Address as a surprise here.

Manually entering entries is going to be troublesome for active traders because they will have to alter the coins amount after every trading, obviously not a sustainable strategy unless for some buy-and-forget-coin. Track Address however, offers a really dynamic and flexible way to monitor flowing of coins by pinpointing the eye on the wallet address itself.

Oh, did I mention the killer feature here in the Track Address, the Smart Track feature? It was designed to auto check the tokens carried by platform coins like the Ethereum. Put in the ETH address and ticking the Smart Track would enable the apps to track all ERC-20 tokens that tie to the main address. A very handy function that I’ve never seen in any portfolio manager app before!

Looking at the Charts(gif at your right side) for an immediate snap at portfolio assignment as a whole 100%. This statistic would be crucial for those traders who practice portfolio rebalancing tactic which realigning the weightings of different assets to a preset threshold. The Charts will easily be showing the which coin worth the most in the portfolio and which worth the least. A better understanding of portfolio is fundamental to success in the overwhelming crypto space.

I personally track all my coins in Bitsnapp by tracking the address plus adding exchange API(from Binance and Kucoin). No more editing the entries manually for every transaction instead I just have to hit the refresh button every time I want to know the latest information of holdings.

The only drawback is, while Bitsnapp is supporting almost 2000 cryptos, the Track Address is supporting only about 50 coins. This could only be countered by adding the coins manually in the New Entry. Hope the team would work more on this by adding more platform coins. Nonetheless, Track Address still comes in really handy as it covered all the major players in the market.

Hit the addictive News section only if you are free


There is no other space with a faster pace than the crypto. With the News section, one can easily catch up with all the important information from famous sources like CoinTelegraph, CoinDesk and several famous subreddit pages. The first sight at the Sources page annoyed me a little bit because it was all hard-coded and do not allow users to add their favourite sources. Those pre-defined selection will hardly meet my news reading requirements.

But I was wrong.

The algorithm of picking up news from the defined sources is smart enough to fill the page up with interesting and eye-catching titles. On the first visit I was unknowingly surfing the news for 1 hour(I’m a crypto freak), definitely a potential time killer feature I would say. Try to open this section up when you are not in a busy schedule is the only advice I might suggest.

Lastly, the font color is my only complaint as mentioned before. I have hard times to skim through the dark-green font news title from the black background sometimes. It would be great if the white-color font can get in and enhance the readability like how it looks in the Assets page.


I simply could not ask for more features from a crypto portfolio application like Bitsnapp. The fact is, I chose to ignore a lot of other useful features which you might have to see across multiple of different apps. Such as the Fingerprint and custom PIN app lock, Real-time market data and historical charts, Alert system, just to name a few.

This review focused on the killer features that I found interesting and deserve more highlight, but all the minor complementary features are what making this app so comprehensive and user-friendly.

If you are suffering from scattered information and looking for a do-it-all-in-one-place crypto portfolio tracker, look no further.


More information

Official website:
Google Play Store:


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Watching someone exit scamming is kinda fun.

Watching the new FOMO3D Quick going on live now. This is the 8th or 9th round I’m not sure but from the accumulated ammount of ETH we can clearly tell that the passion has been stabilized now compared to the 1st round whooping 7000 ETH within a few minutes!

But yeah 50 ETH is still a hansome amount. I hold some P3D which but have not take part in the FOMO game, maybe I should for the next round. Best thing holding P3D is that I somehow will be paid in term of bonus dividend when the FOMO3D game has ended every round.

If you are interested in the new game you can read it more here:

正在这寂静的夜里看着这不知道是第几轮的 FOMO3D Quick,挺有趣的。比起第一轮短短几分钟就累计的 7000 ETH,最近这几轮的累计数目看起来就不那么惊心动魄了,但是 50 ETH 也还是不小的数目。我本身还不曾接触这个游戏,很多人入场买 Key(此游戏的货币) 其实也不是为了做最后的胜利者吸干奖励池,而是赚取别人买进 Key 的手续费,相比大奖可是现实得多。

我持有的是这个游戏公司的母币 P3D,好处就是可以从子游戏比如这个 FOMO3D quick 还有还再进行中的 FOMO3D Long 抽取手续费。可是很不错呢!

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Bag Holders, to be or not to be?

What is Bag Holders?

A “bag holder” is an informal term used to describe an investor who holds a position in a cryptocurrency which decreases in value until it is worthless. In most cases, the bag holder will hold the position for an extended period during which most of the investment is lost. If one fanatically hodls cryptocurrency, especially shitcoins, they risk becoming a bag holder.

This term could be applied in other financial assets as well but it fits better to crypto to me. Imagine a poor guy holding a bag full of Bitcoins from from the All-time-high $20k to zero in the house, damn that hurts! Alright ignore my lame joke, the probability for that to happen might be slimmer than someone accidentally send over 1000 BTC to my address.

Quick reflection as a Hodler

My phisolophy as a crypto investor is always “Go big or go home” which easily expose me to a very high risk of becoming a bag holder. The truth is, before making any investment the first question to ask myself was always “What if this shit goes to zero one day?” If the answer was selling to cut loss, I’d probably not taking the dive.

Looking at my portfolio, the worst investment was the AMLT and NVST coin which came from ICO investment. The former was following a trading signal and the latter was even funnier, I saw that ICO advertisement on the Coinmarketcap and thinking to join the ICO for the first time was kinda cool. I had no chance to become a bag holder for these two coins as there are worthing shit since launching.

I have half of the holdings in red number now, gotta hodl as usual. Let’s hope I’m not going to become a bag holder anytime soon.

Bag Holder 我不知道在中文的翻译是什么,不过意思就是某个人持有特定的资产,一直贬值直到为零都不曾放手。同样的道理也可以运用在加密货币身上。看到这个有趣的经济词汇,对身为 Hodler 的我有点当头棒喝的意思。这些年来我手上价值变零的币应该只有两个,就是该死的 AMLT 和 NVST。都是从 ICO 买回来的,严格上来说我还不能算是 Bag Holder, 因为它们一推出价值就是几乎为零了。唉,说起来都心酸。看着手上还持有的币币们,希望不会它们不会有天真的让我成为 Bag Holder 吧.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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