SteemDice - Play dice game with Steem/SBD


Play dice game with Steem/SBD



Hunter’s comment


The Steemdice is a simple gambling game that utilizing STEEM’s blazing fast transaction time that I see the potential for it to become a really great gambling chip.

Steemdice is simple as 123:

  • Login with the Steem account with active key permission
  • Place the Bet Amount either in STEEM or SBD.
  • Set the Win Chance from 1 to 99.
  • Roll the Dice!

For example, you set Win Chance by 70 and roll the dice. Within a few second the Steemdice algorithm will get you a random number from 1 to 99 as well. If the generated number smaller than 70, you win, otherwise you lose. Told you it is dead simple right?

Things to take note

  • Steemdice is taking 2% from winning bet as house edge.
  • Gambling can be addictive, play with the amount you can afford to lose. Text @pharesim for blacklisting your account for better self-control.
  • The game code is open-source which you can view here if you are feeling suspicious(I love open-souce stuff!).

We use STEEM and SBD every day but sometimes it is easy to forget how powerful this lovely cryptocurrency can be. Zero fees, 3 seconds transaction time with a huge community, Steemdice is the simplest yet efficient application I’ve ever used to take full advantage of those wonderful characteristics.

As long as one does not overdo it, a couple of nice dice games using STEEM/SBD is always welcome!


Hunter: @fr3eze
Makers and Contributors:

  • @pharesim (10% beneficiary of this article)

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Please crash more, dear Steem.


After a century of rocketing(time concept is diferrent in the crypto world), SBD finally decided to take a break and land back on Earth. It restored to the USD pegging price of 1 Dollar.

Like many others, I converted some of my STEEM to SBD during SBD price was down to $5~6 which was low at that time, hoping one day it could moon again and I would earn some free STEEM.

And it is $1 now.

So I hope STEEM can continue to go down, maybe below $1 and by that time I definitely will convert all the SBD to Steem again. Yes, sounds like a plan.

I’m hoping Steem to crash further, am I gone crazy?

今天一切都打回原样咯,SBD 经过漫长疯狂飙车,今天终于再度尘埃落定,去加油站歇歇了。记得几个月前我还在 SBD $6 左右的低峰用 STEEM 换了一点,期待某天它再上高峰时可以小赚一笔。


所可以期待的就是希望 STEEM 持续下跌,最好跌破 $1 那我立马就会把所有 SBD 买入 STEEM 了。对,就是这么办。

在这么低迷的市场,我居然还要 Steem 跌下去,希望不是傻了吧。

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Bitwarden - Safest, easiest, and free password manager


Safest, easiest, and free password manager



Hunter’s comment

I was a seasoned Lastpass user for years and I ditched it and go for Bitwarden for so many obvious reasons. Bitwarden has the best combination of ease and safety amongst all the competitors including 1Password, Dashlane, LastPass and even the Keepass!

It is Easiest


  • Bitwarden is cross-platfrom. From the desktop Windows, Linux, macOS to the mobile Android, and IOS, user can access to the date from literally anywhere, on any devices!
  • It integrated with all the mainstream web browsers, from Google Chrome to the newest Brave. Now tell me how one cannot access to the data?
  • Unlimited storage of items in the vault.
  • Support credentials like login, secure notes, credit cards, and identities.

It is Safest


  • All data is fully encrypted before it ever leaves the device with top-notch algorithms like salted hashing and PBKDF2 SHA-256.
  • Bitwarden itself would not be able to read your data.
  • Support 2FA and secure password generator

Don’t believe all the points above? You don’t have to. Because Bitwarden is 100% Open-Source!

This means everyone is free to review and audit inside out how exactly is Bitwarden running. If you don’t have the code reading ability, but still want to try the service while making sure everything is under control, you can. Since all the codes is available, you can choose to host the Bitwarden cloud yourself. By this way, no one but only you have all the access to the sentitive data.

It is Free

It’s really free, not a fake “fake trial free”.– from the official site

The quote is funny but true in every sense, I said this after living on Bitwarden service for a few months. Unlike the other password managers, the free plan actually give you everything with zero limitation that sometimes I doubt the need for premium plan if it was just for personal usage.

Easiest + Safest + Free, the recipe for the best password manager.


Hunter: @fr3eze

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Vornix - 搭建个人 Wordpress 网站的高速通道


Yo Stemians!

Vornix 试用版在前几日已经正式上线,目前运行良好,主要宗旨为提供 Steem 用户一个简单易用的 Wordpress 开通服务。中文圈中已经有数位朋友订阅并使用了我们的服务,这里会正式以中文篇幅再度介绍 Vornix 并附上近日来的最新情报。

致 平台上免费博客用户

你是使用免费版 的数千万名博主之一吗?系统定制化限制,铺天盖地的 WordPress 广告和缺少插件支持等等会让你感到沮丧吗?希望在自己的 WordPress 主页安装有更多的自主掌控吗?再者,除了卖广告,你有想过把博客内容同步到 Steem 区块链开创另一个收入渠道吗?

从今天开始,@vornix 将为你提供附带全面功能的 WordPress 网站搭建服务!

  • 完全控制你的 WordPress 博客

  • 安装你想要的任何模板(web template)

  • 安装你需要的插件

  • 放置谷歌广告,开始赚钱!

  • 如果你还没有Steem帐户,只需转到 并注册一个。

重点来了,致想要试用 WordPress 博客的Steemians

你是在steemit.com上发布的高质量内容创作者吗?呕心沥血创作的帖子是否达到了它们应得的关注?你一直想试试 WordPress 的博客却由于种种阻碍迟迟无法实现?你想在Steemit 七天付款期后继续通过你的内容获利吗?

Vornix 就是为此而生的。

通过使用我们免费的全功能 WordPress 搭建服务,你的高质量内容现在可以获得更大的曝光率(毕竟还是有很多人不知道 Steem 的存在)并吸引更多的读者。你的 WordPress 网站可以与Google广告一起安装,通过适当的搜索引擎优化,优秀内容内容将可以持续获利!

什么是 @steempress-io


Steempress 是由 @fredrikaa 和 @howo 构建和运营的 WordPress 插件,允许从任何WordPress博客自动发布到 Steem 区块链。 Steempress 的主要目标就是吸引世界各地的博客博主们同时把内容发布到 Steem 上,为他们开创了另一个内容变现的管道之余,同时为 Steem 打上了一个大大的广告!

作为不久前刚得到 一百万 SP delegation 的团队,@steempress-io正在努力使用 SteemPress 插件为 WordPress 发布发布到Steem区块链的内容,进一步扩张 Steem区块链的影响力。

有关 Steempress 的更多信息,请参阅@ steempress-io 的这些帖子:


@vornix 是一项旨在最大程度便利化的通过 Wordpress 托管计划来支持 Steempress 的服务。现有的 Steem 用户可以利用 Vornix 创建专属的个人 Wordpress博客网站,并使用 Steempress 插件直接把新帖子发布到 Steem 区块链上,同时获得 @steempress-io 团队的点赞(有可能但是不保证)。

为何选择使用 Vornix ?

  • 全面化的 Wordpress,户口创建后可与 Steempress 插件无缝兼容。

  • 不需要知道复杂的服务器,VPS 或控制面板知识,简单的操作即可获得完整的 WordPress 个人网站。

  • 不需要高昂的 商业配套(只有这个最高配套才可使用插件,一年 420 美刀)。

  • 完整的管理员权限。用户可以选择他们自己的主题设计,模板,甚至可以植入 Google 广告以持续获利。

  • SEO 搜索引擎优化和免费 SSL 证书。

  • 用户的资料和安全保密将会作为首要目标被最大程度的保护。


从自己的 Steem 钱包里发送任意数量的 Steem/SBD 到 @vornix,在 memo 里备注WordPress,我们将在 24 小时内创建专属你的 WordPress 网站。 URL 和登录凭证(用户名和密码)将以加密 memo 的形式发送给你,登入修改密码后就可以正式起飞啦!



  • 非常重视内容抄袭等低素质操作。我们将与 @steempress-io 和 @steemcleaners 密切合作并监督,任何发现滥用我们服务的用户都将被处理,包括暂停或终止 WordPress 个人网站。

  • 不保证任何点赞。所有来自 @steempress-io 的点赞完全取决于他们自身团队的审美和判断标准。

  • 使用 的子域名。例如,如果用户的名字是 @lovesteem,其 Wordpress 网站将是。

  • 目前不接受客制化子域名,未来的收费服务会支持这一需求。

  • 尽最大努力确保你的 WordPress 数据安全,安全和保密

  • 目前不隶属于@steempress-io 或 Steempress 插件。


  • @jrvacation - 资深 web hosting 专家

  • @fr3eze - 加密货币爱好者,宣传人员

  • @seandeanayao - 后台技术人员

我们在 Steempress 的官方 Discord 伺服里拥有了自身的专属频道: 有任何疑问都欢迎上来向我们提问和讨论。

通过 Vornix 一键式拥有个人网站和迎接 Steempress 的怀抱,你准备好了吗?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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Ribcage - Modify GoPro to a true monster


Modify GoPro to a true monster



Hunter’s comment


Unleash the true monster within the little camera

Back-bone is company that offers a modding solution to action cameras and aims to unleash the true power of leading sport camera like GoPro.

By using the mod-kit with C-mount, every GoPro owner can now take full advantage of the top-notch specs and quality of the camera.

  • Fixing the viewing distortion problem with stock lens
  • Add shooting feature that stock action camera cannot offer like the bokeh effect and zooming ability.
  • Interchange any lens to suit the shooting requirement, from 360° fisheye lens, macro lens, to any of your favourite SLR lens.
  • Night shot? No problem, you can now shoot Infra-Red, even NIR and NDVI.

Second, but greater life for an old gadget

More importantly, Ribcage gives the option to re-purpose the old action camera that might be outdated over time. Instead of chasing the never-ending technology innovation of new action camera, why not modify the existing one with a cheaper price yet to enjoy the process of granting second life to the once-favourited gadget?

Other than GoPro, Ribcage also supports famous action cameras like Sony RX0, and YI 4k/4k+.

You can now create professional and high-res cinematic footage, for less money!


Hunter: @fr3eze

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SuperStraps - Makes all backpacks instantly lighter


Makes all backpacks instantly lighter



Hunter’s comment


The pain of common backpacks

A common problem of ordinary backpack is the poor ergonomics because most of them are designed on other priority. How many times do you suffer the shoulder and neck pain by carrying the nice-looking and highly functional backpack? I own a backpack with the design that suits my needs perfectly but the biggest drawback is that was not designed for the best ergonomic experience. I could not take a long walk with it if the bag is considerably loaded.

The SuperStraps is the perfect solution





This lovely minimalist gadget simply just does one thing, hoists the weight of your backpack closer to the spine. And by doing so:

  • Your backpack will instantly feels much lighter because the external weight is not pulling your upper body behind unnecessarily.
  • Kiss goodbye to shoulder, back and neck pain after a long hour of ergonomic carry.
  • Walk with great posture even with a heavy bag sounds like a dream, but it is now a reality.

Beside of all the goodies, SuperStraps comes with no drawbacks at all:

  • Minimal design and leave hidden behind the straps, so it does not bother the overall beauty of backpack at all.
  • The padding system is ultra cushy that might be more comfortable and friendly to the shoulder compared to original straps.
  • The pully system can be activated/deactivated easily without help from others. It claims to be as simple as zipping pants.
  • Ultra universality that fit all kind of backpack.

The best part is, you can still keep your favourite backpack while improving the comfort enormously!


Hunter: @fr3eze

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