4 facts about Vornix


While Steempress aims to provide a tunnel From Blog to Steem, Vornix is a value-added service for the other direction which is From Steem to Blog. I wish to talk about a few facts to take note while using both services.

1. Do not take the vote from @steempress-io for granted

The fact is, the demand for utilizing the Steempress plugin on WordPress surged dramatically for one reason – @steempress-io received 1M SP delegation and the team aim support the content posted via Steempress plugin.

But that is no way a promise nor a guarantee to secure a vote from the team in which they summed it well as follows :

You don’t expect a tip, but you are happy when you get one. – Source

However, if you are creating quality content and going through proper process(by using @vornix for instance) in utilising the Steempress plugin, getting an appreciation token from the team is likely.

2. Steempress takes 15% benefactor reward

If you are trying to hunt votes from @steempress-io even with the free help from Vornix, this may not be the best motivation of utilizing the platform. While Vornix still is a comoletely free service own your WP site, 15% of your post payout will be taken by the team with or without their votes. And if you think that a vote is guaranteed via the Steempress plugin, stop and refer to the Point 1.

Instead of being defensive on the benefactor reward, why don’t taking that as a way to support @steempress-io? That would works the same way as directly tipping or delegate SP to the team. Their effort of bringing in more talented bloggers into Steem deserves it undoubtedly.

3. Post on WordPress first instead of Steemit

This soinds like obvious but believe me, many who first started blogging on Steem and don’t own a blog beforehand will not realise this fact. I’m one of them.

It is especially a habitual change that must be adapted for existing Steemians. Every post from now on have to be posted first on your WordPress site `[username].vornix.blog’ and the Steempress plugin should take care of the publishing on Steem.

It can be hard at first to adapt but the process will get much smoother as time goes by.

4. Vornix is unfriendly to abusers

Currently Vornix is working with dead simple methodology, user send in any amount with a memo and an free WordPress subdomain will be created. But we observed this generous service starting to show signs of being abused by shit posters with obvious intention of vote-hunting.

Some preventive measurements like account screening and paid plans is under sketching and soon will be released. Vornix is one of the best gateways to access the Steempress plugin and we have zero tolerance towards spammers.

About the Vornix team

  • @jrvacation - the web-hosting guy

  • @fr3eze - the crypto guy

  • @seandeanayao - the technical guy

Vornix is now having a community channel in the Official SteemPress Discord server which you can find in: https://discord.gg/uBnsBFN

Do not hesitate to join the channel for any inquiries about our service and you are welcome just to come and say hi!

Check out @vornix and the introduction post if you have not already.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/4-facts-about-vornix/

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Illustration #7 - Strange forest


This is almost like a doodling of an artwork which looks like literally in line with its name, Strange Forest. I love reading the exact stories of what I’m illustrating for because that is always a great source of finding new and obvious inspiration when there is no specific instruction from the very author @cryptogee himself.

I have not been doodling for a long time and this piece definitely can relate so much of the doodling joy in the process. Doodling are practically drawing something without any plan ahead, the pens just move and dance on the paper with free will. Only that I have a basic vision what the final product should look like. After all the free lining, toning with markers will be a much more conscious process because that will be so vital in creating the atmosphere to suit the original story.

Read the chapter here: Asimov’s Ghost - Chapter 61 - Reality Dysfunction by @cryptogee

  • Draw with: Black Pen, Copic markers

  • On top of: Hahnemühle The Grey Book

  • Duration: 1 hour

这次的画风非常的 Doodling,也就是所谓的涂鸦风。许久没涂鸦了,在这过程中仿佛找回了涂鸦时独有的自在。很多人不知道,其实涂鸦真正的价值不在于最后的成品,而是画者在创作的过程中所能享受到的轻快和无拘无束,是别的画风很难有的。一支笔尖,在纸上自由自在的舞动跳跃,不需要计划得太多,画到哪里即是哪里,笔尖带领脑袋,这就是涂鸦的最大魅力所在。



Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/illustration-7-strange-forest/

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My first dedicated graphic card -- GTX 1080!


My desktop rig is finally comes to its perfection after acquiring the final puzzle piece, the GPU – EVGA GTX 1080 Superclocked.

The rig was build one year ago aim to be a powerful performance work and play station for productive and entertainment purpose. Due to the spiked demand for GPU fpr mining, the price was jacked up so high that a value-based consumer like myself could not afford to accept.

Although the mining frenzy is much chilled than before and the price of GPU seems to drop back to normal level. It is still not really a good timing to get one considering the GTX 10 Series is almost a 2-year old product. I bought it for two reasons:

  • Despite for the productive/gaming usage, I could use it to mine some new coins during idle time which the timing could be crucial. The earlier you start mining the mlre coins you can get for those new POW coins with ultra low difficulty.

  • I have growing needs for a powerful GPU.

Here is some of the unboxing process for my new and expensive toy:


The cards qas book via Amazon Prime Now in SG. This is my first order and they really able to ship within 2 hours and this alone would outperform all the competitors here in SG as they normally take days to deliver. The price was 755 SGD which is much lower than current market price.


Wow, finally get to hold my own dedicated GPU after all these year as a PC lover. It was unrealistic and unaffordable for me for a long while til this moment.


I was expecting a very bulky packahing but it seems like the manufacturers has slimed down a lot on the packing while not sacrificing the protection quality. This simple plastic case is sufficient in handling mild violent situation.


A handsome and solid card. This is a GTX 1080 chip with two open structure fans and ball bearing which is an important mechanism in ensuring a long life operation. The mechanical design looks so sexy with all the detail parts.


The view of backplate. Not every GPU comes with one but the EVGA 1080 SC is here with a sexy one. The cold and solid feeling of the aluminum backplate feel liks almost a guarantee of great cooling ability to me.


Plug it in on the motherboard, the design blend in quite well with my low profile and non-flashy rig. No RGB and fancy lighting, just consistent extra juice from this lovely eanormous card whihc took up 2 PCIE slot and 12-pin power connector.

Absolutely feeling lovey knowing I have a rig able to handle whatever whatever task I throw at it. Video editing, mining, gaming, and more to explore! What do you think about this GPU?

忍了一年,终于在上个礼拜忍不住出手买了独立显卡,也就是 EVGA GTX 1080 Superclocked。会在这个实在不算好的时机入手,除了对显卡的需求越来越高,另一个原因就是可以在空闲时候挖一挖矿。所挖的矿都是最新的币,所以越早挖成本越低,以后爆发的话收益越高。还有另外一个原因就是日益稳定的价格,这张卡花了 755 新币,比市场价低廉很多了。

作为电脑爱好者二十多年,这次终于第一次拥有了自己的独立显卡,还要是顶端的 GTX 10 系列,实在是有点激动不已。以后什么吃鸡挖矿剪辑4K视频,统统放马过来!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/my-first-dedicated-graphic-card-gtx-1080/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘My first dedicated graphic card – GTX 1080!’

SmartCash#8 - Smartreward is good, but it can be great!


Are there any ways to move out SMART without giving up the Smartrewards?

Smartreward is a cool way to award holder of Smartcash and it is one of the big reasons I took dive into running my Smartnode. It encourages investor to hold on SMART coin by awarding more coins if the address with at least 1000 SMART doesn’t have any withdrawal record in last 30 days.

This can be a double sword in my opinion. Especially with the current the rewarding mechanism.

Smartreward can be more flexible


Let say I’m running a Smartnode with 10k SMART in it. Over months I will have around 20k after adding in all the node reward and Smartreward. How can I move out the 10k for another new node without wiping the rewards from the remaining untouched 10k pool?

No way, as of now. It is either you keep the extra coins on the same address and wasting its potential earning power. Or you sacrifice one-month worth reward, withdraw the excess coin for better use.

It definitely spells as a big flaw to me, while I absolutely agree that removing coins from an address should void the reward to discourage devilish PnD activity, such mechanism can be further improved by either:

1) Adding grace period for fund management
2) Allowing redirection of incoming reward to a specific address
3) Instead of taking a snapshot at a specific moment, maybe consider taking snapshot of the average balance of address for last 30 days cycle?
4) Making 1000 SMART as a unit. If user moving in and out 500 SMART and the Smartreward for the first 1000 SMART will be voided, while the remaining coins on the same address remain safe.

Either one of above-mentioned suggestion could make our Smartcash smarter. There could be more ways of course and I believe there are more bright-minded in our community to make this mechanism better.

Liquidity is key for a cash


With the downside of losing whole SmartReward, people will be reluctant to move out the ‘extra SMART’ which could be used in setting up a new node. So the network is at constant risk of losing potential new node which can further enhance our network security.

Furthermore, for someone who has a handsome amount of SMART which entitles for considerable reward especially Smartnode owners, we share all the same feeling that we make sure to think thrice before moving out and fund even for a dime.

This would eventually contribute to a culture that everyone would prefer to hold their Smartcash instead of utilizing it the way it was designed for, a smart currency.


I had this discussion with one of the community members in Telegram and he made a good point saying that a lost reward shouldn’t be taken as a penalty. Well, it is indeed a penalty when the system takes away more than what user deserve to claim. Moving out 50 coins would void my reward for the rest of my 9950 coins, while I’m adding more liquidity to make the whole ecosystem more healthy?

Sound like almost a bad joke to me.

What do you think about the current Smartreward system? Do you think there is a better way to implement it?

This series is to record my SmartNode journey. This is very much a high risk experimental act and I’m prepared to lose all the fund invested. Do your own research as this is not a financial advice.

Official site: https://smartcash.cc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/scashofficial
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/BDUh8jr
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@smartcash or @smartcash

Related post:

SmartCash#1 - My first crypto node setup for a passive income
SmartCash#2 - Acquiring 10,000 SMART
SmartCash#3 - Setting up a wallet
SmartCash#4 - VPS service that accepting STEEM
SmartCash#5 - Start the SmartNode
SmartCash#6 - Smartbot and the weekly prizes
SmartCash#7 - Received the node reward for the first time after 23 days!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘SmartCash#8 - Smartreward is good, but it can be great!’

Removing my witness vote for the first time, this guy is disappointing. | 取消见证人票



Jerry was the first influencer I’ve come over when I first joined here one year ago. His style of making lengthy but very informative blog posts really attracted me so much and I must admit I learnt a few things from him.

When he said that he was all-in Steem by selling all of his stocks and altcoins which I still remember should be valued for about a total $60k when 1 STEEM was around $1, I was amazed seeing someone making a bold move like this. And for quite a long time(until now), I would say that was a kickass successful investment.

Apart from that, he showed the public how a digital nomad(yes I regard he as one) lives in real life and some of the tricks he is using for creating content. He admitted that his lengthy posts were the outcome of voice-to-text translation but I don’t mind reading them as long as they are the quality one.

He also used to run numerous of advertisement on FB and YouTube for the sake of Steem and that’s the biggest reason I gave him my witness vote when he is running the campaign.

And things slowly change

He stopped the advertising, producing content that doesn’t interest me it used to be, but that’s all okay as long as my chosen witness continue to contribute to the community, which is getting weaker every day as I can tell.

Jerry started to make farces here and there on the platform. From the ingenious Steem sign-up fee for $50 to the SteemFest 2.5 and hilarious JerryBanfieldCoin, I can’t name it all. You may move to the better documentation if you are interested, I personally had a good time reading it.

I had no admiration for this guy anymore

I tend to not opening up his post for informative stuff but to check out what jokes he has made recently. And that could be the only reason why I’m still following Jerry. He seems to exploit every possible chance to make money even out of the thin air. I admire such aggressiveness in chasing the almighty cash but at least do it in a sane manner.


Yes, you see it right, the cost to have a 1-on-1 calling session with this man is $810 per hour. I’m not sure if his time worth that much or I have something worth that much to share with him, but if you do, please feel free to drop a visit at:

Jerry’s desire for making money is abnormally strong for people like him, I don’t know him well he seems to like living a decent standard of life. He is smart and sometimes charming(controversial), that’s exactly why he could make it up to the top 20 witnesses and still is. At the same time, he is the most dramatic style(in a bad way) of a witness I’ve been seen and voted.

I don’t need a witness like that.

Jerry 是个非常具有戏剧性的的见证人之一,也是早期我最早认识的 Steem 网红之一。无可否认早期从他干货满满的文章里我确实学了不少东西,也颇享受阅读他的文章。可最近几个月发生的事情慢慢让我看清他的真面目了,总之就是无所不用其极的在赚钱。有兴趣的可以去这篇文章看看,把他所闹过的乌龙和闹剧都列出来了,有好些我是早已知道的。阅读完后碰巧有空就是顺手去取消投给他的见证人票了,他算是第一个我取消的见证人吧。


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/removing-my-witness-vote-for-the-first-time-this-guy-is-disappointing

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Removing my witness vote for the first time, this guy is disappointing. | 取消见证人票’

If you have a bad day, this might help a little.


The colour theme for the crypto folks these few days has been uhhh, RED. I’ve been in this space for almost a year but it already feels like a decade. My heart pumping rate used to be much higher when I encounter such a red sea of market, and it just getting calmer every other time.

Now I’m totally at peace looking at the sharp downhill of Bitcoin falling more than $1,000 in a night. Not that I sold it all but I’m still holding the same portfolio when BTC was still at its $20k peak. I’ve just been through too much of these bearish days.

Part of the reasons is that I’ve been too busy these few days exploring new opportunities in this interesting space like hosting masternodes, setting up the first mining rig, experimenting some applications on Steem and so on. I even stop to ask question like “Why market is crashing again today?” nor I will go to read some bullish article saying the crypto market would bounce very soon just to comfort my numb heart.

If you are still holding your coins like me and those are not all of your net worth while you have a really firm faith toward crypto’s future, you should not be panic as well.

Just in case you cannot stop feeling sad


Log in your Steem account in the Busy.org and navigate to the Wallet, 1 SBD worth $22 and my 4k SP + 550 SBD has an estimated account value of $20k! Wooohooo!

Go home Busy, you are drunk.

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